The Alaska Democratic Party is steaming mad that a Democrat, who is also a felon serving time in a federal penitentiary in New York, is on the final-four ballot for Alaska’s congressional seat in November. They are suing the Division of Elections to get him off the ballot so Mary Peltola can win.
Open primaries and ranked-choice voting was designed by liberals to ensure more Republicans would be on the November ballots than Democrats and split the campaign donations, volunteers, and momentum of conservatives. But it just didn’t work out that way on the second election to use the new system.
“Congresswoman Mary Peltola won the August 20 primary election with a clear majority of the votes cast. The next three highest vote-getters were all Republicans. But as an apparent result of last-minute machinations at the expense of Alaska voters, two of those three Republican candidates dropped out, and Defendants [Division of Elections] certified late Monday that they intended to place the fifth and sixth-place finishers on the general election ballot in their place,” the lawsuit says.
It goes on to say that the sixth-place finisher, Eric Hafner, the felon who has made violent threats against political figures, judges, and others, cannot and should not be on the ballot.
“Alaska law does not provide for the inclusion of the sixth-place primary finisher on the general election ballot under any circumstances. But if it did allow for such inclusion, Mr. Hafner would need to be replaced by the seventh-place finisher: Mr. Hafner is disqualified from representing Alaska in Congress for two reasons. First, because he is not and cannot possibly become an inhabitant of Alaska—as the U.S. Constitution requires—while he is serving a federal prison sentence in New York until 2036. And second, because he failed to list his full residence address on his declaration of candidacy, as Alaska law requires,” the lawsuit says.
The Democrats have been promoting open primaries and ranked-choice voting method, with the top four finishers in the open primary going on to the November ballot.
Now, however, they want to revise the rules to fit their desire to get Peltola reelected. And the lawsuit alleges, without proof, that the withdrawal of both Republicans was orchestrated by the Alaska Republican Party.
“On information and belief, the withdrawals of Lieutenant Governor Dahlstrom and Mr. Salisbury were orchestrated by the Alaska Republican Party in an effort to ensure that only one Republican candidate appears on the general election ballot,” the lawsuit reads. Even if it was, there is nothing in law to prevent a political party from acting in a politically advantageous way. It’s how the Democratic Party operated to get Al Gross off the ballot in 2022, so Peltola could win for Congress.
The lawsuit’s “information and belief” is based on dark-money news organization reporting from the Alaska Beacon. But weakening the case is the fact that the Democrats did not sue over Hafner’s name being on the ballot for the primary. The party only was interested after Hafner made it to the general election ballot, where he may peel votes away from the Democrats’ incumbent.
In addition to Anchorage attorney Thomas Amodio representing the Alaska Democratic Party, the Elias Law Group of Washington, D.C. is representing the plaintiff. David R. Fox is a partner at the law group that signed off on the lawsuit. He specializes in ballot access issues for the group. The firm was a key player in the Russia hoax, and Marc Elias was the man who paid Fusion GPS for the Steele dossier when he was at Perkins Coie. He is the biggest “lawfare” attorney the Democrats have nationally. Elias represented Sen. Bob Menendez and Hunter Biden’s business entities.
According to the Washington Examiner, Elias is using “fringe” theories to sow 2024 election chaos.
This story will be updated. Check back.
And, they’re trying to keep RFK, Jr ON the ballot elsewhere. These all are commie tricks and shouldn’t surprise anybody.
Everything you need to know about RCV is right here.
That’s the truth! RCV needs to go. It’s a Murkowski Incorporated swindle.
We hear all the time “ rank the red”.
We never hear any Democrat slogans.
Screw job deluxe
What goes around come around. ???, deep breaths, ???
It sure does!
And they should sue to get felon trump off too!
Go play elsewhere, son. Adults are talking
Weirdo that always thinking about children. FBI needs to look at your devices.
It will likely get the same scrutiny Hunter’s laptop received.
The difference between the two is one felon was convicted using a “novel” application of the law. The other one actually committed felonies.
You need to move to Anchorage People like you don’t belong in the Valley
No kidding, what’s he doing out there?
There are a few bridges that are pretty comfortable for trolling.
No. Anchorage has more than our fair share of democrat whack jobs.
Mr. Hafner’s conviction is under appeal. It is possible that IF his conviction is overturned and IF he is elected by Alaskans and AFTER winning the election, he would be able to move to Alaska to establish his residency here. If he were elected I could possibly, finally be represented at the US Congress; that’d be nice. I am an 80% service-disabled veteran and Mary Pelota told me she is not interested in advancing my written concerns about the ineptitude I have experienced at the Anchorage VA. This lack of representation or concern originates with her inability to keep consistent staff in both DC and Alaska and secondarily her overall laziness.
She’s a mess. Hefner would be better!
What a great story! I hope that felon has to stay on the ballot. It is totally wrong, but it is just great that the cheaters’ system is biting them in the arse!
I agree. I can’t wait to see Hafner’s name on the ballot. I have no doubt he’ll be every democrat in the state’s second choice. LMFAO!
That’s not very DEI of the democrats. What a heaping steaming pile of hypocrites they all are. C’mon Scootie! Give your felon buddy Eric Hafner a chance to join your criminal cartel! He fits right in!
Do you know what DEI actually stands for?
Don, Eric, Ivanka.
Come on use your actual name in post so we can know who to stay away from. It actually stands for Dumb Eviscerated Intelligence something lacking in the progressive left.
Didn’t Earn It
or alternatively and equivalently,
Discrimination, Exclusion and Indoctrination
Oh, that’s clever.
Did you make that up yourself?
BTW, can you explain how that is any way interesting or relevant in any way? How does citing the first initial of Trumps children matter in any way? Are you even trying to make a point in any way?
Wow, that’s really clever Slipstream.
Novel interpretation of the initials DEI, which as everyone knows actually represents Democrats Eviscerated Integrity!
Keep twisting in the wind propagandists wind.
Oh, BTW I see where Hunter has pleaded Nolo in an attempt to keep the facts of his case from being puplished. Now there is a sterling example of a Democrat Honcho’s kid.
Ha ha!
Back in the day it stood for “Dale Earnhardt Inc.” Things have substantially deteriorated since then.
Hold it! …….
The Democrats invented, promoted, campaigned for and won Ranked Choice Voting…….until it disbenefits them. What a bunch of dishonorable hypocrites. Are they now going to campaign against RCV on the election ballot on November?
No, they are campaigning to keep RCV but they are referring to it “Open Elections” not RCV in the radio ads. Once again they are falsely claiming that it will keep “dark money” out of the elections and will not allow the elites to control the elections.
Sorry, but the Division of Elections has no authority to remove a candidate from the ballot after the voters placed him there- and the election results were certified. The lawsuit is way too late.
Imagine the chaos if the government could pull a candidate from the ballot after an election. This is a constitutional republic. Not a banana republic.
I would like to see him run as Democrat in November so the Democrats get really embarrassed the same way Illinois Republicans have gotten burned by having a Nazi run as a Republican against their wishes. Maybe such a crappy experience will motivate them to enact a new policy requiring authorization from the party for a candidate to use the party’s name.
Don’t care. Still voting Eric Hafner.
LOL! Dems going from the FA phase to the FO stage is delicious.
Amen !!! They asked for this crap.
Taste of their own medicine !!!!
Haha I so agree!
I want to know what Scott Kendall is doing during all of this? Is he drumming up another lawsuit to pull our attention away from this lawsuit against DOE? He does not seem to let a good crisis go to waste.
Awesome! Anytime I am around leftists, I’m gonna talk about this guy, Eric Hafner, who supports all of their favorite policies: The Trans agenda (especially for kids) electric everything, a carbon credit system, the WHO taking over health emergencies, UBI, everything! If you really support these policies, this is your person! LET”S GO HAFNER!!!
I wouldn’t mention the trans-agenda thing until he’s out of prison.
I look forward to seeing all those who support removing Hafner from the ballot also supporting the removal of the sorry joke that rank voting is. This is the definition of what happens when the dog catches the tire.
RCV in the reverse. Once again, MRAK delivers.
Thank you, Suzanne
absolutely hysterical! Shoe’s on the other foot.
Uh Oh, Will He have an unexplained “accident” in his cell? Where is Hillary?
This is wonderful! What a mess RCV can be. Yes, the chickens have come home to roost. However, the judges in the case, if they are democrats might even allow it. Meanwhile, the comments are classic!
Such a delicious turn of events. If you don’t want outcomes like this Dems, then we welcome you to vote AGAINST RCV in November. ?
Fixing this problem is extremely easy, and doesn’t require making any major changes to the voting system. They need to require authorization from the party for a candidate to use the party’s name. This rule should have been a part of the top-four/RCV system from the beginning.
Better yet. Close the primaries. If you are not a registered member of the party, you do not get a say in who represents that party in the general election.
Better yet, use a caucus or convention. That way, members can be properly vetted in addition to candidates.
That works.
The political party holds control over who represents the political party on the general. I am OK with that as well.
Democrats really hate the concept of actually allowing voters to decide.
The consensus view of the Left is that democracy cannot function if people who disagree with them are allowed to participate in it.
There are over 19-million felons in the US. Illicit drug activity is a driving component. We need to realize many industries find it necessary to accept felons as employees to find the talent needed in a culture that shuns hard work. I’m not saying this guy is a good candidate but the “felon label” is not the same same stigma it once was.
There are over 19-million felons in the US. Illicit drug activity is a driving component. We need to realize many industries find it necessary to accept felons as employees to find the talent needed in a culture that shuns hard work. I’m not saying this guy is a good candidate but the “felon label” is not the same stigma it once was.
Must Read, you need software that provides an editing function on this comment board…. like 100% of all the other comment boards on the internet.
….That would be an editing function the commenter can use to correct and upgrade their comments (as opposed to editing by MustRead).
I would vote for “Vlad the Impaler”, before I would EVER vote for “Mary, Mary quit contrary!”
At least he showed up to work.
Democrats used to be the Party of blue collar workers. Sadly, now they have become the Party of elite attorneys & bureaucrats who engage in endless lawfare to get their way!
RCV and the general design of this top-four system is not to blame. The very unnecessary rule that permits candidates to self-identify according to party without party permission is what is doing the harm, and this rule needs to be abolished. Some legislator needs to sponsor a bill that requires candidates obtain a letter of authorization from the party (party chair?) to use the party name on the ballot. The self-affiliation rule is potentially harmful to any party, and the authorization requirement gives parties the ability to vet and nominate candidates, a power that was completely lost under this particular design of top-four system. Consequently, I would think this bill would get bi-partisan support, and that Mike Shower would be willing to co-sponsor it. If top-four/RCV is not repealed, this bill should be a high priority.
At the bare minimum, the candidate should be listed as a member of that party on their voter registration form. No “non-partisans” running as Democrats.
All the more reason to close the primaries as well.
I’m still laughing!
The worm has turned. Is the DNC now going to come out against RCV?
The only difference between this Hafner character and the rest of the democrats is that they have not all been indicted. Yet.
And guess who has been indicted . . . and convicted.
Trump. 34 times.
Oh come on.
You aren’t implying that He tore the “Do not remove” tag off of 34 mattresses are you?
Folks need to understand that the Left will do EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to win. The ends justify the means. This isn’t a game for the Left, it is the ultimate life-or-death struggle.
I totally understand that. Moreover, I understand that we need to play their game. They have been trying to demoralize us for so many years and people are catching on. They cannot demoralize us if we don’t allow it. I fully expect that the sore losers are going to sick their attack dogs on us in whatever form or manner that they can. People need to be ready for anything.
Ohh… now that open primaries are not benefitting the leftists, they want to stop them.
This is my surprised face. ?
Hunter just pleaded guilty another democrat that won’t see the inside of jail.
Eugene Debs and Lyndon LaRouche both had significant histories as Democrats. Both ran political campaigns while incarcerated. Considering Hafner has about the same chance as they did, this is obviously not about his being a felon.
Live by dirty tricks, die by dirty tricks ???
Hafner can run and serve if he wins.
If he wins our ranked choice circus, Joe Biden can pardon him and he can move to AK
Problem solved Libbies ….. lol ….lol …. lol …
The pardon angle can work, this is what Hafner told his “mom” as he can’t communicate it himself from Fed Prison.
He told his MOM! lol ….lol ….lol …. lol….
It is so obvious the spin doctors are working overtime on this one. RCV ads now only talk about Open Primaries and keeping dark money out of the process…paid for by dark money from outside. It’s only a lie if you don’t believe it, truth is dead.
How did Democrats alone succeed in passing RCV without any Republican support? Seems unlikely in a red state, yet curious how it’s all their fault.
Is a candidate who’s currently in a New Jersey federal prison and isn’t an Alaska resident even qualified to be on the ballot? No, but curious why he should stay on the ballot.
Two items: First, vote YES to remove RCV. The No vote keeps it in place. Second, having read some of the reasoning in the lawsuit, the plaintiffs repeatedly contend that RCV is very confusing and that is another reason to remove the felon from the ballot. That was the argument in the first place. The plaintiffs repeat this more than one as far as how confusing this will be if Hafner remains on the ballot. We keep praying that TRUTH will prevail and that the election will be honest.
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