Assembly meeting: Allard resolution honors fallen soldiers in Afghanistan evacuation


Assemblywoman Jamie Allard is offering a resolution at tonight’s Anchorage Assembly meeting that honors the lives of the 13 soldiers, Marines, and Seals who lost their lives in the terrorist attack on Aug. 26 at the Kabul Airport, during the evacuation of American troops.

The resolution also recognizes the lives lost of scores of innocent Afghan women, men, and children killed in that terrorist attack. Her resolution names all 13 of the American servicemen and women killed that day.

The Assembly meeting starts at 5 pm at the Loussac Library in midtown Anchorage. Allard encouraged all veterans to attend.


  1. The rest of the assembly is too busy acknowledging the land was once controlled by the D’nina and Athabascans. They do not have time to acknowledge any fallen soldiers.

  2. Assemblywoman Jamie Allard’s resolution was a great honor – recognizing the lost lives of service personnel; and the scores of innocent Afghan women, men, and children killed in that terrorist attack. Afghanistan is a multiethnic and mostly tribal society. Refrain from petty comments. Recognizing the land of Dena’ina at Assembly meetings does not lessen recognition of fallen U.S. service men and women, or their families.

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