Bronson kickoff party draws 150 to La Mex


Over 150 people attended the volunteers-and-friends party to kick off the inauguration season for Anchorage Mayor-elect Dave Bronson. The event took place Monday evening at La Mex, which had closed its doors on Saturday night but reopened for the party on Monday.

Bronson hugged and thanked La Mex owner Trina Johnson (shown above) for being one of his first supporters after he announced that he would be running for mayor last summer, and he complimented her on her courage as a businesswoman during pandemic policies from the municipality that essentially drove her out of business, and for fighting City Hall on behalf of all restaurant owners in Anchorage.

Johnson, hosting the event on behalf of the Inauguration committee’s nonprofit, put out a Mexican-themed buffet, while D-J Corinthian Wiley, state director for Blexit, kept the music going, and people who had worked hard to get Bronson elected enjoyed dinner, fellowship and the sense of victory.

Among politicos attending were former Mayor Dan Sullivan, Rep. Kevin McCabe, Rep. Tom McKay, Rep. David Nelson, Sen. Mike Shower, Sen. Roger Holland, former Assemblywoman Amy Demboski, former Rep. Larry Baker, and a host of potential candidates for Assembly during the next campaign cycle.

Also spotted were area pastors Ron Hoffman of Anchorage Baptist Temple, Pastor Prince Nwankudu of God’s Family Church, and Pastor Cheston McCrea of Praise Temple Way of the Cross Church of Christ.


  1. Sooooooooo Glad, Bronson won.
    Now let’s get Anchorage back on track, to being a clean, safe city

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