Bloomberg and the New York Times report that in the next few days President Joe Biden will ban all new offshore oil and gas development, including 625 million acres of U.S. coastal territory. Alaska has more Outer Continental Shelf area than the rest of the nation and territories combined.
It would be another of the 11th hour moves by the anti-Alaska president and radical Democrats.
Congressman Nick Begich III immediately responded. On X, he wrote:
“Joe Biden is a son of a bitch. Hundreds of thousands of Alaskans rely on natural gas from the Cook Inlet to heat and electrify their homes, churches, schools, and workplaces. Actions like this should serve as a permanent reminder that the Democrat machine is more than happy to sacrifice us all in the name of their sanctimonious, socialist-driven, climate science™ religion.”
The Biden move against U.S. energy security is reportedly coming on Monday, and would ban the federal leasing of any new drilling rights in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as well as the easter Gulf of Mexico. Biden will justify his actions due to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, which allows a president to withdraw federal waters from future oil and gas leasing.
Although the Act does not include language allowing any future presidents to reverse the ban, President Donald Trump may do so and then fight it in court.
President Barack Obama banned offshore drilling in parts of the Arctic Ocean. During his presidency, Trump tried to revoke the ban, but Alaska U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Gleason in 2019 ruled that Obama’s ban could not be unwound without Congress passing an act allowing it. In other words, the 1953 Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act allows land to be locked up by a president, and future presidents have no power to unlock it.
Suzanne ma’am hanging with the smart kids in the classroom room is lots of fun thank you. How do you do this are you a speed reader speed typer phenom or just a natural GOD given talent for all? Must read flat out rocks, I cannot wait to see the list of nick’s accomplishments in time for we the people MAGA FOR ALL nick sir.
Well we all know mary would have never done that!
Probably would have praised the idiot for his decision to ban.
Thank goodness for Nick & Alaska!
While Nick’s comment is true, the s.o.b.’s executive order can simply be revoked on 15 days which I am sure it will be. I understand this causes uncertainty in the market and that has its own costs, but it is not a ban.
Let’s keep our powder dry as there will be many a battle soon to commence.
I’d prefer him to put his money where his mouth is and file Articles of Impeachment
That’s a general term I use when referring tp most democrats.
We have the house and senate. Trump can do it. If not, he can call it a matter of national security and side step it.
He is completely insane. Anyone working for the feds that have their names on any of this legislation need fired by 6 pm on the 20th. My question to our congressman is are there any checks and balances in dealing with the White House.??From my view there is not. That asshole is spending my grandkids money as fast as he can. I think he should be deemed incompetent and removed from office tomorrow. In a straight jacket if necessary. He is insane. He hates America so bad it wouldn’t surprise me to see him
Launch a nuke on our own country. His administration needs run out of the country completely along with the top 20% of each agency. Fuck these people.
12:01 pm would be preferable.
Good post.
He has been insane and incompetent for the past 3 yrs..There are others working through him and probably transcribing what he needs to do..Many of us feel O/B has been behind most of it..There’s got to be an overeach to block this..
no one of common intelligence can disagree with your comments.
Good post, Doug. You snuck a few bleepers in, too. Biden will go down in history as a plague on his fellow Americans, with a will to destroy our great country. That’s why Democrats love him. When he finally croaks, his maker will send him to the garbage heap, as irretrievably broken.
Thank you Nick! How about the other two? We know Murkowski will go along with it and want millions to pay people not to work. Where is Dan Sullivan on this matter? Crickets again. Well, at least we have one elected official working for us.
Where’s Murkowski on this bit of ‘Bidenomics’?
Common sense has disappeared on a very large scale.
Princess Lisa is probably celebrating in private this malicious and destructive edict by her hero.
There is literally nothing too depraved and freedom-destroying for Princess Lisa to not rally around.
Murky is hiding under her rock somewhere, lurking around for the time when it’s safe again for her to crawl out.
We, as Patriotic Americans – Alaskans, need to close the gap and proclaim this as an: Act of War & Political Treason! Then, hold these Traitors “personally” accountable, and make it bite hard!
If Biden is not competent to stand trial then he is not competent to be POTUS. Every action biden has done should be null and void.
Nicely said, that should blow some left-wing nut minds!
But I am sure it is way too complicated for them to comprehend!
Yukon, you are correct and Trump should join his first day do an executive order canceling Biden‘s rules and direction for this country. Since Biden was a true president and he’s not cognizant to run the country than everything he has said and done has no merit.
Listening to the Michael Dukes show, these thoughts came to mind ; Not building a gas pipeline or finding innovative ways to use Alaska’s vast amounts of natural gas is immature, bordering on insanity. Always , always saying we have to import natural gas from foreign countries becomes a broken record . Like this show is being used as a tool to stop Alaska and America from being energy self sufficient.
Look you incompetent, influence peddlers, if people had listened to your dumb and dumber advice back when the oil pipeline was contemplated we would be importing oil ! If not now then when ? No money ?? Look at the stupid, stupidity in our government with bloated budgets with deficits mainly spent on things that are not working to better our state. Raises for politicians ? Come on Dunleavy !
If it’s not good for Alaska to build a gas pipeline to supply energy needs all Alaska, why on earth was a powerful foreign nation trying to build it if they are given, given three fourths of our natural gas !
But this show and others like it fits, truly fits the saying , “ Stupid is what stupid does. “
Now that our government has blown up Nordstream, and ordered Ukraine to end the transit of the last Russian cheap, clean and reliable natural gas into our EU vassal dependencies, how will we honor our long term commitment to keep the EU supplied with our very expensive, and non reliable LNG?
With Europe deindustrializing, well on its’ course to becoming a “green dream” hellish failed continent, demand will decrease, but they are already short on stored supplies, just to keep people warm.
They do have a contract with the UAE, but the EU is imposing a 5% tariff on all UAE sales if they don’t conform to “green” mandates, unless the EU relents, that source will be gone too.
Our representatives in Juneau are as incompetent and corrupt as the ones in Brussels, the brave new “green” age is going to be interesting.
Be careful of embracing the Nordstream destruction. There is a very good case it was due to Russian incompetence, as in Russians shipping dirty gas. Dirty gas has a lot of water vapor in it. That water vapor solidifies in the cold pipelines at the bottom of the Baltic Sea forming methane hydrate plugs. The plugs seem to have built up at the turns of the pipeline. Gas flow was shut down for a while. Plugs grew during that time. Flow was restarted. Plugs started moving hit the bends in the pipeline and went boom. This is why conditioning of natural gas in pipelines is important. Cheers –
NB3 is even better than Don Young. Love this young man.
So the real rub is, a 1953 congressional act allows a president to lock up the oil and gas but requires a majority of the 535 members of congress to unlock it. The consequence is, we must depend upon foreign sources for energy which reduces our standard of living. Just remember that when conversing with your leftist family members, neighbors and friends. Your real enemies are real close to you.
“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” ?
Ha ha dave I was just thinking that exact statement when I read Wayne’s comment.
There is nothing that stupid Alzheimer’s victim can declare that the next POTUS can’t simply reverse with a stroke of his pen. If this is the way this republic is to be governed now, so be it. Stupidity has a half life. just like everything else.
I don’t know where the line is beyond which we can no longer blame this demented old man for much of anything. He can read a teleprompter but has trouble doing so. Beyond that I am not sure he knows where he is, what day it might be, etc. and I am sure we can say that without a doubt the people around him are SOBs.
Trump will just reverse it all.
Sharon Gleason doesn’t seem to care about people staying warm at all. She just keeps following the climate fearmongerers.
If like to relay comments from Mary Peltola on this matter……….
As “present “ as I ever was.
Congressman, you’ve been dealt a royal flush and ole, ox-ankled Murkowski is scared shitless of running against you. You have no reason to be nice to Biden–the old fart–but don’t under-play your hand. Why, even we “sophisticates” from the backwoods know that you don’t dig into the caviar or pâté with a soup spoon, and that you never smear them on your Pilot Bread as thick as you would Planter’s peanut butter. Why, you ain’t playin’ penny ante seven-card-no-peaky where the deuces and one-eyed jacks are wild and fours draw extra: You’re now playing in the big House, and all the decks are marked. Wisen up and cut a swath of your own through the political landscape: everybody will sit up and take notice of you as a real “contender!”
I think Nick knows how to play his cards. You just watch.
Now that the 119th Congress is in session, can they impeach the current incompetent, treasonous POTUS?
They should wait until he’s out of office. The precedent has been set already.
Nick hasn’t been there long enough to have been corrupted. That is a good thing, So saying, I echo the quizzical question: “Where is Sullivan?” No need to ask on the “Princess”. as projected, doubtful that any meaningful late statement will amount to a definition of outrage , Sullivan may appear as on the slippery slope of entering the Deep State, yet, I’d give him a bit of space prior to a public condemning a potential oversight on the topic.
Cheers to Nick! An honest reaction.
Kissinger shut down a huge oil field when it would have made us energy independent for 250 years, according to the former Pipeline Chaplain Lindsey Williams. Sullivan is a CFR member, and positively BEGGED me not to bring it up on my show when he ran for re-election. He will toe the CFR line, which is only vaguely known to any of us at any given time.
CFR …. What’s that?
Committee on Foreign Relations. Not exactly always having Americas’ best interests at heart.
“Knick” Begich unleashing his inner Don Young. Hopefully we get him an Incredible Hulk tie so he can channel Ted Stevens as well. We voted for the right guy.
It is clearly apparent that Biden is being operated by handlers who are attempting to destroy the US. We must dig into this issue and deliver firm punitive action to those who are attacking us.
I have a worse description for Joe— not saying it aloud here.
Donald Trump should issue a simple executive order on January 20th written thusly:
“I, president Donald J. Trump, hereby rescind every executive order of my immediate predecessor.”
Even after four years of this malevolent usurper, I cannot believe the pure spite, malice and outright evil of this criminal and treasonous action by PotatoHead.
It would be funny if congress called a vote to remove Biden from office tomorrow and let the camel have the last 15 days. Of course everything Biden does is driving the democrats straight into the ground at this point. Let the destruction continue. I have zero fear of these lunatics, bring it on you nut cases.
Hey Nick: welcome to the party, pal!
From Joe Biden: “let Alaskans freeze in the dark. They vote republican. They get what they deserve,” as he waves his middle finger on both hands in our faces.
To Lisa: remember this. Joe’s your man. You’d rather be slid down an 30-foot cheese grater into a pool of alcohol than back anything that Trump tries to move forward. When the lights go out in Alaska, we’ll be turning our eyes in the dark toward you to hear your latest, “but Trump…” and “good public policy” excuses.
I think that the SCOTUS would be favorable to overturning this Presidential Edict. President Trump would need to find the best law group.
Congressman Begich: THANK YOU for breaking the ice.
I wish you every success possible through your dedicated service to Alaska.
You have a long bountiful career ahead of you.
Jim Weber
Trump may be in a position of ‘check’ on many issues, yet short of ‘mate’ until in the left seat, advised by a rather cogent cabinet et al. Will the results of all this discord be productive for Alaska?
So, if Biden wasn’t competent enough to continue his run for President, then we all know someone else is making the decisions. You go Nick! Alaskans are tired of being bullied by our own president.
Very classy, Nick. Almost Lincolnesque. Evokes thoughts of Kennedy, Churchill, Socrates.
Please don’t now be surprised when you hear the same words come out of the mouths of your young children, or your grandchildren. Shameful, really, but certainly on brand for the decency-free world of MAGA.
And thank you MRAK for your full-frontal reporting of this foul language – I mean, no asterisks or anything! That’s what I call solid, precise journalism.
Globalist anti-American traitors deserve no respect.
Biden IS guilty of treason, and deserves to hang for it. In a just world, he would.
Back in the saddle, Jeffy. Game on!
And, no condemnation of the President’s actions that fully support the globalist/one world government/WEF agenda.
Implies you support the action, and the agenda it supports.
Any response from Nick is far more classy than what your hero Mary would have done or not done since she was usually a noshow when it came time to vote.
Good riddance Mary.
We will not miss you.
Well said Nick B and very appropriate. I like NB3 better now! I have hope for him doing a good job.
Whidbey the difference between nick and you is he is a fist fighter and not a wratchet jaw coward like yourself. The moron you support is the lowest life pos ever to occupy the White House.
Is fighting what you’re all about? How nice.
And by the way, your Christian love really shines thru in this (and many other) of your posts.
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. – Matthew 22.
Thanks Nick now we know we have a fighter. Whidbey please crawl back under your rock.
It is a false assertion that the sense of man is the measure of things.
Give ‘em hell, Nick. This is why we elected you!
This should be overturned by any court for the simple reason joey is mentally incompetent and not capable of these decisions.
This order appears to apply only to the Alaska OCS planning areas in the Bering Sea (not Cook Inlet). The text is at this link.
And the map is at this link:
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