Breaking: Sen. Dan Sullivan endorses Nick Begich for Congress

Sen. Dan Sullivan with Nick Begich at a gathering last year.

Alaska’s Sen. Dan Sullivan has announced his endorsement of Republican Nick Begich for Congress.

Begich, who is in Washington, D.C. this week for meetings with House Speaker Mike Johnson and others, is the candidate who has also earned the support of Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy, the Alaska Republican Party, House Speaker Mike Johnson, and a list of other House Republicans.

He also now has the support of the National Republican Congressional Committee and Congressional Leadership Fund, both active in working for Republican wins around the country. Americans for Prosperity Action has endorsed him.

“My job is to work constructively with all members of Alaska’s congressional delegation to try to advance the interests of our state. The stakes in the upcoming November elections couldn’t be greater for Alaska. The national Democrats in Washington, D.C. – both in the Executive Branch and Legislative Branch – have clearly become the anti-Alaska, anti-resource development and anti-Alaska Native party,” Sullivan said.
“This is why I have always supported candidates at the national level who will empower Republican majorities in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate and it is why I’m supporting Nick Begich for the U.S. House,” Sen. Sullivan said. “Nick will play an important role in defending a Republican House Majority and fighting against harmful national Democratic policies that imperil our state. If national Democrats win back control of the U.S. House this Fall, it will empower some of the most radical lawmakers into key leadership positions with direct responsibility over resource development in Alaska, including putting the architect of the Green New Deal, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, in line to be the next Chairman of the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources. This would be a disaster for Alaska and America.”

Polling shows that Begich is now neck-and-neck with Democrat incumbent Mary Peltola, who has worked to stop energy projects in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Cook Political Report is now predicting that the state will vote for the Republican in this race, although ranked-choice voting still makes Alaska a wild card.

“I am honored to receive Sen. Sullivan’s endorsement in this all-important House race. The nation is counting on Alaska to send a commonsense conservative to Washington so we can grow the Republican House majority and move priorities through the Congress that are important to all Alaskans: Jobs, energy, security, and prosperity,” said Begich.


  1. IMAGINE all the years & no accomplishments for we the people? list your accomplishments both families a lifetime of politics. & the oath breakers never bring a list of accomplishments It’s the same old crap. Dan Lisa all evil stuck on stupid nonsense so help dem GOD.

  2. WOW(!!!) …
    Finally getting around to this endorsement Dan?
    Why did you wait so long to do so?
    Anything in particular that you ‘finally’ recognized who the true conservative candidate that is committed to work hard to represent AK907 in the US House?


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