Big Wild Life: Brownie breaks into Alaska Zoo, attacks alpaca, both dead


According to the Alaska Zoo, their 16-year-old alpaca was attacked by a wild brown bear, which had broken into the zoo at night. Biologists had been keeping an eye on the bear in the neighborhood, but it snuck into the zoo at night and mauled the alpaca. Officials euthanized both animals.

Although Caesar, the alpaca, is no more, the zoo’s remaining alpaca Fuzzy Charlie was able to escape the enclosure and was later located by staff inside the zoo grounds.

“Prior to the break in at the zoo, wildlife officials with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game had already determined that the bear posed a significant risk to public safety and were attempting to find the bear to remove it,” the zoo wrote in its blog.

“The bear’s entry point was discovered and has been reinforced. The bear was known to biologists for other activity in the surrounding neighborhoods. The zoo will continue to monitor perimeter fences, a long-standing policy for zoo safety.”

“We are deeply saddened by this tragic loss of both a wild bear and Caesar the alpaca. We care deeply about all animals and feel saddened by the deaths on both sides of the situation. We take this as a reminder that our city of Anchorage is indeed bear country. Wild bears are still active, gathering food and resources before their winter’s sleep. We ask the public to stay vigilant with bear safety protocols in neighborhoods by securing trash and other attractants.” said Patrick Lampi Director the Alaska Zoo.

For the full story on this breaking news, visit…/brown-bear-visiting-alaska…


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