Breaking: Miss Alaska Emma Broyles is the 100th Miss America


Emma Broyles, an Anchorage resident and Arizona State University pre-med student, has won the title of Miss America.

As a 15-year-old in 2017, Emma started competing in her hometown of Anchorage, winning Miss Anchorage’s Outstanding Teen in the first-ever competition she entered.

Broyles took a break from competitions and began college in Arizona, where she has studied biomedical sciences and voice performance in the honors college. Her career goal is to become a doctor specializing in dermatology.

Earlier this week, she won in the preliminaries for her social impact pitch about the power of Special Olympics.

The 100th Miss America Pageant was held at Mohegan Sun Arena at a casino in Uncasville, Connecticut on Thursday evening.

Broyles is the first Alaska woman to win the competition, and she was crowned Miss America 2022. The 2021 competition was canceled due to Covid-19.

The Miss America Pageant is a college scholarship program. The annual competition is open to women from the United States between the ages of 17 and 25. It began in 1921 as a bathing suit contest but has evolved into a competition more focused on the whole person, including accomplishments.

Broyles won the centennial crown and a $100,000 college scholarship.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy was among the first to congratulate her from Alaska, writing, “Congratulations to Miss Alaska Emma Broyles who has been crowned Miss America in the competition’s 100th annual event! Your home state is proud of you, Emma! This is the first time Alaska has won the title — what an accomplishment.”

Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka also sent a tweet within minutes, writing, “Congratulations Miss Alaska, Emma Broyles, on winning Miss America in its 100th year of competition! We have so much potential in our State, it’s great to see Alaska leading the nation.”

Sen. Dan Sullivan wrote, “A big congrats to Emma Broyles, of Anchorage, the first Alaskan ever named #MissAmerica! Emma is studying biomedicine at @ASU, and her charity in the competition is @SpecialOlympics, an awesome organization near & dear to my whole family. Way to go, Emma! We’re so proud of you!”

The pageant final night has in the past been on ABC on primetime network TV, but this year was available via live-streaming only on NBC’s Peacock service.


  1. Congratulations to her! What a crowing achievement, even if it has a sniff of Wokeness!

    Hoping she’s not being explored.

  2. I didn’t even realize that the Miss America Pageant was still a thing.
    I’d just been assuming that neo-Puritanical, rigidly dogmatic wokeness had long ago killed it.

    • Haha! Five bucks says there’s a revolting social justice broad somewhere that has some serious neo-Puritanical stuff to holler about objectification or similar right now!

      In my dreams I never hear her lumpy voice.

      My apologies to any revolting social justice broads that may read this insensitive remark. I’m off to scold myself right now in your honor.

      • Trouser,
        Why apologize to the social justice broads at all? Let them eat it. Even if 200 lb minimums, proof of tattoos, green and purple hair, and 50% non-binaries required…….the old broads would still be compelled to bitch about something. They can’t stand mother nature at her finest without manufacturing some kind of complaint.

  3. And in more important news – the Face Diaper Police over at ASD are finally removing the ridiculous mask mandate!!

  4. Congrats to achieving You’re goal and to making Alaska being proud of You as well!!! ♥️♥️♥️????????????❄️❄️❄️???

  5. I could not find a portrait type photo of this lady until at this site. Why? All the rabid leftist sites did not display one. Early feminist always hated beautiful women until gay got popular. Wonder how this feeds into the no photo phenomena. Trailing indicator maybe?

  6. MRAK readers: here’s an exercise to reveal your cultural bias. Compare positive comments about “white and delightsome” (look it up) Ms Broyles with the negative comments about Ms Chasinghorse, an Alaskan Native model. You’ll see evidence of racist stereotypes. Quite revealing.

  7. First of All, I never understood the Miss America, or Miss Universe,or Miss World, or Miss This or Miss That, Miss Green Trees, Miss I’m LGBT, Miss Sea, Miss Earth, Miss/She Trangenders/M


    • Don’t you know that it’s fact that beautiful women are privileged. That was one major reason for feminism, so that
      all women, especially unattractive lib women could all be equal and have equal access to sex with the alpha males. This is part and parcel of Marxism.

      • Beautiful women have been the most privileged humans since we dropped from the trees .
        Luck of the draw , genetically .

  8. Congratulations to this beautiful young lady. She is an inspiration to my family and the people of our village.

  9. A couple of years ago, Emma and I BS’d for more than an hour at the house of one of her relatives. Emma is one of the smartest people I’ve met — I know a few smart people.

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