Bronson announces transition team: Larry Baker and Craig Campbell to lead


Anchorage Mayor-elect Dave Bronson today announced the leaders of his transition team: Former Lt. Gov. Craig Campbell and former State Rep. Larry Baker. Both men have served on the Anchorage Assembly and have extensive backgrounds in municipal and state government with Baker most recently serving as former Mayor Dan Sullivan’s chief of staff, and Campbell most recently serving as the President and CEO of the Alaska Aerospace Corporation.

A press conference held today in a Spenard neighborhood office building was the first since the election for Bronson, who won the mayor’s race over Forrest Dunbar in a tightly contested runoff. Bronson thanked Dunbar and his campaign and said many good discussions were launched as a result.

Bronson has set up six transition teams as he heads toward being sworn in on July 1: Policy, economic recovery, personnel and organizational structure, budget, public safety, and communications. He has not announced the members of the teams yet but plans to make those names known in coming days.

Bronson said in a handout document that he would look for a new police chief. The current Chief Kenneth McCoy has been in the lead position at the Anchorage Police Department since April 21, having been appointed by the acting mayor upon the resignation of former Chief Justin Doll. Bronson said he expects his public safety transition team to have a short list of candidates ready for him before July 1. He also detailed qualities he will look for in a fire chief.

One of his areas of focus will be to address vagrancy and homelessness, which have exploded in Anchorage over the past six years of the Berkowitz and Quinn-Davidson administrations. He didn’t say whether he would accept the current plan of purchasing the Alaska Club building on Tudor Road in Anchorage to house 125 homeless people, as planned by the Quinn-Davidson administration. He said it would be part of a comprehensive look at all options, with the understanding that many who are homeless have underlying issues. Addressing the vagrancy and homeless issue is “one of the top priorities of my administration,” he said.

His economic recovery team will be focused on short-term and long-term objectives, and reversing the decline of downtown Anchorage, which was vibrant before the Berkowitz Administration and the installation of Andrew Halcro as the head of downtown development.

His written summary of the transition team work ahead also mentions the Port of Alaska, and the need to expand and improve it, as it serves as a transportation link for much of Alaska.

Those with ideas for his administration or who are interested in serving in the Bronson Administration can find out more at his website.

Watch the press conference at this link:


  1. “Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart”
    Keep the prayers going that Anchorage inspires and moves the rest of Alaska onto a new path that leads us into the light away from the Cemetery.

  2. There is light on the horizon! Out of the mire, that mire of deceit and mediocrity where the ‘woke’ and liberals reside.
    Mayor Bronson et al, thank you.

  3. Thank You, Mr Bronson for hanging in there.
    Now Don’t Be Afraid Mr Bronson, like those Afraid little sheep running the assembly.
    Get to work and Please clean house and get this once beautiful city back on track
    Thank You again.

  4. Here’s hoping that the Bronson team will look to perform a deep dive audit of the various contracts signed over the past 3-4 years with a particular emphasis on the last 15 months. This could be the best way to determine questionable and troublesome contracts geared toward issues and components not in keeping with the municipality (and state and federal) regulations, and to root out potential nightmares that could plague the new administration, redirecting them to the shoulders of those responsible.

  5. Now! The rebuilding process commences with responsible adult leadership at the helm.
    Anchorage certainly needs your leadership and most definitely appreciates it.
    Good Luck Boys!

  6. Watch your back, gentlemen. I’m hearing reports that Scott Kendall is already drafting a petition for recalling the new mayor. Brenna and disgraced former governor Bill Walker are in on it. They hope to start circulating it before the swearing in date, so as to coordinate it with the Recall Dunleavy petition. Sour-faced Democrats stop at nothing, unless it’s for a long pot smoking break.

  7. Back to the future. Do you need to be a supporter of the Big Lie and Trump to work for Bronson?

  8. What happens when people are “content that they know enough, a smattering”, about our permanent, laid down declared (declaration of rights – to liberty) form of government. Were you an excellent scholar (in Anchorage) ? For reasons specified elsewhere, perhaps the Hague, or Davos, your textbooks over time became very ephemeral presenting your most excellent US Constitution. Each successive generation even more lightly represented. Until today. Now, defend the US Constitution. DO. YOUR. BEST. :*)

  9. Vagrants need to be rounded up and taken to Fire Island. They can drink, do drugs, throw trash and have sex over there. These people don’t want help. They have been booted from the villages and the villages don’t want them back! I’m tired of driving and seeing all this crap going on! Enough is Enough! Berkowitz did nothing for Anchorage but run it in the ground. And our acting mayor has been a puppet for the Assembly. Wake up People! Bronson will make Anchorage great again.?

  10. I hope decisions made going forward will be those well intentioned toward the homeowners and investors in Anchorage. We don’t need hoodwinking, secrets, girlish, devilish vendettas, two percent credit card processing fees to woke buzzwords, slow service with an “ewe. get away from me predicate” or “I’ll call security” go to position and spirit when dealing with the “public” s. We are your neighbors and employers. You are not in a secret society with secret handshakes anymore.

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