ANWR is a dot on Don Young’s nose



At times the footprint of the proposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is described as no bigger than a dime on a football field.

Alaska Congressman Don Young used a different tactic to explain it. He took out a blue marker and put a dot on his nose while testifying before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to advocate for oil and gas development in the 1002 Area of ANWR.

Young said technology has improved so much that no more than 2,000 acres ( or 3 square miles) of the 19 million acre refuge would be required to develop the 20 billion barrels of oil estimated to be in the coastal plain.

After Young drew the dot on the tip of his nose, he remarked: “You see anything different on my nose right now? This little dot on my nose – I weigh 225 lbs. – this little dot is what we’re talking about in surface impact in the 1002 Area. That’s a potential for approximately – early estimates were 10 billion barrels – and now estimates are probably around 20 billion barrels of oil.”



  1. Don,
    Keep up the good fight.
    I have voted for you in every election, for the last 32 years!
    Take care, be safe.
    God bless.
    Griz – Alaska

  2. Don Young for years has not so quietly done great service for this State. He is a master at getting
    his points across with little fanfare but much success. Don Young for Congress until he decides
    he is no longer effective.

  3. Ted Stevens has to stand as one of if not THE most successful senator in our two + century history in support of their state. A gentleman and a statesman of the U.S. Senate, Senator Stevens fairly BUILT Alaska into what our generation has enjoyed. ( I am 70).
    Don Young is no Ted Stevens, granted. But Don Young has been no less steadfast in his unwavering support of our great state, Alaska. Given the huge difference in deportment and membership of both our houses, Don Young will certainly go down in Alaska history as OUR gentleman and statesman of the U.S. House of Representatives.
    Good Lord, listen to the man; that wolverine trap of a mind is as sharp as it was 40+ years a ago, and more importantly, just as poignant in his pursuit of our state’s rights and benefits as he was during the Alaska Land Claims Settlement, finished before I got here in 1977. Most of us thankfully recognize this, evidenced by his tenure in office.
    Let us help Don continue in his fight on our behalf in the increasingly hostile federal domain. Don Young is a GREAT congressman, has proven it, and has yet more to accomplish on our behalf. Besides, he is OUR CONGRESSMAN, jaw trap and nose dot included. What an Alaskan!! GO DON, GO!!
    John Sparaga, D.M.D.

    • Totally agree, I have voted for Don since he lost to Begich in 1972.
      That is the exact testimony we need to get our point across (I always put a thumb print on a living room wall to represent ANWR.
      The thing we have to watch is as Senator TED said “A Vote Against ANWR is a cheap Enviornmental vote for a Lower 48 Senator”
      I can see the Senator standing with both arm stretched in front of him, fists clenched saying “They Just Don’t Understand”
      Delegation get this finally done!!!
      Vince Mee

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