Breaking: Brush fire causes evacuations in Anchorage


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6 pm update: The brush fire is at about 15 acres. Commissioner of Department of Natural Resources Corrie Feige said that state crews are coming to help the Anchorage Fire Department. A hot shot crew from Glennallen is enroute. The winds are pushing it toward the southeast away from the denser part of the population.

Anchorage Fire Chief Jodie Hettrick said that JBER, Chugiak Fire Department, American Red Cross, Division of Forestry have been brought in to help. Three water drops have been made from aircraft so far. The fire is now 80 percent contained. (Correction: Police say they erred and it was 30 percent contained, not 80 percent contained at 6 pm). They are cancelling the evacuation order.

Road closures are still in effect.

The scene from Bear Valley at about 5:30 pm

Original story: A large and quickly moving brush fire in Anchorage has cause evacuations near the Campell Creek Science Center in Anchorage. The Manoog’s Isle Trailer Court near Dowling and Lake Otis has been evacuated. The 50th Street /Folker area is also now being evacuated due to brush fire.

The brush fire is located in an area that is known to be occupied by homeless camps, although the source is not yet known as fire fighters rush to the scene and evacuations are spreading. Those in the area of Tudor and Elmore need to be ready to evacuate.

Wendler Jr High opening as evacuation center for those who have been displaced due to fire.

Here’s the scene from the vantage point of the Legislative Information Office in Anchorage:

Meanwhile as the brush fire burns, members of the Anchorage Assembly and public sector labor unions led a protest at the Legislative Information Office this afternoon, calling for an override of Gov. Dunleavy’s vetoes:

Smoke from the fire is visible in the background as Vince Beltrami, AFL-CIO, left, and Forrest Dunbar and Austin Quinn-Davidson, Anchorage Assembly members, lead a rally against state budget cuts.

In addition to Forrest Dunbar and Austin Quinn-Davidson, House Speaker Bryce Edgmon was there to participate in the protest. About 350 union and public employee workers attended.

The scene at about 5:30 pm above and below:



  1. 350+ public union employees and politicians would be helpful fighting the brush fire in Anchorage or even the Swan Lake fire near Sterling. Even if they only had a shovel, they could contribute. Nah, silly me. They don’t have time to help. They are busy protesting our Governor trying to save what’s left of Alaska’s $$, especially after the four year spending spree of Walker and cronies (including them). For shame, for shame. How could I be so heartless as to suggest they help anything but themselves, when their “work ethic” is nothing but greed, avarice and selfishness, with, at best, a worthless degree from UA as a resume? I’ll bet none of them even know about the law saying citizens must help each other on Alaskan roads in winter, if you see someone on the highway, cold and broke down. Now, that law is what Alaska is about. Not the socialist mantra.

  2. GAWD… lead by 2 Anchorage assembly liberals and the top union thug. What more is there to say? Glad they all had time on their hands to bitch about the hole they got themselves into by not planning ahead. Read in another article how other boroughs actually made fiscal adjustments so the sting wasn’t so bad when this day came. What a concept. Not Anchorage! Just cut thousands of jobs right now and raise taxes and blame it all on the Governor. Dinks.
    Show you care and go help some neighbors that might need it right now you selfish jack@sses. Your homeless voting block in the bushes might be double homeless now that their tree forts have burned down. At least see if they need something.

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