Biden TSA extending face masks for travel through January 18


The Transportation Security Administration is extending yet again the mandate that travelers in all transportation networks in the United States must wear face coverings. The mandate first went into effect on Feb. 1 and was to expire on May 11, and then on Sept. 13.

An agency spokesman said Tuesday that the mandate will now extend until Jan. 18.

The mandate applies to all airports, commercial aircraft, buses, and rail systems.

Prior to the federal rule, most airlines had already implemented their own face mask requirements. The Trump Administration had held off making it a federal mandate, but the travel mask mandate was among the first requirements of the new Biden Administration.

Industry representatives were briefed by the TSA on Tuesday and the extended rule is to be shared with the airline unions on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, the Federal Aviation Administration reported 3,889 incidents involving unruly airline passengers this year. 74 percent of them — 2,867 — involved passengers’ refusal to wear a mask as directed by crew.

Meanwhile, Alaska Airlines is set to require all of its employees to get the Covid-19 vaccination as a condition of employment, after the death of three airline employees from Covid-19. All three were unvaccinated.


  1. My son works for Alaska Airlines, but he is not going to get the mRNA injection. This is a disgusting thing to force on their employees. Hopefully they will change their minds so my son doesn’t have to find another job. I wish that I didn’t have to fly on Alaska Airlines, but there are no other options.

    • As he shouldn’t. I have recently flown Sun Country. There are other options for us. Disappointing Alaska Airlines, very.

    • Only if you walk across our Southern border outside a lawful entry point. Then do whatever the hell you want.?

  2. I’m surprised they don’t make it permanent. After seeing what the masking does to our kids, sounds like exactly what the left wants.

  3. Obey sheep.

    Show your papers, alter your bodies, do as told, don’t question your betters.

    The Founders overthrew the British for far less.

    • Excellent point, TMA.
      And you know, all those Covidian Karens (both male and female) who are so rabidly fervent in their support for all the authoritarian measures to (supposedly) fight the (supposed) pandemic are EXACTLY the same kind of kneejerk, compliant conformists who supported the British in the War of Independence. I have no doubt that such people would ALWAYS side with the existing power structure, no matter how corrupt, because it is just evidently in their nature to blindly follow and to not think or judge for themselves.
      Yes, I am looking at you guys, Greg Forkner and Bill Yankee. Quislings both.

  4. You would think that even the Biden administration would have figured out by now that the number of “unruly airline passenger” incidents would drop precipitously if they would get rid of the silly mask mandate!

  5. I take it that Alaska Airlines didn’t get the memo that 3 Delta Airlines Pilots died AFTER getting the COVID shot.

    Not just the 3 from Delta but at least 41 thousand had died, all took the COVID shot.

    Businesses who are requiring an experimental vaccination on their employee’s (as a condition of employment) are in violation of the Nuremberg Code.


  6. Good. Business travel is a consistent revenue source for the airlines. It would be irresponsible to risk the safety of north slope or bristol bay workers for no good reason. Shutting down entire industries is needless when we have masks and vaccines.

  7. Having pilots vaccinated? Uh, no thank you, if I’m paying for the transport I’d like my pilot healthy and unvaccinated knowing he/she isn’t about to lose consciousness or go into sudden full body spasms at 30,000 feet. And another thing, masks don’t work.

    • What is in the vaccine that would cause sudden full body spasms?

      And what new study shows masks no longer work?

      • What’s causing body spasms or sudden death from brain hemorrhages after the vax? Ask Fauci the world wants to know. Is there a study or any study on the garden variety masks? I see none.

  8. Liberty is going fast.

    ‘Liberty, next to religion has been the motive of good deeds and the common pretext of crime, from the sowing of the seed at Athens, 2,460 years ago, until the ripened harvest was gathered by men of our race. It is the delicate fruit of a mature civilization; and scarcely a century has passed since nations, that knew the meaning of the term, resolved to be free. In every age its progress has been beset by its natural enemies, by ignorance and superstition, by lust of conquest and by love of ease, by the strong man’s craving for power, and the poor man’s craving for food.’
    Lord Acton, The History of Freedom in Antiquity (1877)

  9. If any of you compliant, conformist and hypochondriac Karens ever wondered who fascism, communism and Nazism ever really got rolling, you have a perfect demonstration of the same creeping tyranny here with all this authoritarian Covidian cultism. It is NOT about public health, at all, it is ALL about control.

  10. Mch like the patriot act even when inevitably the republicans regain control of the 2 party seesaw these orders by the masters will be around forever

  11. COVID and masking will be here forever. The Dems and Liberals just love them too much to ever say goodbye. Kind of like when Jews had to wear the Star of David under Hitler’s regime.

  12. Unless you’re traveling illegally into the USA via our Southern border, in which case do whatever the hell you want to.

  13. “Two weeks to flatten the curve.”

    “Masks for the first 100 days…[Joe Biden is]…in office.”

    Where I used to work, we had a saying: “Nothing temporary ever is.” Welcome to the New Normal, Comrade!

  14. Ah, the classic ‘moving goal posts’ of leftist statists — fence the pig in on one side, then two sides, then three sides, then the gate finally closes.

  15. Hopefully the compliant and obedient will learn the lesson of the jab…dutifully taking the experimental gene therapy treatment and accepting the risk of a short term unfortunate outcome along with completely untested and unknown long term effects only to be told that the exaggerated efficacy of the “vaccination” all but disappears after about six months and never protected the test animals from either getting or passing on the virus did them zero good in the end.
    They all now need to mask up, social distance, get a “booster” shot and, essentially, get treated like all of us vaccine hesitant grandma killers…haha…
    At least the rest of us who were aware enough to see through the vaccination scam don’t need to lie awake at night wondering what the wonder drug is doing inside our bodies.
    All we need worry about is if we’ll be in the 0.01% …or less… of the population who will die from the “pandemic” sweeping the nation and world.
    I’ll spend about as much time feeling concerned about that as I spend worrying about getting killed by lightning because the probabilities are about the same.

      • We will not, as all rational people will not, Greg.
        And speaking of rational people, that of course does NOT include spineless, subservient, kneejerk pro-authority Quislings like you, who cannot or will not think for themselves, but who can only blindly follow and obey.

    • It is past time for some of the states to start seceding from the USA. Texas, for one, can already do so legally, and I believe is increasingly likely to do so. Let this country separate into the pro-freedom jurisdictions and the pro-tyranny jurisdictions, and let’s see who succeeds and who fails (that is a rhetorical statement, actually, as we already know which ones would succeed and which would fail.).

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