Breaking: Bronson gains ground


Candidate Dave Bronson gained a bigger lead in the race for Anchorage mayor today.

Bronson has a 627 vote lead on Forrest Dunbar in the May 11 mayoral runoff.

  • 40,810 votes for Bronson, 50.39%
  • 40,183 votes for Forrest Dunbar, 49.61%

A total of 80,993 ballots have been counted so far. The lead that Bronson has currently is more than one half percent, which would avoid an automatic recount.

The Election Office cannot say how many ballots they have left to count but there may be another 10,000 ballots or more left in uncounted status. Election officials have not yet counted votes from the Loussac Library or Eagle River that were voted in person on Election Day.

Election officials also could not say whether they intend to work on Saturday, according to the Bronson campaign.


  1. I am sure they are going to keep counting until Dunbar wins.
    When will the mysterious box of ballots be found in someone’s car trunk? Betting is open.

  2. We are not there quite yet, but I am making plans to thank the Lord – with all of my heart and soul – for our deliverance.

  3. Loussac library.. that’s kinda like Snake Mountain.. I’d be wary of the votes coming out of there..

  4. Shocking that half of the voters are cool with masks, in the name of science. They have no idea they’ve been played. Like I said, shocking.

  5. Bronson’s people better keep a close eye on the remaining vote count. The Democrats are really good at counting and counting and counting until the numbers are in their favor… Hopefully one of the “four allowed observers” is a skilled Lawyer in such matters…

  6. How on earth is the governor not calling out Anchorage for its poorly run election process and crooked assembly??
    Clearly the city just steamrolls over the people trying to make noise over this. It’d be great to hear some powerfully worded messages form dunleavy to get anchorage to clean up. The ballot counting nonsense alone is ridiculous

  7. We live in a society…

    Where just under half of your neighbors want to take your property, limit your speech, and compel your actions. They don’t think you have a difference of opinion, they think if you disagree with them, you are evil. They have blind trust, in some of the most disgusting creatures humanity has spewed forth (politicians) but don’t trust you to even breath your own air without finding some way to regulate it.

    I don’t see us bridging this gap anytime soon. This is, essentially, civil war, and although it’s been going on for almost 20 years, it has literally just begun. Liberty may have had some small win on the battlefield today, but the war will be generational and it will be between those who believe in the rights of the individual and those who want to enslave their fellow man to the mindless subservience of massive centralized government rule.

  8. You know! The victory song should be ‘I raise a Hallelujah’ performed by Bethel Music, if Bronson continues with this lead. Chris Contant’s opinion, “your prayers are worthless” is a false statement.

    We continue fighting the good fight, running our race, whichever is the race we are called until we are called home, to that eternal home, no matter how chaotic this world grows.

    We are called to encourage the saints or brothers and sisters in Christ, so to be stronger disciples and make disciples out of people like Dunbar we never thought could ever see the light, teach them how to move toward it, and share the future with them.

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