Bon voyage to Juneau … then delayed due to stormy weather in Gulf


The MV Kennicott was filled with legislative staffers and their vehicles and was supposed to leave at 6 pm Monday for Juneau, for the upcoming session, but is delayed for 26 hours. It will have to go to Cordova and then back to Whittier, and then head to Juneau. Evidently the waves and wind in the Gulf of Alaska are too strong for a crossing at this time.

Some legislative staffers stayed in a local hotel, others went back to Anchorage, and some just got on board the ferry and will ride it out.

Spotted in the boarding area at Whittier were Brian Webb (staff to Rep. Elect Mike Cronk, District 6), Konrad Jackson (staff to Sen. Peter Micciche, Senate Seat O) and Mary Jackson, (staff to Rep.-elect Tom McKay).  Also Rep. Harriet Drummond and her husband Elstun Lausen, Heath Hilyard (staff to Rep. Cathy Tilton),  Steve St. Clair (Tilton) and Abby St. Clair (staff to Rep. George Rauscher).

Legislators spotted dropping off vehicles included Rep. Sara Rasmussen, Rep.-elect James Kauffman, and Sen. Tom Begich. Also spotted dropping off a vehicle was former Commissioner of Revenue Bruce Tangeman and his wife Betty Tangeman, who is the staffer to Sen. Josh Revak.

The ferry won’t leave now until 8:30 pm on Tuesday, and arrive in Juneau on the evening of Jan. 7th at about 7 pm.


  1. Time to move the state gov’t….we voted on that at least twice before over the years. Facilities exist in Anchorage if I’m not mistaken.

  2. Many years ago, when the Kennicott first joined the fleet, I wrote a letter to my legislator proposing that the legislature convene on the ship. I suggested that they convert the car deck to the chambers and each be given a cabin to share with aides. They would start in January at Ketchikan and sail regularly north to end the session in Nome or Kotzebue (even Barrow) as the ice pack allowed, thus allowing much more exposure for public input, especially communities which otherwise are completely ignored. The response was not favorable.

    • No, there is already far too much bunking with aides. Juneau taxpayers get to educate the children that come from that. The standard joke is one legislator asking another legislator, “How’s your staffer and my children?” The answer is, “The staffer is great but the children are stupid.”

  3. Cape Suckling to Cape Cleare-
    411 PM AKST Mon Jan 4 2021


    .TONIGHT…E wind 15 kt increasing to 30 kt after midnight.
    Seas 13 ft.
    .TUE…E wind 35 kt. Seas 13 ft.
    .TUE NIGHT…NE wind 30 kt. Seas 21 ft. Rain showers.
    .WED…SE wind 35 kt. Seas 22 ft.
    .WED NIGHT…SE wind 30 kt. Seas 24 ft.
    .THU…SE wind 35 kt. Seas 18 ft.
    .FRI…SE wind 25 kt. Seas 17 ft.
    .SAT…E wind 40 kt. Seas 22 ft.

  4. Good idea. I seem to recall that the only hideouts for the Kennicott are Icy Bay and Yakutat Bay before a boat gets to the protected waters east and south and of Elfin Cove. I’ve taken numerous trips on that boat and the Trusty Tusty. They’re a good way to travel.

  5. I took the Kennicott the Winter of 05. That was a true E ticket ride
    40ft seas and 70mph wind. Waves breaking over the boe and smashing on the glass. The sea sick trick is keep eating, stay on the center of the ship and smoke copius amounts of Alaskas finest. I will never forget that trip it was the best for a Chechako like me.

  6. House Finance (the old House Finance, of course) meets tomorrow to have Larry Persily tell them how badly the state needs an income tax. I can remember Persily telling legislators they need to put an income down over our ears (my phrase, not his) back when Lisa Murkowski was in the Alaska House. Protect state employees and protect Juneau no matter how much it trashes the Alaska economy; that is the mantra of downtown Juneau liberals! So it doesn’t matter if some House Finance members are crossing the Gulf instead of hearing the mantra again. The income tax is really a religion to some as they want recognition that rewarding work is Fascism unless the work is done by a government employee. Lenin thought the same, and Mao (and Juneau liberals) would send most Alaskans to re-education camps.

  7. I think we should move the capital. Up on the north slope in old army field tents. I would bet that they get there business done in 90 days as they should instead of going into overtime sessions. The officious elected types say we need a balanced budget. we have budget shortfalls. we are taking the PFd. Time to start at the top and work backwards now. No more special sessions. Or at least not for pay when they squander the 1st 90 days.

  8. To all Alaskans,
    Some of us in Juneau are proposing a trade-off. You help us get an access road built from Juneau to Skagway and the rest of North America. In return, when the road is complete, we will help you move the state capital to Anchorage, lock, stock and barrel.
    We know the road will help us. We pray the capital will help you. Let’s do it.

    • I agree with Wayne, Build the Road. I however disagree with moving the seat of government to Anchorage. The States largest city has proven itself to be a hotbed for radical leftist fascism as evidenced by the current Assembly. If memory serves it was Robert Atwood who began the Capital move effort back in what ’59? Even old Bob didn’t want the disease of government in Anchorage and suggested building a new city new Gakona, My sense is that Tok would be the best location. The weather is lovely there in January.

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