Breaking: Election integrity lawsuits filed in District 27


A group of voters in House District 27 has filed a challenge to the recount that was done in the General Election race, where UAA Professor Liz Snyder won over incumbent Rep. Lance Pruitt by 11 votes.

The group also filed a separate lawsuit challenging the decision of the Alaska Supreme Court to order an injunction prohibiting the requirement of a witness signature on absentee ballots for the General Election, due to COVID-19.

In the first case, the group alleges that a voting location in Precinct 915 was suddenly changed from Muldoon Towne Center to Begich Middle School. It was the second change of polling place. There was little notice and many voters were confused about where to vote. This precinct typically has been supportive of Rep. Pruitt over several elections.

The plaintiffs say that state law mandates that the Director of the Division of Elections must publish notices when voting locations are changed, putting the notices in a newspaper of general circulation, and in other places as well, and include the information in the final election pamphlet. That did not happen.

As a result of of the change of voting location, voters were disenfranchised, not given equal protection guaranteed by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

The other lawsuit, an election integrity complaint, says at least one voter had returned two ballots, one using his first name and one using his middle name. The lack of a requirement for a witness signature is a case of the courts making election law, something that only the Legislature can do.

Following what the plaintiffs are calling an unconstitutional elimination of the witness signature by the courts, the suit says the Division of Elections failed to develop a procedure for review of the signatures to ensure that the person casting the ballot signed the certificate.

The group is hinting it was unconstitutional given the recent Texas lawsuit against four states — Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin — where similar mid-election changes were made. The group has not sought review or injunction for the witness signature requirement.

The group, represented by elections lawyer Stacey Stone, is asking for a new election to be held in the District.

For the State of Alaska, Margaret Paton-Walsh has been assigned to defend the State.

The election integrity case will be of high interest to conservatives in Alaska, and may find its way to the U.S. Supreme Court.


  1. Dare we even begin to believe that at least some of the rampant electoral fraud inherent in this past election, statewide and nationally, will finally be exposed and overturned? Given the almost ubiquitous corruption inherent in our society today, I will not be holding my breath awaiting a positive outcome here, much as it is desperately needed.

  2. We, the people of Alaska, deserve a fair election. It will never happen again if mail in ballots are used, especially if they require no ID or verification. And when there are more ballots received than there are registered voters, or more registered voters than residents in a district, let the math be the evidence. Math is definitive, science is mostly theory. That is why our our weather is so wrong, because of the reliance on computer models instead of commen sense. Math. Seems that our elected officials, i.e., our lt. Governor, whose only real job was to ensure a fair vote is our state, has been sleeping. If we are ever to have a fair election again, now is the time to act. Otherwise, there will be no purpose in voting in the future, other than making sure that your objection to the ruling party is known, so that you can be sent to a reeducation ” class” . Don’t laugh. Our own local government is being run by an unelected mayor, and the assembly has made it illegal to even petition for recall of its members. And your right to even speak out against this has been denied. Dispite if you agree or not with their decisions, it is a dictatorship. It has no place in America. Under any guise. The laws of our country and our state are clear, so if our own elected officials will not follow them, where does this this place us? If our own Governor will not step up and do his job, who will? These are questions that need careful consideration in the days ahead. Thanks

  3. House Districts 4 and 5 in the Fairbanks area also need lawsuits. Keith Kurber and Kevin McKinley, both Republicans, won 4 and 5 on election night. One week later, over 3000 absentee ballots were counted, each overwhelmingly for Grier Hopkins and Adam Wool, Left-wing Democrats. This was very strange, and no witness signature required on these absentee ballots. Also, Hopkin’s brother-in-law is Scott Kendall, the architect of the Dunleavy Recall petition and Ballot Measure 1. Kendall was Chief of Staff of the disgraced former Governor, Bill Walker. Wool and Hopkins did NOT get elected by legal votes. Both are illigitimate Representatives. Lawsuits coming!

    • Wool and Hopkins are imposters. Neither duly elected in Dist 4 and 5 by legal ballots. They both should be ignored during this coming Session and next year. Wool made his living getting customers drunk and out on the hiway. Hopkins is a dumbass who’s political animal relatives strung him along. He never crossed the finish line on his own.

  4. Good luck I hope they win and put this nonsense to rest. The election process had been fine for a very long time why do we need to change anything? If you want to vote bad enough you will go vote like you have for years opps it must be the phantom voter who is complaining.

  5. These Pruitt lawsuits will probably end the same way as the Trump lawsuits, but don’t worry there are plenty of lawyers in Alaska willing to take the GOP “warbucks” any day of the week.

  6. Yes Yes Yes, its time we take a stand and take on the Liberal cheaters. If we don’t stand now we may never be able to again. Take this country back and don’t be afraid. I am so glad to see this. Let’s not let Alaska fall like Oregon and Washington. So sad, I grew up in these states and its so sad to see them deteriorate so horrifically under Democrat rule. Keep it up!

  7. Good for them! More districts need to follow suit. The court was wrong to remove accountability afforded by witness signatures and it is not enough to simply recount votes as the fraudulent votes just get recounted as well. Mail in voting ushered in fraud. A new election, with accountability, should occur and we need to get rid of mail in voting.

  8. The guys filing this need to be prepared to take it to federal court where they will eventually win. But it will take a while and will be expensive.

    Rather than fighting them in court, the State ought to be pushing a similar lawsuit in federal court to overturn the outrageous AK Supreme Court opinion doing away with witness signature requirements on absentee ballots. Their failure to do so is dereliction of duty and oath of office. Cheers –

    • It has already been done. On October 5, 2020 the Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, held that the elimination of a signature requirement on mail-in ballots by the South Carolina Supreme Court violated the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution.

      The Alaska Supreme Court intentionally violated both the State and US Constitution for the purposes of defrauding the election and should be impeached. It will never happen, of course, because the Alaska House is complicit with massive election fraud.

  9. Judges change Division of Elections Statutes.
    Integrity of Division of Elections Statutes is not upheld by the Lt Governor.
    State Lawmakers stand by while the Division of Elections Statutes are changed or ignored.

    98% of the solicited, unsolicited Anchorage Absentee Mail in Ballots are fraudulent. A new Election for all Districts in Anchorage should be called for. The way Anchorage goes is the way Alaska goes! Municipality of Anchorage’s Administration and Assembly are Lawless! The Burden of Proof, with regards to the Integrity of the Division of Elections, is the responsibility of the Lt Governor, without Signatures there is no way of verifying a legal by Statute Ballot.

    All Elected Officials should be held accountable to their Oath of Office.

    • Now we know why Big Mike is silent on this issue, because he dropped the ball by staying silent on the courts election tampering!

  10. I will be contacting my Rep., Mike Cronk, to submit a new Fair Election/Voter bill that requires voter signature witnessing on absentee ballots, and strict same-day voting in person with voter identification along with stipulations that no election law cannot be arbitrarily changed by Judicial means. Only the State Legislature can make changes to election law … oh wait, is that already on the books? Hmmm … something is amiss here …

  11. Frankly a waste of time an energy. The most concerning this is that they’re being so wasteful in effort to put the useless Pruitt back in the legislature.

    • Mike, Mr. Pruitt may or may not have been useless, but it is almost a given that the leftist bureaucrat and academic Liz Snyder will be actively harmful in office, pushing the same reactionary, overreaching governmental agenda as all the other contemporary leftists.
      I just cringe when I read her resume — it has “disconnected from reality” written all over it.

  12. I’d be careful about the first suit against DOE. In theory the number 2 for the state Republican Party Lt. Gov. Meyer is responsible for DOE actions and decisions even if delegated down. Hard to believe a Republican run DOE would change the location to prevent Pruitt votes. If the change happened without required notices, etc. the. there is incompetence in Lt. Gov’s administration. This is a lose-lose.

    The second suit about witness signatures I think is a good legal question which will take many years to establish legal precedent and thus an answer. I wouldn’t hold my breath on this suit to decide the seat. However, maybe someone will continue to suit beyond January 2021.

  13. Well said,,
    Speak up NOW,, or forever hold your tongue.
    This is not just another election.
    The results from these voting machines should be nullified and the elections should be held over. With none of the previous monkey business.
    Democrats can’t win without cheating.
    I would also place some Republicans in that group also. Time to end this fraud now,, not wait till next election cycle.

  14. The lawsuit on the court legislating from the bench and changing election law without going through the legislature should be a straight shot going by a 5-3 SCOTUS case from October. It may need to be appealed into federal court, but Alaska is guilty of the same illegal election law changes as the states in the TX lawsuit.

    [Link removed by moderator.]

    “The justices determined the courts shouldn’t be the ones to decide the election rules amid the coronavirus pandemic that is surging in Wisconsin and across the world. “

  15. How does one sue the judicial persons for unconstitutional act? Should those justices be tossed from their positions due to dereliction of duty or malpractice?

  16. The judges we have are pure stupid and unchallenged. Out the door and turn them out on a recall if we can. Sick of their stupidity and lack of working for the state that provides a living for them. Get rid of the trash…..

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