The U.S. Senate today confirmed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as the new secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.
The department is the largest in the government, with over 80,000 employees and a budget that exceeds $1 trillion annually, vastly outpacing all other departments. To compare, the Department of Education’s budget for 2024 was $238 billion.
The vote was along partisan lines, with only Sen. Mitch McConnell, a Republican, voting against RFK Jr.
Vote | Total | Democrats | Republicans | Independents | |
Yes | 52 | 0 | 52 | 0 | |
No | 48 | 45 | 1 | 2 | |
Not yet voted | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Before the vote, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer took to the floor and called RFK Jr. “not remotely qualified to become the next secretary of health and human services. In fact, I might go further. Robert F Kennedy Jr might be one of the least qualified people the president could have chosen for the job. It’s almost as if Mr. Kennedy’s beliefs, history, and background were tailor-made to be the exact opposite of what the job demands.”
RFK Jr. is an unconventional pick, having never served in government before. He was a Democrat who ran for president in 2024 but switched to independent, and endorsed Donald Trump. His family of Democrat scions has excoriated him and painted him as a lunatic. But his views on vaccine safety and the poisons in foods have gained him more and more support, as Americans learn more about his concerns about toxins in America’s food supply and environment. He has support from both Democrats and Republicans on this topic. He has been an environmental lawyer for much of his career, focusing on food integrity and climate change.
Just like JB, does Mitch really ‘know’ what exactly he’s voting for or not for? Maybe, it’s time for an intervention and park him aside into elder care where he can live out his days in peace – comfort. We all have to face these hard choices and do what’s right for our Geriatric Children. Hopefully, Mitch’s family decides to do the right thing soon.
Check Mitch’s history, Rob. Married to a Chinese born American government official whose father, deeply engaged in China’s Communist Party control of their industry, and who gave Mitch big money when he married his daughter making him a very rich politician at the time.
He may be physically frail now, but he still knows what he is supposed to do!
Worse than that , Mitch is part of huge shipping company that has Chinese built cargo ships . They have very large contracts with the Chinese govt .
Poor old Mitch has stroked out and in his eighties . Prior to stroke , so crooked he had to screw his shoes on in the morning . Now his staff is handling all . Just a puppet !
Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell are destined for the Alzheimer’s unit Hall of Fame…….soon as their diapers have been changed. Maybe ….they can become roommates in the unit.
I completely agree rob. He must be guilty of something.?? Why else would you stay in that sewage lagoon ??? He is protecting his back side. Same with Pelosi, waters and old chuckie. Absolute scumbags.
Holy guacamole! The chart above means that Lisa voted for Kennedy. This is great news. Is he a doctor? No. But after 50 years of a lot of failed policies (include the Covid debacle) he is willing to look at health from a different viewpoint. Let’s make America healthy again.
And let’s still primary Lisa.
If he does nothing but stir up shit I’m happy. Our medical and pharmaceutical is criminal and our food supply isn’t safe. Anyone that thinks it is nuts. We get ripped off at every turn.
Princess Lisa issued a statement before today that she would vote for RFK jr. Her rambling statement came out after President Trump talked about the likely kickbacks legislators are getting via the corruption being uncovered by DOGE.
Bingo !
You have to be the biggest moron alive to think a heroin addict that drinks raw milk is gonna make America healthy!
Awesome, so glad Smallpox and Polio are coming back. And I can have the option of dying like a 14th century peasant again
Puh-LEESE! Three weeks into a Trump presidency and you’re claiming smallpox and polio are running rampant. Well, username checks out.
Do you know why polio is back in the USA? Not because of any vaccine questions. it is because your side of the political aisle threw the borders open wide and allowed anyone to come in and get asylum without any form of medical or background check at all. A disease once unknown in American children is now back because of politics.
When your cult is challenged blame the immigrants. Right wing 101
How can anyone not blame illegal immigrants who do not get medical examinations before entering? Many of them came from diseased ridden places.. and you’re blaming us for questioning it?
Do you even have a brain?
RFK jr specifically said he wants safe and effective vaccines. Now head over to your nearest pharmacy to get Covid booster #10. You know, so you do not die of that if polio or smallpox don’t get you first.
RFK jr. also wants to get rid of that pesky request from restaurant owners that cooks wash their hands after dropping a deuce. He claims it destroys beneficial bacteria that are commonly on your skin.
It’s funny how, among all your pro-establishment conformists and quislings, the topic of vaccines has been a quasi-religious, sacrosanct article of faith that simply can NOT be investigated or questioned in any way. ALL vaccines, ALL the time, in EVERY circumstance, in ANY quantity, with ANY frequency of delivery, are and can be nothing but an unmitigated blessing, sent down by God himself, and anyone disputing that is a heretic who must be attacked and silenced with the greatest vigor.
Praise the Great Noodle in the sky
RINO, me thinks you shouldn’t sweat the pox, in your case dementia has the inside track in bringing about your demise.
Your lack of curiosity and blind acceptance of the garbage science hurled at the public these last 4 years is breathtaking. Evidently you have a fixation with Wolves in White Coats and their masters in Big Pharma and Media?
Keep following their science pard, and continue enriching those who poison for profit.
What’s amazing to me is Fauci got a pardon from FJB for giving medical advice on COVID . I am smelling a rat here and have been smelling something like failed freezer full salmon in July since Jan of 2020
Woohoo this is great news! Seems like someone had a little talk with the old crone or shall I ponder what does DOGE have on her?
Go Bobby!
US DOD is larger…
Active duty service members: Over 1.4 million as of November 2022
National Guard and reservist personnel: Over 778,000 as of November 2022
Civilians: Over 747,000 as of November 2022
If Chuck Schumer, who is Beavis and Butthead’s father, is against RFK, Jr., then it is very clear RFK, Jr. is the one we need.
Chuck Schumer would be against clean air and water if the Republicans wanted it.
Is this the first pro abortion cabinet secretary in a republican administration since 1980?
Question is interrogative not political.
Let the investigation and prosecution of the corrupt and criminal Anthony Fauci commence!
Yes and put him in jail for the life’s lost.
That’s not until Kash is confirmed , maybe next week , please hold your horses . I bet Fauci is rotting in jail by Mar 1 .
Probably the most humorous thing on Bobby’s family coming out against him was his cousin Sweet Caroline . That song was written and sung by a close family confidant that was having an affair with her when she was a teenager and wrote a song about it .
Interesting to note that Bobby said he was a heroin addict for fourteen years . Guys been through a lot .
When the AI colonoscopy is done on Chuck and Mitch , they’re toast . Both will resign . Term limits are coming , let the party begin !
In Alaska I’ve heard Sand Lake is the place to catch the biggest bass, but other lakes have been found to hold them. The best bet is phishing expeditions.
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