Breaking: Alaska Democrats sue to force their Democrat felon off the Alaska ballot in November


The Alaska Democratic Party is steaming mad that a Democrat, who is also a felon serving time in a federal penitentiary in New York, is on the final-four ballot for Alaska’s congressional seat in November. They are suing the Division of Elections to get him off the ballot so Mary Peltola can win.

Open primaries and ranked-choice voting was designed by liberals to ensure more Republicans would be on the November ballots than Democrats and split the campaign donations, volunteers, and momentum of conservatives. But it just didn’t work out that way on the second election to use the new system.

“Congresswoman Mary Peltola won the August 20 primary election with a clear majority of the votes cast. The next three highest vote-getters were all Republicans. But as an apparent result of last-minute machinations at the expense of Alaska voters, two of those three Republican candidates dropped out, and Defendants [Division of Elections] certified late Monday that they intended to place the fifth and sixth-place finishers on the general election ballot in their place,” the lawsuit says.

It goes on to say that the sixth-place finisher, Eric Hafner, the felon who has made violent threats against political figures, judges, and others, cannot and should not be on the ballot.

“Alaska law does not provide for the inclusion of the sixth-place primary finisher on the general election ballot under any circumstances. But if it did allow for such inclusion, Mr. Hafner would need to be replaced by the seventh-place finisher: Mr. Hafner is disqualified from representing Alaska in Congress for two reasons. First, because he is not and cannot possibly become an inhabitant of Alaska—as the U.S. Constitution requires—while he is serving a federal prison sentence in New York until 2036. And second, because he failed to list his full residence address on his declaration of candidacy, as Alaska law requires,” the lawsuit says.

The Democrats have been promoting open primaries and ranked-choice voting method, with the top four finishers in the open primary going on to the November ballot.

Now, however, they want to revise the rules to fit their desire to get Peltola reelected. And the lawsuit alleges, without proof, that the withdrawal of both Republicans was orchestrated by the Alaska Republican Party.

“On information and belief, the withdrawals of Lieutenant Governor Dahlstrom and Mr. Salisbury were orchestrated by the Alaska Republican Party in an effort to ensure that only one Republican candidate appears on the general election ballot,” the lawsuit reads. Even if it was, there is nothing in law to prevent a political party from acting in a politically advantageous way. It’s how the Democratic Party operated to get Al Gross off the ballot in 2022, so Peltola could win for Congress.

This story will be updated. Check back.


  1. Mr. Hafner’s conviction is under appeal. It is possible that IF his conviction is overturned and IF he is elected by Alaskans and AFTER winning the election, he would be able to move to Alaska to establish his residency here. If he were elected I could possibly, finally be represented at the US Congress; that’d be nice. I am an 80% service-disabled veteran and Mary Pelota told me she is not interested in advancing my written concerns about the ineptitude I have experienced at the Anchorage VA. This lack of representation or concern originates with her inability to keep consistent staff in both DC and Alaska and secondarily her overall laziness.

    She’s a mess. Hefner would be better!

  2. What a great story! I hope that felon has to stay on the ballot. It is totally wrong, but it is just great that the cheaters’ system is biting them in the arse!

  3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    That’s not very DEI of the democrats. What a heaping steaming pile of hypocrites they all are. C’mon Scootie! Give your felon buddy Eric Hafner a chance to join your criminal cartel! He fits right in!

  4. Hold it! …….
    The Democrats invented, promoted, campaigned for and won Ranked Choice Voting…….until it disbenefits them. What a bunch of dishonorable hypocrites. Are they now going to campaign against RCV on the election ballot on November?

  5. Sorry, but the Division of Elections has no authority to remove a candidate from the ballot after the voters placed him there- and the election results were certified. The lawsuit is way too late.

    Imagine the chaos if the government could pull a candidate from the ballot after an election. This is a constitutional republic. Not a banana republic.


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