Biden rule allows people to sue doctors for not giving them transgender drugs, surgeries



The Biden administration has issued yet another rule redefining “sex” to fit progressive gender ideology politics, this time in healthcare.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights along with the the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued the final rule, which extends a wide swath of legal protections to transgender drugs and surgeries and in turn opens the door to sue those healthcare providers and insurers who do not support them.

HHS says the rule is allowed under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. The rule would apply to any healthcare providers or insurers who receive federal funding.

“Today’s rule is a giant step forward for this country toward a more equitable and inclusive health care system, and means that Americans across the country now have a clear way to act on their rights against discrimination when they go to the doctor, talk with their health plan, or engage with health programs run by HHS,” said Secretary Xavier Becerra.

Critics argue this rule is the latest effort by the Biden Administration to force a transgender agenda on Americans using federal rule-making.

“The Biden administration’s new healthcare mandate is a vast overreach that turns medicine upside-down,” Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake said in a statement. “Congress never voted to redefine sex in the Affordable Care Act to add gender identity. The rule harms families and children by promoting dangerous, life-altering ‘gender-transition’ procedures that remove healthy body parts or block puberty. The Biden administration’s egregious rule would alter the United States’ medical system for the worst.”

A federal district court ruled in March that the Biden administration could not require religious employers and religious healthcare providers to provide for transgender drugs and surgeries.

A similar Biden administration rule via the Department of Education to redefine sex in a similar manner has gotten national attention and pushback. The rule change, which critics say would end women’s sports in schools as we know it, is already facing a legal challenge from a collection of states.

The similar HHS rule change, however, has received less attention but could be just as impactful.

“Just days after the Biden administration gutted protections for women and girls in Title IX, they have now moved to inject radical gender ideology into hospitals and medical centers nationwide,” Terry Schilling, president of American Principles Project, said in a statement.

Schilling argued the rule would be used to require healthcare providers to offer sex-change operations, puberty blockers and more even to minors or face losing their license.

“Insurers will be compelled to cover these practices,” Schilling continued. “And individual doctors, nurses, and other practitioners will be pressured to facilitate sex changes or else risk career-ending lawsuits, even if it goes against their conscience and best medical judgment.

“Not only is this rule a blatant invasion of politics into medicine, but it also represents the privileging of an insane ideology over science and biology,” Schilling added.


  1. Grandpa Bloodstains is a very sick man.

    It also shows just how authoritarian his people are: you will help mutilate mentally ill people or else.

  2. Depleting and raising cost in an already stretched medical system. The Democrats do not even understand the more regulation you put on an industry the more cost go up. Simple economics 101 but the left is woefully incoherent about. Less regulations mean more innovation and cheaper prices because the extra cost is not passed on to the consumer.

  3. A commenter to an article about the climate change hoax in American Thinker today made this statement in his/her comment that is so true.

    “when government grant money makes science rich, it becomes politics. Government grant money has made scientific integrity and oxymoron.”

    Here we are.

  4. Talk about giving the inmates the tools to run the asylum!

    In a nutshell it is the Colorado Bakery owner’s plight, codified by the federal government. I predict that more and more healthcare providers will opt out of Obamacare and only take on self-paying patients or form a co-op. This will strain an already overburdened system even more.

    Ironically whatever happened to “healthcare should be between the doctor and the patient and government should stay out of it??” Oh I forgot that only applies to decimating the human race not making it better.

  5. I used to work in many medical offices here in Alaska. First thing, all doctors have Malpractice insurance. All of them. These gender confused idiots will be sueing the Dr through their insurance. Just because someone complains about not getting what they want does not say lawsuit.
    The lawyer will discharge it for lack of evidence (just because you are told no doesn’t qualify). That is why there are so many Drs to choose from. If you didn’t like how one is you can easily go to another. Period.
    They can think they can “sue” a doctor for not giving them their female hormones for something that is impossible I.E. (man turning into women) all they want. It will be simply found to have no validity. These people are insane!

  6. So you’ll be able to sue I doc. That won’t be complicit in ruining a life, but you can’t sue when he wants to ( as he should) save a life and prescribe ivermectin. You can’t sue the pharmacy for not filling the prescription that the good doctor wrote

  7. We note with optimism that the Biden administration has issued yet another rule redefining “stupid” to fit Democrat and radical Left ideology politics, this time in healthcare.
    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights along with the the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued the final rule, which extends a wide swath of legal protections to anti-stupid drugs and brain-transplant surgeries for Democrats and in turn opens the door to sue those healthcare providers and insurers who do not support them.
    So health-insurance premiums go through the roof (again).
    Might be worth it, though.

  8. Customer: I want a home made of fairy dust popsicle sticks so may family can live happily in Alaska year-round! We’ve got 3 kids, and twins on the way! So, we need the house done next month.
    Professional, Registered, Licensed Engineer: Can’t do it, and if I tried, it’d terribly dangerous… in my professional opinion. Hire someone else.
    Customer: I’ll Sue!!!

    Now try that with gender, drugs, surgery and a medical professional. This is a dangerous step away from “first, do no harm”. The assertion may be made that doing nothing can be harmful – but the constant bleeting of “You must do something!!” isn’t helpful if the doer is being coerced, not trained in the doing, or otherwise ill-equipped to “do something!!”.

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