Banana Republic: Biden’s pardon of Hunter is going over about like you’d expect with Americans



President-elect Donald Trump responded to President Joe Biden’s expansive pardon of his son, Hunter, calling it a “miscarriage of justice.”

Trump’s comments were echoed by a wave of criticism following the Sunday night pardon. The president and his White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, both previously said Biden would not pardon his son.

“President Biden insisted many times he would never pardon his own son for his serious crimes,” House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said in a statement. “But last night he suddenly granted a ‘Full and Unconditional Pardon’ for any and all offenses that Hunter committed for more than a decade!

“Trust in our justice system has been almost irreparably damaged by the Bidens and their use and abuse of it,” he added. “Real reform cannot begin soon enough!”

Republicans have argued for years that Democrats weaponized the Justice Department against Trump. Republicans have pushed back, pointing to whistleblower reports and other evidence suggesting that Hunter received special treatment from the DOJ and helped lead an international Biden family business raking in money from entities in Ukraine, China and elsewhere.

“Does the Pardon given by Joe to Hunter include the J-6 Hostages, who have now been imprisoned for years?” Trump said in a statement. “Such an abuse and miscarriage of Justice!”

Biden also repeatedly bashed Trump, saying no one is above the law and leading Democrats in their campaign attacks against Trump with the refrain of “no one is above the law.”

“I honestly don’t care,” Charlamagne said on the Breakfast Club show. “I just want Democrats to stop acting like they are on this moral high ground politically when they have shown us they’re not. You know, whether it’s skipping the primary process when Biden stepped down and things like Biden pardoning his son. Stop acting like y’all are the pure party and Republicans aren’t.”

Biden released a statement Sunday announcing and preemptively defending his decision to broadly pardon Hunter and that the charges were “instigated” by the president’s political opponents in Congress.

As The Center Square previously reported, Hunter Biden’s plea agreement with the Department of Justice fell through earlier this year amid pressure from Republican lawmakers, who said the deal was too favorable to the president’s son.

“Without aggravating factors like use in a crime, multiple purchases, or buying a weapon as a straw purchaser, people are almost never brought to trial on felony charges solely for how they filled out a gun form,” Biden said in a statement. “Those who were late paying their taxes because of serious addictions, but paid them back subsequently with interest and penalties, are typically given non-criminal resolutions. It is clear that Hunter was treated differently.”

Many mainstream media pundits and outlets took fire for repeatedly insisting that Biden would not pardon Hunter, referencing Biden’s commitment to not do so.

“Never mind about the corruption, never mind about the gun offenses, never mind about the drug offenses, never mind about the tax offenses,” U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said on his podcast “The Verdict” Sunday. “No man is above the law unless your name is Joe Biden and the entire Biden family.”

Hunter faced tax and gun-related charges, but the president’s pardon covers any potential crimes dating back to 2014, which happens to cover the years where Hunter did his overseas dealings and brought in millions of dollars to his business using the Biden name, according to House investigations.

“Democrats said there was nothing to our impeachment inquiry,” U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said on X. “If that’s the case, why did Joe Biden just issue Hunter Biden a pardon for the very things we were inquiring about?”


  1. My wife is total MAGA and did not care about the Biden pardon, “so what who cares?”. The right looks stupid going after Biden when compared to the silence for Trump’s pardons of murderer’s, and scam artists

    • What about common sense gun control the Democrats are always screaming for? Did you know Rapper 50 Cent did time in prison for the same offense? Poor old “Fiddy” isn’t a privileged Democrat so he got the slammer.

    • Trump pardoned murderers?
      Biden traded the merchant of death for Britney Griner… Why do you even comment here?
      “So what, who cares?”
      What a joke.

    • Why would Hunters pardon need to go all the way back to his time as a “consultant” for Burisma?

      I bet your wife relishes in being the smartest person in your home?!?!

    • And?
      Just because your wife says something, how does that reflect on anyone except her?
      Now that Biden has opened the door with this ridiculous pardon, just wait until Trump starts handing them out. Remember how thrilled the rest of the Democrats were when Harry Reid invoked the nuclear option? Same thing here. The precedent has been set.

    • It’s about the common citizen that does not get preferential treatment by the justice system because they are not in the inner circle of the privileged regardless of who’s president or what their party affiliation is.

      Summarize; Hunter and Jan. 6 convicts need to be locked up.

      • Maybe…but most of the “Jan 6th insurrectionists” weren’t insurrectionists.

        You really have led a sheltered life and I suggest that you leave the continent to learn what an insurrection actually is.

        I’m career LE, I’d call January 6th the most glaring display of event mis-management and incompetence by any police agency I’ve ever seen. I also call it a bad shoot, all day long and twice on Sundays.

        • I did not mean all of them, just the ones that committed assaults, destruction of public property, real crimes.

    • Right Frank. Your wife is a total MAGA. I believe that like I believe Biden:). Not a surprise, just a reminder Biden’s a liar to his core. That’s actually really funny.

    • My wife is total MAGA……..”
      Interesting domestic scenario. Sorta’ like American politics in macro. Civil war, anybody?

  2. AND(!!!), we’re being told that Daddy’s Little Princess want to join the D-Team. Can we reasonably conclude that she is of the same ilk, expecting her to embrace and support, these types of decisions – actions? Has Lisa yet made a public statement of astonishment of the apparent disregard of law and special treatment?

  3. Nobody should be surprised because he’s just another lying politician.
    Anybody that has got an IQ above one has to know that he was going to pardon his son.
    But he lied and cman Frank and dog can’t change the fact that their boy lied.

  4. You have to be completely tone deaf to what is going on in this nation to think this “pardon” is not out of line. And, given the events of the last year/18 months, the justification for the pardon is laughable. Even the most ardent leftist/TDS sufferer can see that.

    • I see your point. I’m not blind. It just that any father would do the same thing for his child and as such, can you really blame him? If so then you are a cold, heartless poser with no understanding of a father’s love. Good dad or not, he still loves him.

  5. HAHAHA! This is truly hilarious! I can’t stop laughing about the reaction to Biden’s pardon. True comedy.

    • Do you believe in common sense gun laws? How about proper gun storage? Hunter’s gun ended up in a garbage can next to a high school. Oh well, nothing to see here.

    • Just wait a little while.
      Read up on the reactions. You will be doing exactly the same thing and more in a few months.
      The precedent has been set. Trump will hand out pardons just like this one, broad brush pardons from all crimes known and unknown for all his friends. When that starts happening, remember your gloating here.

    • Totally agree!
      The faces of the MSNBC anchors and “The View” along with the squirming of KJP at the press conference, when they realized the betrayal from their vaunted leader was truly priceless!

  6. “If you defended the 34x felon, who committed sexual assault, stole national security documents, and tried running a coup on his country…you can sit out the Hunter Biden pardon discussion.” A quote from a Democrat representative that is hard to disagree with. Curious what the response will be from the commenters on this site?

    • You’re a laugh. The 34 counts were thrown out when the case was dropped, you’re not convicted of something if the judge never convicts you/ sentences you. So…he is not now, has never been a felon. No evidence was ever submitted of sexual assault…just crazy e.jean carols spotty a$$memory and even she couldn’t rember the details. Basically every president in history has left the Oval Office with documents….some private, some top secret, some totally benign…but Trumps the only president to have ever been raked over the coals for doing so. Your hero Joe Biden had them in his garage soaking up oil from his crummy old corvette…I’m sure that didn’t bother you. January 6 was a “mostly peaceful protest” way more peaceful than the stuff you lefties pulled in Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis, St.louis, Atlanta, Portland…should I go on? If you think J6 was a coup you should try reading a history book. And also, we aren’t sitting out on commenting on anything…ever. The left brought the game down to this level….we’re just playing by the same rules now. You, Frank, CMAN, Whidbey, Greg, can sit out the discussions from now on.

      • We simply have a different point of view to which we are entitled, and that we choose to proselytize. Simple as that. It’s sort of like Christian evangelism, right? Sorry if we offend your tender sensibilities, but your anger at being challenged actually makes us wonder how firmly you really believe all that you espouse.

        So we’re here to stay – at least until SD kicks us off (again), which to her credit she rarely (but occasionally) does.

      • Way out of line implying a 1967 Corvette is crummy. I demand you retract that insane and outrageous comment.

        You are spot on with everything else.

    • Matt:
      The issue is not who issued the pardon, or why it was issued.
      It is the scope of the pardon. And the justification for it.
      Just wait until Trump starts handing out similar pardons. See if you still think it is OK.

    • > If you defended the 34x felon

      So you are fine with the state charging you with fraud though there is no evidence of fraud or a harmed third party.

      > who committed sexual assault

      So you are fine with civil cases (as no criminal case could have been made) where an accusing party can have zero evidence and still persuade a jury to bring charges against those who are politically unfavored. I would be concerned with past boyfriends of yours…. Just sayin’.

      > stole national security documents

      So you are fine with random application of law (see prior cases of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden to compare).

      > and tried running a coup on his country

      Please cite any example in history where a coup took place without mass use of weapons. Also, the democrat party spent fours years hammering their version of democracy (lovely how ya’ll voted in the primary for president- oh you didn’t) and the voters didn’t buy it.

      You lost and you lost bigly. Suck on it you sad little man.

    • Wow!

      There’s a little saying we use in the courtroom…


      I’m career LE, I really do enjoy watching certain people become all “law and order” strict when it suits them and a political prosecutor goes after someone that they don’t like. Thank YOU.

      News for ya, I barely have to leave my office and within a day of careful observation I can find a dozen felonies on anyone…thanks be to USC! All hail!

      Seriously, you have no idea how incredibly easy it is to find something to indict someone one. That I as an LEO and Not a Trumpist is the one to tell you that you have far too much respect for authority should speak volumes.

  7. Just reinforces and substantiates what we have known for 16 years, the only ones convicted and publicly shamed are the people that have morals, are conservative , and just garbage.

  8. Biden did what was expected. Before elections he said he wouldn’t pardon Hunter. After elections he did the opposite following a true Democrat pattern of bait and switch.

  9. Does anyone else notice that the pardon covers a DECADE of malfeasance?


    SIX years of which were under DEMOCRAT control, but the REPUBLICANS were the problem?

    So telling that the ‘pardon’ extended to such a length of time, so as to cover the Grifter in Chief and his family from a revealment of illegal activity.

    • Randy, the pardon is an admission. Why would Hunter need a pardon if all his business dealings are/were above board and his conduct irreproachable?
      Heard an interesting legal opinion; now that Hunter can no longer be punished for any crime, the 5th amendment is out the window, as self-incrimination no longer matters(sort of like an immunity deal). Maybe the next congress can now call him to answer questions and he can no longer hide and if he does not answer be held in contempt. There are other family members……

    • There is no constitutional limit on pardon time-frame.

      This begs the question what happened 11 years ago?

      Ten years was not selected by accident. You can be sure there is still something in place to keep Hunter in line.

  10. This pardon helps cement the failed legacy of this failed family of Irish roots. Hunter Biden evaded taxes, and also committed tax fraud on about seven million dollars of income. Hunter’s income put him in the top 1% of earners. Corrupt Joe Biden used to tell us the top earners needed to pay their fair share through higher income taxes- except, when it comes to the evil Hunter Biden.

    But wait, if Hunter was the drug addled fool his father claims then why was he being paid millions and millions of dollars when he clearly didn’t earn it? We all know the answer. The Biden Crime Family was focused on using Joe Biden’s office for personal gain by collecting bribes.

    The miserable, wretched failures of this corrupt president will ensure he will be rated as one of the worst presidents in US history. Good. Biden deserves it. And if there is a Hell, I hope he goes there. He deserves to rot for eternity.

  11. Imagine 45/47 pardoning Don Jr for ten years worth of law-breaking, corruption and felonies. Real felonies. The communists and leftists would be marching through the streets of most American cities burning, beating, rioting, overturning cop cars and worse. The very fact that the majority of Americans can take this ca-ca without doing so remains a testament to how fair- and justice-minded most, if not all, republicans are.

  12. Sorry. This ol’ state’s rights conservative Democrat who can’t stand modern Democrats (and Republicans) and hasn’t found a Democrat in years to vote for thinks, no KNOWS, that this is downright HILARIOUS.

    One, was anyone surprised? Nopers.

    Two, senile old Brandon does know this and he took it to the bank; he’s done it and no one can do a damn thing about it. He’s laughing all the way to the bank on this one.

    Seriously, ol’ Joe said “moral high ground?Nah, we don’t do that.”

    The best part of the whole thing was that he admitted that justice is not blind and law enforcement (under civilian leadership) has been used to persecute the politically vulnerable as opposed to prosecuting criminal offenses. Gee, go figure Joey..

    Sorry folks, this is called “rule of man” not “rule of law.” If you don’t understand what that means, go find someone with a classic liberal arts education to inform you.

  13. The entire Biden family will be pardoned. The time frames will be interesting, as they will cover periods where they know there were crimes being committed. And he will also pardon the “Big Guy”.

  14. And it is no surprise at all that this guy I know we can call him “greg” is as happy as a clam his boy hunter is pardoned, no issues with lying, stealing, cheating, drugging, prostitutes, federal gun charges, tax evasion, etc…
    “greg” is not a good person & neither is hunter!

  15. Well, it’s several weeks since the election, and since then I’ve had a really hard time trying to pinpoint why I don’t think I’ve ever felt more defeated and hopeless, as I do now.

    So I gave it some thought, and I think I’ve figured it out. The reason I’m so heartbroken and absolutely disgusted with the result of this election is that it invalidates everything I have ever been taught about how I should live my life, and everything I’ve tried to teach my kids. So it’s an absolute betrayal to realize, at 68 years of age, that when it comes down to it, over half of this country doesn’t value the notion of being kind, being generous, loving your neighbor, being accepting, having empathy, showing understanding, being truthful, being ethical in business, being sensible and levelheaded, not being a bully, not being selfish, and not being a total as*hole.

    Because I’ve been taught these things my entire life, it’s easy for me to see that Donald Trump is a vile and despicable person. He exhibits everything that I’ve been taught to set my sights against in order to be a good, functioning member of society. But now over half of our country supports this person and believes that he’s the one who’s going to Make America Great Again. Well, hey, here’s a secret: Someone who has worked so hard at sowing discord is never going to do anything to unite us. That’s his Big Lie, because he doesn’t benefit from Americans coming together. He, and all the Tucker Carlsons and Alex Jones out there, profit from the rage that they are able to manufacture.

    So don’t tell me it’s OK if we disagree, as if it’s akin to our individual preferences for wine or pizza toppings. This is not a simple disagreement. This is you telling me that the values I’ve held my entire life have no meaning or place in the real world. This is you telling me that I should be shrewd, deceptive, cruel, and intolerant. This is you telling me that the type of person you really admire and look up to is a rich, entitled, narcissistic, criminally convicted pus*y grabber. And if you’re one of those guys out there who likes Trump because he “says what’s on his mind”, he “tells it like he sees it”, he “doesn’t have a filter”, well, you know sometimes you need a filter.

    There was a time not that long ago when being an as*hole wasn’t cool. If you were a shit*y person, you just kept a lot of that to yourself, and society was all the better for it. But now it’s all “let’s Make America Great Again”. And, what I’d like to know is: What specific time in American history are you talking about – what year exactly? Because for a lot of folks right now, this current time in America IS the greatest. And you know that, but for some reason you don’t like it. It’s like this crazy idea that giving certain rights to someone else somehow takes some of yours away.

    Or, are you just pissed that you’re not special anymore, and so that you can feel special again you’ll be more than happy to drag us all back 70 years, when our black brothers and sisters had to drink from separate water fountains, or back when if you were non-straight you had to stay in the closet? Personally, I’d like to go back to when an as*hole had to stay in the closet.

    And don’t tell me: “Oh don’t be stupid. You’re getting it all wrong. It’s really about none of that. It’s really about the economy”, as if that excuses the behavior. You’re willing to overlook all the other fascist rhetoric? Because all that’s doing is showing your wives, your daughters, minorities, LGBTQ, and other marginalized groups, that you’re completely willing to throw them under the bus as long as you can save five cents a gallon on gasoline. Did your stock portfolio get a bump yesterday? Well, good for you. Maybe you can sit offshore on your new boat and watch this country burn to the ground.

    The reality is that, as a country, we had the opportunity to take the high road, to stand higher than our basest instincts, to stand for equality and fairness, to stand for the overall good of everyone. But over half of you kept us from taking it. And the whole world was watching. You know who else was watching – your non-white friends, your non-straight friends, your wives, your kids, and your daughters. So if anyone who actually does claim to value those higher ideals – you know, the ones I mentioned earlier that were taught to us as kids in Sunday School – but is at the very same time enamored with Trump, and who is perfectly pleased with the outcome of the election, then I and millions like me deserve a fuc*ing explanation. – mc

    • If you truly had religious training in Sunday school, you must have missed the lessons on sin and reality. Your epiphany upon the results of this election is long overdue, but I doubt you’ll catch the lesson. You’ll go forward with the determination to elect your way out of sin with the likes of Killary, Lunchbox Joe, and Slick Gavin.
      Some folks never learn…………
      All this election proves is the reality of the political cycle. Push your ideology too far, and the electorate will push back.

    • As a man near your age who firmly believes that we should treat our neighbors as ourselves, love our fellow man, and be kind to strangers to our land because we were once strangers in a land too…I have to say this, and in all seriousness.

      Again, also not as a Republican, not as a Trumpist, just as the good ol’ state’s rights Democrat (yes, it’s a lonely club?), I say this next thing.

      Go take your meds, go check your meds, or visit a psychiatrist and see about getting some meds prescribed. That was far too long of an emotional ramble you made without once touching upon reality.

      Seriously, go get checked out

    • I’m with you there, dog and the only explanation that I can come up with is that we were raised in a different time with different morals. Another, but less significant reasoning might be that they claim trump is better than the alternative, and I think that remains to be seen, but there certainly is evidence that that is false. Politics has always been dirty, filthy dirty and sometimes deadly. I don’t think the world is a more dangerous place than it’s always been. There’s always been gingus, Khan’s and Alexander. The greats and Julius caesars in various forms, along with stalins and hitlers. Today’s climate isn’t any different. What’s different is we don’t have the Ulysses. S grants and the teddy roosevelts and the dwight eisenhower’s and the ronald reagans, we have the likes of the jimmy carters, the clintons, the obamas and yes, the bidens along with the trump. So the game remains the same. It’s just the players who change seats and sometimes for the worse. Harris wasn’t the answer, but neither is trump who we need is someone, Maybe someone yet discovered to come forth and lead us out of this mess, but it’s going to take someone with morals and backbone intact, not somebody with a bull whip and a ramrod.

    • Oh good grief! (and I didn’t read the entire diatribe)

      It seems you are taking this election as a personal rejection of you as a person. This happens when absolutely everything in your world is political and an apple pie isn’t just a simple sweet treat but a symbol of oppression and colonialism or some other such nonsense.

      WTD nobody owes you or anyone else an explanation for their vote, as in a free country people are entitled to make individually choices. That more people chose a different candidate than yours, is the way a representative republic works. You were howling about democracy, yet it seems democracy is only okay if it goes your way…!

      • Dog and Greg are prime examples of our education system in America as they didn’t take the common sense classes along with economics, history, rights, constitution and others.
        Look at what they learned and get your kids out of public indoctrination centers.

    • Here’s your simple explanation: Democrats shot themselves in the foot. They crow on and on about democracy and no one being above the law all the while being hypocrites. I could go on and on but honestly, if you can’t (won’t) see (understand) why the Democrats lost, then any amount of explanation is just a waste of time.

    • Dog, you need to get off your moral high horse. The guy you lionize voted to get us into war in Iraq. That war killed over one million people. It cost the lives of over 5,000 American service members. It cost us over one trillion dollars. Your hero voted to allow that unjust war to happen. Your hero refused to do his job and read the national intelligence estimate that showed the justification for war was built on lies before his affirmative vote.

      Your hero also took naked showers with his daughter, Ashley. Ashley then demonstrated behaviors which would indicate she was sexually abused.

      Your hero has been taking bribes- millions of dollars of bribes through his bagman son, and other family members- selling his office for personal gain.

      Trump, on the other hand, is proud of the fact he kept us out of war. Trump, on the other hand, has raised what looks to be some pretty decent kids.

      Trump is not perfect. But I’m not marrying the guy. I want secure borders, and rational decisions being made about the US economy. I don’t want more wars.

      So enough drama, Dog. Your guy lost. Get over it.

    • I’m sorry that your side ran…errr make that installed a candidate who hadn’t received a vote since 2016, who sat by as her boss was completely incompetent and incapable of the job he was supposed to be doing. I’m sorry that like a spoiled child you didn’t get your way and so you lash out at those you dislike.

      The explanation you want you won’t accept, but here it goes. Your side has spent the better part of 20-30 completely demonizing anyone they disagree with, in the last 10-15 it has reached its zenith and after watching anyone who didn’t toe the woke party line was canceled Americans actually woke up and realized that your side with all it’s hate and intolerance was leading this country down the wrong path.

      Mostly though, I’m sorry that those like you will never accept that you brought this all on yourselves, yourside simply refuses to accept responsibility and absolutely must blame someone or something else for your own failure.

      Your side lost, instead of crying in your beer maybe try some introspection and try and do better for yourself and those around you next time…or just keep complaining since nothing is ever your fault.

    • There are some things that just uncomprehensible to certain individuals so just use the numbers.
      In 2020 Joe received 81 million votes (more than any president in history) and his sole inauguration speech was all about uniting the country which he obviously failed miserably at doing from the sound of the screams of misery and Hollywood stars wanting to leave the nation.
      Not sure what happened to the 81 million supporters???
      Any ideas on where they went or who they voted for in 2024???
      There is a huge block of voters that either died of Covid or left the country???

      Sounds fishy to me too.

    • “So it’s an absolute betrayal to realize, at 68 years of age, that when it comes down to it, over half of this country doesn’t value the notion of being kind, being generous, loving your neighbor, being accepting, having empathy, showing understanding, being truthful, being ethical in business, being sensible and levelheaded, not being a bully, not being selfish, and not being a total as*hole.”

      Apparently, Whidbey, at 61 years of age, when it comes down to it, almost ALL of those MY age fully values the notion of being kind, being generous, loving your neighbor, being accepting, having empathy, showing understanding, being truthful, being ethical in business, being sensible and levelheaded.

      Those of MY age defeated racism, within reality, not politically, only to have it brought back politically once again by those of your party.

      Those of MY age defeated sexism, within reality, not politically, only to have it brought back politically once again by those of your party.

      Those of MY age defeated every other ism, within reality, and yet the party of your support brought it back, politically, each and every time.

      You are full of it, Whidbey, just as any individual that believes, or supports your lies, is every single time.

      • Not sure he has a party anymore, rather, a region of correctness, looking for a shimmer of light that hints there is hope that we don’t destroy this experiment we call democracy.

        • “a region of correctness”???
          What does that mean? All knowing all seeing??
          The hubris in that statement alone is sickening.
          You and WTD are people with opinions that are EQUAL to all others, not the guiding oracles you deem yourselves to be, hurt that your “wisdom” is being ignored.
          Get over it!
          PS: The experiment is a REPUBLIC, Greg, not mob rule democracy!

        • Nor do you, Greg. Your ‘correctness’ falls far short of the reality of your tome of Democracy.

          We, the people, and the United States of America, are NOT a Democracy.

          We, the people, and the United States of America, are a REPUBLIC.

          Your ‘shimmer’ of light is but a shallow blinking aspect of shadows that are soon to go into darkness, as it should be, and always shall….

          Blink now, Greg, and envelope your darkness, for that is what you shall encumber from this moment forth.

  16. If anyone was surprised that Brandon pardoned his son, you would of had to be living in a cave. Brandon LIED! All of ’em were lying!!! The whole Biden/Harris tenure was a lie!! And Brandon ain’t done handing out pardons yet!!

  17. So let’s see if Joe pardons himself for the last 10 years or so. Maybe Hunter won’t turn on him but somebody might. We can only hope. We need to know the truth. I remember watching Joe brag about bullying the Ukranians with the billion dollars in aid if they didn’t toe the line and drop the Burisma investigation. Pray someone steps forward once the new administration is in place.

  18. This cements the Biden administrations place in history as well below the Carter administration, which is saying something. Even Democrats are calling this move outrageous.

    Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington, a Democrat, said Biden “made the wrong decision. No family should be above the law,”

    Sen. Gary Peters of Michigan said “A president’s family and allies shouldn’t get special treatment,” and “This was an improper use of power, it erodes trust in our government, and it emboldens others to bend justice to suit their interests.”

    Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado said it “President Biden’s decision put personal interest ahead of duty and further erodes Americans’ faith that the justice system is fair and equal for all,”

    Sen. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) wrote in a post that “President Biden’s pardon of his son Hunter is, as the action of a loving father, understandable—but as the action of our nation’s Chief Executive, unwise.”

    Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) said “Presidents have the right to pardon who they want, but I fundamentally believe pardons should be used to right the wrongs of the past – not for family members or to hand out political favors,”

    Colorado Gov. Jared Polis said “This is a bad precedent that could be abused by later Presidents and will sadly tarnish his reputation,” Polis continued “When you become President, your role is Pater familias of the nation,” and “Hunter brought the legal trouble he faced on himself, and one can sympathize with his struggles while also acknowledging that no one is above the law, not a President and not a President’s son”.

    Rep. Greg Stanton, D-Ariz., said “This wasn’t a politically motivated prosecution. Hunter committed felonies and was convicted by a jury of his peers.”

    In a sign of our times of just how clueless some folks are, Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison said “Most people will see that Joe Biden did what was right,”

  19. Those with family connections never serve jail time. That is left for those who have no connections. Now no Biden crime will be exposed. Same in autocracies and dictatorships, also democracies. Money and power rules, BS walks. Hasn’t changed since man started to govern himself.

  20. Good.
    Exposes the D’s for the corrupt bunch they are.
    The weapons & tax evading are nothing compared to the 11M Hunter scammed in 5 years from Ukraine, China & a Romanian businessman for “selling” the Biden name (how did St. Obama allow this?)

    Now Hunter HAS to testify before a Congressional Committee where he will not be allowed to plead the 5th
    He will have to answer the questions & if he lies …… contempt of Congress & jail
    That’s how they handled gangsters years ago.

    Of course this coward will talk & never be punished, but America will see the truth for a change

  21. Hopefully, Trump’s AG will not let this stand on the grounds that Biden is attempting to obstruct justice by pardoning a potential witness and co-defendant in a potential investigation of crooked Joe Biden’s illegal money laundering operations in Ukraine.

  22. Any indication of surprise over this “development” is proof of utter ignorance. Despite his claims otherwise during the campaign, I knew (beyond a shadow of a doubt) that this was going to occur. What I did not know previously or now is what will happen as a result. Is Trump going to let this fly? Did Biden and Trump “make a deal”? Is this going to result in increased pressure to indict and convict Joe Biden? Will he resign with the plan of Kamala pardoning him?
    Stay tuned, folks: there is more to come…………

    • It’s over. Brandon doesn’t need pardoning no more than trump does according to the Supreme Court. Americans quickly loose their appetite and memory of things after about a week or two. Move along.

      • “…according to the Supreme Court”
        Tell us all you have not actually read past the headline, without actually saying so.
        Any President while in office has limits placed on them, the Supreme Court recognized those limits in their ruling. Something you ignore in your statement above.
        Any President may end up needing a pardon. It all depends on their actions.

  23. Maybe the DOJ can still take the beach house, corvette, and Hunter’s Porsche as “fruits of crime” under RICO. That’s an outcome we can support. By pardoning, they be admitted that a crime occurred and the a family member was culpable. Good accountants can follow the money, as per the advice in the Nixon case moving the money around to conceal it is money laundering , a separate offense punishable on anyone who assisted.

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