Biden breaks law, burns Alaska by booting oil development from ANWR


After a summer of sending a parade of cabinet members to tour Alaska, President Joe Biden today said he is canceling all of the oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’s 1002 area, and also is shutting down development of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.

Area 1002 was set aside by Congress for oil and gas production. In 2020, the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority bid on and was awarded land leases in the region, a lease that was part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law by President Donald Trump in 2017.

As a candidate, Biden promised to shut down oil and gas production on federal lands, including ANWR and the NPR-A, which meant destroying high paying jobs Americans and Alaskan families and communities would benefit from. 

Candidate Biden said that he is “completely totally opposed [to development] in ANWR. No more drilling on federal lands period!”

AIDEA said in a statement it will fight the Biden Administration.

“This latest action by the Department of the Interior shows arbitrary disregard for Federal law, based on campaign trail rhetoric. Campaign promises are not enough to justify this agency action. Under the law, Interior must present real facts and reasons that support this reversal in position,” AIDEA said in a press release.

“Interior’s action leaves AIDEA one choice, we have to go to court to protect our rights in the ANWR leases. This time, we will ask the court to allow us to conduct discovery that could include taking the deposition of Biden’s messenger, Secretary Haaland and possibly other administration officials involved so the real motives are made public,” the agency said.

AIDEA is owned by the State of Alaska and is run by a separate board of directors.

“The leases AIDEA hold in ANWR were legally issued in a sale mandated by Congress. It’s clear that President Biden needs a refresher on the Constitution’s separation of powers doctrine. Federal agencies don’t get to rewrite laws, and that is exactly what the Department of the Interior is trying to do here,” said Gov. Mike Dunleavy. “We will fight for Alaska’s right to develop its own resources and will be turning to the courts to correct the Biden Administration’s wrong.”

Rep. Mary Peltola put out a statement in opposition to Biden’s actions, although she was one of the first in Congress to endorse him for reelection and was rated the top conservation lawmaker by the League of Conservation Voters.

“I am deeply frustrated by the reversal of these leases in ANWR. This administration showed that it is capable of listening to Alaskans with the approval of the Willow Project, and it is some of those same Inupiat North Slope communities who are the ones that are most impacted by this decision. I will continue to advocate for them and for Alaska’s ability to explore and develop our natural resources, from the critical minerals we need for our clean energy transition to the domestic oil and gas we need to get us there. We can only get to that transition by listening to the people on the ground. Finally, we can’t keep erasing our progress with every administration. I will continue to advocate for permitting reform that includes predictable timelines from the federal government, which must be a reliable partner in leasing and developing our resources,” said Peltola, who is having a fundraiser in Juneau on Wednesday that features anti-Alaska-oil Rep. Eric Swalwell of California, who has long advocated for shutting down Alaska’s economy.

Sen. Dan Sullivan also spoke out against the decision: “Having just spent more than a month home in communities across our state, there is palpable anger and frustration among Alaskans about the Biden administration’s unrelenting assault on our economy and our ability to lawfully access our lands. This war on Alaska is devastating for not only Alaska but also the energy security of the nation. This unlawful cancellation of AIDEA’s ANWR leases today now brings us to 55 executive orders and actions specifically targeting Alaska since President Biden assumed office.”

Murkowski posted her objections, focusing on the shutdown of the NPR-A.

Deb Haaland, secretary of the Interior, said, in her announcement of the decision, “With climate change warming the Arctic more than twice as fast as the rest of the planet, we must do everything within our control to meet the highest standards of care to protect this fragile ecosystem. President Biden is delivering on the most ambitious climate and conservation agenda in history. The steps we are taking today further that commitment, based on the best available science and in recognition of the Indigenous Knowledge of the original stewards of this area, to safeguard our public lands for future generations.”


      • You probably don’t know anyone because either your circle of acquaintances is very small, or most of the people you know don’t bother voting, or some are lying to you.

  1. Did you expect anything else?

    The man is lawless, corrupt, and determined to bring this nation to its knees.

    And yet he continues to burn money on the alter of Ukraine. Gotta keep the grift alive.

    • Pedo Joe doesn’t know what day of the week it is.

      His handlers….Obama and company, are calling the shots.

    • I agree Biden is all those things you mention and agree that Biden is probably supporting Ukraine because of the grift you mention. However even a broken clock is right at least once a day. I personally believe supporting Ukraine is a investment well worth the money spent. Putin has his eyes on NATO countries once he takes over Ukraine and once that happens the U.S. is obligated to defend its NATO partners. That means dead U.S. Soldiers. Right now Ukraine is keeping Putin at bay so our soldiers don’t have to fight in another European war. Ukraine has shown they will continue to fight and die for their country as long as they have the weapon support they need. And in comparison to the trillions Biden has spent on climate change junk science, the cost of weapons sent to Ukraine is peanuts. Not trying to argue. Just giving an opinion.

    • There’s a simple reason why Trump waited until his insurrection day before the first lease sales were held and why they weren’t issued until the last day he was in office, but you won’t like the answer. It’s the same reason why Trump couldn’t muster an infrastructure bill when Republicans controlled both the Senate and House. Incompetence.

      • Funny. Trump isn’t the topic of the article.

        But if it’s all you’ve got, guess you have to go with it.

        TDS. Breaking progressives since 2015.

      • Insurrection. HA. The feds, DC cops, and ANTIFA had infiltrated the crowd to become at least 25% of the people on January 6th. It wasn’t an insurrection by Trump, it was a gaslighting hostile takeover to make him and his supporters look crazy. There are legitimate criminals, right now, getting sentences of a few months after murdering or sexually assaulting someone, and yet many J6 victims are getting 10+ years. It was a setup. Stop pretending, come out of your cave, and see what reality really is.

  2. Well we’re screwed, we have two democrats and one republican in congress and they don’t seem to be fighting this corrupt regime. Laws are for conservatives and tax paying workers. The democrats are exempt from all laws. Prove me wrong!

  3. No words. Show up and vote them out! How awful! Support modernizing ANCSA ANILCA Laws so we aren’t a support system for every deranged politician who does not put science at the forefront of decisions, just his son, the Chinese and a bunch of liberals who do not think about the people of the Arctic!

  4. We are paying over $5.20 for regular gas – more for diesel. (Glennallen) Not sure what our heating oil is going to cost yet be we do know it’s going to be more. The cost in fuel for traveling to where we can cut firewood and running saws makes the difference in cost between the two heating sources a wash with one just getting all that much harder for those of us along in age.
    It’s times like this I wonder how good an idea it was for us to work so hard to become a state.

    • And just think the state will be paying more for all the fuel subsidies for the bush communities. The bush will not feel the total pain at the pump. The state needs to kick the feds out. What are they going to do come up and take over by force. It’s time the states told the feds they are out of line. It’s the states rights to develop what and as much as they need without federal intervention.

      • Unleaded gas in Bettles was $15.00/gallon. Same for heating oil. Even with the PCE, the cost of electricity is more than twice what you are paying. BTW, those prices have gone up – I left Bettles last April. The PCE program is funded by Congress and does not enjoy automatic cost-of-living increases. Stop whining about the past deal for the whole State to benefit some through the Railbelt Intertie – you already have your power subsidy, and it doesn’t have to be voted on each year.

      • LOL…you do realize that we aren’t getting nearly what we were supposed to on the PFD, so it’s not helping us at all…just the grifters in office with their good-ole-boy networks.

      • If only we had a statutory formula.
        Democrat crook Governor Walker chaged that.

        Again. Vote Republican, Alaska.

        Otherwise you are a fool.

      • The crooked Alaskan gov’t is going to have the entire PFD in a few years anyway – every year they are reducing the amount that Alaskans get until it is zero. Alaskans are getting screwed front and back.

  5. Saving Alaska’s oil and gas for future generations, that makes sense, in order to stave off the gluttonous scourge of people that only come to Alaska for the maximum benefit of our resources then leave.

    • Gluttonous scourge of people???
      Oh you must be referring to the scumbag Sam”theBankman”Freid who bought and paid for Lisa’s rigged choice reselection campaign scheme using stolen funds that she stashed in her relatives Homer hideout.

      • Masked; You have questioned me on the last 14 story comments. My turn now., what is wrong with saving some of those resources for the kids?
        I voted for Reagan on his second run, first time at the voting booth and was at the age to vote., policies evolve, justified by the changes of time and circumstances. You know that ANWR will eventually produce oil.

        • Since your argument is intentionally deceptive, it’s natural to dispute your sincerity. An actual Reagan supporter would be smart enough to generate a less obvious falsehood. I disagree with MA from time to time, but he’s dead on here.

          For the rest, The Trans-Alaska Pipeline, by law, is required to be dismantled once it is no longer economic to operate. Maintenance becomes more expensive as the throughput continues to drop. New sources of oil need to be tapped to maintain the infrastructure, as cold oil flowing through an empty pipe lead to accelerated pipe corrosion and increased costs.

          The endgame for the Democrats, greens and other climate change ninnies is to starve and sabotage the pipeline to the point where it ceases to be profitably operable, the law requires it be decommissioned – stranding the ANWR oil forever.

          • Apu; Your entire post is incorrect. There are several well heads that are ready to go on line depending on what the oil companies decide what’s best for the market at a given time and no, the pipeline is not even remotely running out of oil with all levels of government interested in the long term health of TAPS

        • Pipeline throughput is at or near all time lows, in 2019 fell below 500K barrels a day for the first time in history from a peak of over 2 Million in the 80’s.

          If you are going to lie, at least do it in a way that can’t be easily disproven. I get that numbers are hard for you types, but I’ll link them below.


  6. And you think we want him up here ro speak of 911? Refuel him in the air and send his arse back to Delaware

  7. It’s just the Biden regime finishing off the energy sector of the US economy. Nothing new to see here folks. It’s the systematic destruction of the country.

  8. “Sen. Dan Sullivan also spoke out against the decision”
    You could’ve showed some backbone Dan and voted no on Haaland. Instead you kowtowed, voted yes and then sheepishly defended by stating it was the only way to “have a seat at the table”. You, Mary and Murky are all basically the same politician.

  9. You are spot on Floyd! We have no one with a backbone standing up for us in DC anymore.
    Dans endorsement of Lisa the leach who was bought and paid for by Sam “the Bankman” Freid are both selling us all out to the corrupt Biden administration.
    He just lost Eleven votes out of my family (We stick together and vote alike)

  10. Peltola is flat out lying. She was so excited to lead the “Gag a Maggot Tour” to Bethel this summer.

    She was all over the Rural Radio and newspaper, touting the wonderful working relationship with Sec. Haaland and Jill Biden.

    Scummy collection of characters all.

  11. I did get a laugh reading the Cowardly Lion saying “we will fight”.

    I guess it’s a good strategy if his plan is to get Haaland laughing so hard she can’t breathe.

    Scooby Doo puts up more of a fight than little Mike.

  12. “I am deeply frustrated by the reversal of these leases in ANWR. This administration showed that it is capable of listening to Alaskans with the approval of the Willow Project, and it is some of those same Inupiat North Slope communities who are the ones that are most impacted by this decision. I will continue to advocate for them and for Alaska’s ability to explore and develop our natural resources, from the critical minerals we need for our clean energy transition to the domestic oil and gas we need to get us there. We can only get to that transition by listening to the people on the ground. Finally, we can’t keep erasing our progress with every administration. I will continue to advocate for permitting reform that includes predictable timelines from the federal government, which must be a reliable partner in leasing and developing our resources,”

    First, she is lying her butt off.

    ‘I will continue to advocate for them and for Alaska’s ability to explore and develop our natural resources, from the critical minerals we need for our clean energy transition to the domestic oil and gas we need to get us there.’

    Minerals gained from mining that she, nor her cohorts shall ever support, because, well, it is mining, after all.

    ‘We can only get to that transition by listening to the people on the ground.’

    The people on the ground being Gwitchin leaders.

    ‘Finally, we can’t keep erasing our progress with every administration.’

    Meaning, the up and down of their final intent of absolutely NO fossil fuels given.

    “I will continue to advocate for permitting reform that includes predictable timelines from the federal government, which must be a reliable partner in leasing and developing our resources,”

    In other words, ‘I will continue to support permitting refusals from the Federal Government, which includes being reliable within the refusal of said private development, without complete governmental control.

    All the while padding her bank account from said development…go figure…

  13. We burned ourselves. Not DC if you want to get down to it. If our local community leadership held itself accountable to making sure educators were increasing literacy development and decreasing our states dependence upon federal resources last 25 to 30 years), then DC couldn’t push us around like this. No one pushes and bullies a smart person around cause they can smartly defend themselves. Accept the disrespect Or hold one another accountable- Alaska leaders quit belly-aching. And don’t forget to read aloud to your Gen-Z younger half (14 anfd Younger) and get your older half (15 and up working preferably in a private sector job not government or non profits.)

  14. Floyd is correct, Dan Sullivan is a spineless, milquetoast RINO, and smarmy frauds like Haaland should be given a tour of Fairbanks in February. A walking tour. There is a lot more to be said about the corrupt climate halfwits, but that’s an entire book. The global warming hoax has played itself out.

  15. So where does the funding for ANMC ( Alaska Native Medical Center ) come from????
    How long before it’s empty and shut down with out oil revenue

    • ANMC gets its funding mostly from the federal government via the Indian Health Service, Medicare, and Medicaid. Some funding comes from the state but it’s tiny compared to federal sources.

  16. Yes, let’s continue to be dependent on foreign oil from the Mideast at higher costs. question is how much money will the Bidens make off this deal?

  17. Oil companies spending tons of $$$ opening up ANWR now is equivalent to the Durant-Dort Carriage Company in 1923 planning a huge expansion. Sorry Alaska, the oil business has it’s days numbered, at least in AK where the cost to produce is much higher than any where else. Perhaps the Oil Cos. producing in AK should concentrate their time, money and political energies getting a pipeline advanced from the Slope to South Central. Nah . . . just make more noise.

      • When I’m in Yukon I forget the rest of the world exists. Whitehorse for good food, Haines Crossing for desserts (really), Keno for getting as far away from civilization as possible, Destruction Bay for long winter getaways.

        We should try to annex them, but they’re too smart to join a dysfunctional Alaska.

  18. Mary sounds like she used some of the words that Nick has been saying. I suppose she can’t think of any other words that would have helped her to get votes.

  19. “With climate change warming the Arctic more than twice as fast as the rest of the planet, we must do everything within our control to meet the highest standards of care to protect this fragile ecosystem.”

    This is so stupid. The oil is not going to be burned here, it will be burned in California and Washington and the rest of the country. Further, if Alaska oil is not sent to the Lower 48, they will just have to get more from outside the US. Biden is an idiot and he proves it every day.

  20. Well, this will eventually solve Alaska’s homeless problem. Death to our largest private industry will have a ripple affect that leaves lots of abandoned houses that squatters can take over.

  21. Biden is actively trying to destroy this country.
    Peltola should shut up because she is all in on supporting Biden.
    Dan Sullivan should shut up too, because and Lisa voted to confirm Deb Haaland.

    We’re just screwed…..

  22. No mention in the article regarding the lease sale in which not one private company bid to develop. Anyone who’s been paying knows AEDC was never going to do anything with it. This was largely ceremonial. This will have zero impact on what happens. Great headline though!

  23. Well Steve, you may claim that crazy joe’s broken-clock is accidentally “right once a day” but you’re wrong just like crazy joe sending arms to Ukraine is not actually preventing future dead American soldiers. Putin’s Ukraine strategy is more like a con-artist setting up his next victim with “heads I win and tails you lose”. Heads gives Putin’s war a chance to forcibly stop Ukraine from joining NATO while tails carries his backup plan because “no country with an open boarder dispute can join NATO”. The NATO rule make sense because NATO’s Treaty says “an attack on one ally is an attack on all allies, thus requiring a full and unified NATO response. Putin‘s con-game is therefore able to neutralize the true power of a united NATO, win or lose, by just “maintaining” his little war against Ukraine forever. Kind of like how the North Vietnamese assumed if they just hung around long enough taking pot-shots at American’s, that the American’s would eventually go home on their own like the French. This all comes down to not actually preventing future dead American soldiers, just delaying them from being your kids and making sure that there your grand kids instead. Does crazy joe transferring death and destruction from your kids to your grand kids sound like a really bad plan? Why not just come up with a better plan? Ukraine can easily become another Vietnam by letting dunder-heads like crazy joe run America. The only real solution to the problem in Ukraine is to first secure America’s election system which has completely gone off the rails. Once America’s elections are again secure, problems like Ukraine will automatically disappear. Conclusion: Problem’s in Ukraine are the direct result of problems in U.S. elections.

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