The Moose A’La Mode cafe on 4th and K Streets has closed, with the owners saying that downtown Anchorage’s “changing dynamics have created challenges that we can no longer navigate safely or effectively.”
The owners posted on Facebook that they bought the cafe just when the Covid pandemic lockdowns hit, and they somehow survived as a business through that two-year challenge. But downtown has deteriorated in the four years they have been owners of the cafe.
“After surviving the challenges of the pandemic and dedicating every ounce of our energy, time, and resources into rehabilitating a staple of Downtown, we have ultimately decided that it is time to close our doors,” they said on social media. “We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your unwavering support and loyalty throughout the years. Your presence, energy, and enthusiasm have been the heartbeat of our café, and we’ve cherished every meal shared, every coffee brewed, and every story exchanged within these walls. It has truly been an honor to be part of such a vibrant and welcoming community, serving local patrons and those who have traveled from around the world to experience a once beautiful and thriving Downtown Anchorage scene.”
The owners will still have their food truck, Tiki Pete’s Alaskan Grill, “and we’ll also be bringing our signature dishes at the concession stands at the various events occurring at the Sullivan Arena. We’re not going anywhere!”
Downtown is suffering from a cultural collapse. Earlier this year, longtime Ghost Tours of Anchorage owner Rick Goodfellow closed his business of touring visitors around the downtown area and teaching them history, along with some ghost stories. He said downtown conditions were not safe anymore.
Iconic downtown restaurant Marx Bros. also closed this year and Kaladi Brothers closed its downtown location in 2023. The downturn began before Covid closures, when Nordstrom closed its downtown store in 2019, after being poorly treated by the Mayor Ethan Berkowitz administration, which tried to manhandle the company over the lease of the property. Meanwhile, Berkowitz’s downtown czar Andrew Halcro said that building a basketball court on top of one of the parking garages was a sure bet to revitalizing the downtown. The basketball economy in downtown Anchorage has been a complete failure.
The Mayor Suzanne LaFrance effort has been focused on choking off vehicles by converting lanes to bicycle-only spaces, further making downtown unattractive to shoppers and diners.
Trading success for failure empowers the public sector unions and the people they elect. Human sacrifice is an ancient tradition. We are willing to murder a million to save one. That is how much better we are than you. Nothing new under the Sun.
Anchorage is too full of the dregs of society who are a clear and present danger to law-abiding people. People defecating and urinating in public, having sex in public is so disgusting. Violent crime is a HUGE deterrent to anyone wanting to visit Anchorage! The liberals who caused it to be this way are now infiltrating the Valley and trying do do the same thing to the Valley they did there!
This is what liberals do. They are like locusts, they destroy their surroundings then flock to the next nice place to destroy that too.
CAncer cells!
Anchorage would lose even more revenue if the Valley had a Costco!
All we need is more bike lanes and homeless camps down town and might as well do it to mid town so the cesspool is complete.
I hope the liberals have many encounters with the cesspool.
This was a nice city once the demos and liberals have something to be proud of ruining a great city.
You nailed it! The libtards have driven the city out of relevance. What was once a beautiful city it now the armpit of Alaska. Do something with the hobo camps and clean up the city. Start with City Hall!!
I moved out of anchorage about 10nyears ago. My car got vandalized, my house was broken into. I lived over off of 36th. By the university. It was getting shitty then I can’t imagine how it is now.
Absolutely right! Too many times I have heard “I only go in to Anchorage for Costco or the airport.”
Yup. That’s me. As soon as they build a Costco in the Valley, it’ll just be the airport.
Wasilla or Palmer would also make a killing in taxes, like Wasilla does from Walmart, originally the property wasn’t even in the city limits. Personally I would drive to Anchorage.
We were at a 3 week trial at the Nesbitt Courthouse & this place was the go to spot to get lunch.
They were hard working & the best deal there (as opposed to expensive stuff in the C Cook)
The courthouse employees & security staff are gonna miss this place.
The “beautiful people” will keep Snow City (where Saint Obama once bought something) & the Cook going.
Snow City….you mean the place owned by Berkowitz‘s better half???
DCCED requires disclosure of partners who own five percent or more of an LLC. As of the last biennial report of Let It Snow LLC, those partners include Berkowitz himself and Left Gara. There’s 18¾ percent owned by partners with less than five percent. Mara Kimmel could be one of them. I was led to believe years ago that Hollis French was also a partner.
Anchorage is being financially destroyed. Like every Democrat-run town, it is being run into the ground. Soon they will pass sales tax, sales tax will rise every year just as property taxes have. We need a very strong Conservative push for the local and state elections to save our city and state. According to the emails I get daily from Dems asking for money, the Democrats are going very aggressively for local Assemblies and State legislatures. This is a cancer we cannot let spread.
Or(!!!), we could be ‘proactive’ and ‘go-on-the-offensive’ to simply cut-out the cancer and/or eradicate it from existence? Choice seems rather simple to me!
Democrat’s are not a cancer, they’re Americans just like any of you.
They are not the problem. Their policies are the problem.
Bott alert
Misguided Americans.
They are not just like me in any way.
If they were, they would not be so infantile, and base policies on feelz and avoiding offense. They would not push censorship, compliance, and obedience.
Read the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, and compare the ideals those documents are based on to today’s Democrat party policies. There is almost no overlap. The Democrat party abhors the United States of America. That makes them the political equivalent of a cancer. A disease that relies on its host for energy and life, but is going to destroy that host.
The founders sought to form an alliance like their mentors, the Iroiquis.
Jeez, didn’t Anchorage just resoundingly dump a wingnut Republican mayor in the last election after years of utter incompetence, corruption, and lies?
By the way, I am a Democrat and a US Army veteran and I can assure you, I do not abhor the United States.
Uhhm.. ..No.
You’re right on with the taxes as the left wants all our money for this shit hole.
Myself, fiends and family do not go to town at all. Club Paris for rendezvous pennies the fifth Avenue mall have all lost our business.
Thank the liberal Democrats for that.
I was at Club Paris last Friday and I’ve got to admit, I didn’t feel safe walking to the paid parking lot I had left my car at…which by the way had quite a few homeless or drug addicts hanging out in the lot. Did I mention this was in the middle of the day!!
Not only the democrats are aggressively going for the local assembly and legislators seats, there are a growing number of rino republicans coming out of the closet and going after those seats also. Until everyone quits playing nice and calls all of these people out, the entire state is going to go down just like Anchorage. Start with calling out Dunleavy.
Eliminating meter feeding free parking on Saturday was yet another asinine move.
It’s been said that you tax something you want to curtail. It’s seems to be working.
Where it’s not working. Taxing law abiding citizens on alcohol to curb vagrancy, and homelessness.
Go figure.
I don’t get it. Democrats control the city government of Anchorage root and branch yet things keep getting worse year after year.
This is what you get when you elect Democrats to run your city, they run it into the ground.
This is what happens after a Democrat, then a Republican, then a Democrat, and then a Republican run your city. You’re all lost.
When in the past several decades has the Assembly been anything but leftist?
Or are you of the mindset that the Mayor has total power?
Berkowitz’s and his imported cronies from California are the gift that keeps on giving regardless of who is Mayor.
Look at what the ASSembly did to Mayor Dave and his excellent solution to the navigation center.
We are “not lost”….Pay more attention to Constant and his cronies and that is where you will find the “rot”
I see agree.
Sadly it’s true. We get what we vote for, or fail to vote against.
Anchorage’s local political real estate arguments have caused so much of this, for instance. The uproar over the remodel of the building for the legislative offices in anticipation of a lease forced the legislature to mid town, along with staffers, employees, business visitors, etc. This forced a tremendous number of walking, foot traffic business people out of downtown, out of coffee shops, restaurants not just at lunch, but an after work meet up. The APD use of the location does not promote the same community dollar. The list here is long, the 4th avenue theater, the empty bank buildings, etc.
The more aggressive homeless street people are becoming a problem which requires consideration for anyone whose path takes them downtown, noon or evening. Last winter’s 1/2 block from parking to Club Paris was not secure, lunch or dinner, trying to go into JC Penny’s is a nightmare, leaving the PAC to the car more than a block away has become a challenge, not to mention the urine & feces on the sidewalks. I’m in my 70’s, travel alone, but now realize that I have become highly vulnerable on the street in downtown Anchorage.
The Mayor and assembly needs to focus on safety and economics, not bike lanes. The Anchorage Chamber of Commerce needs to develop a committee and program to address the problem, make demand on the municipality to support the effort, keeping small businesses viable.
It’s time for a serious urban renewal effort.
We have the 2nd Amendment for a reason – if law enforcement / political leaders fail to keep you safe, you have a right to defend yourself.
Alaska carry laws let you carry on your person – concealed or open carry.
We have Stand Your Ground Laws which gives you “No Duty” to retreat if you feel your person is threatened by the homeless scum and drug addicts,that plague our city – and our local politicians AND police are not doing their job.
I carry EVERYWHERE – a man (woman) walks differently when they aren’t counting on “others” to protect them.
Sic Semper Tyrannis!
Caring about the homeless is a luxury afforded only to a strong economy. When you place the homeless before maintaining and growing that economy, you will lose your economy, and the funds you use to help the homeless.
Thanks to the assembly’s insistence that funding the homeless is the highest, and sometimes the only priority of the city, we get exactly this. And, anyone with half a brain would have predicted it.
Downtown, you vote for this. Constant has clearly demonstrated he is not interested in your business, your safety, or your quality of life. He is all about using your tax dollars to fund vagrants, so that he can look good.
That “look good” thing isn’t working out for him. It would require a miracle from God Himself to dothat
He thinks he looks like a kind, gentle, benevolent administrator by spending other people’s money.
Can you please post and then highlight the relevant city budget line item, please? Highest priority must mean the highest level of funding?
With the influx of more and more socialists fleeing the toilets they created, and turning our beautiful city into the same toilet they left, in comes the ever enlarging populations of bums due to these un-reasoning people giving them money (standing on street corners begging), food (one sat behind me at Denny’s on DeBarr begging everyone who came in for food despite being rather corpulant and having nice outdoor gear on), clothing (warm clothing drives), nice places to stay (last year using a stadium ring any bells? Hotels too?), why would these folks want to work? It’s just a life of fun getting drunk, hanging around, getting high, and in this process, destroying businesses. You can’t kick the bums out; ADN propaganda horn took care of that giving voice to the bleeding hearts…so we lose businesses and downtown becomes a wilderness of drunken zombies.
This will be another of my comments deleted…. 😉
We need ‘Like’ buttons here.
I don’t think the current Assembly is in force behind the development of further business downtown. Ever seen a bicyclist drinking an expresso as they pedal along? Nope, me neither… Suzanne would probably have them ticketed for pedaling one handled to bring in more money to the city coffers to spend. Unknown if that’s going to be before or after the thought about sales tax….
I won’t go down town any more! Here’s a news flash for city administrators you want to revive down town? I will not pay your parking fees when I can go someplace else and park for free! Also get the bums and beggars off the sidewalks panhandling money! This town is becoming Little Seattle!
I walked around downtown quite a bit last summer, during the tourist season. I was astounded by the the amount of inebriated and outwardly hostile indigenous people allowed to overrun the “community center” space next to the PAC, and a complete lack of police presence to control it. In a lot of cases, the look on tourist’s faces was one of shock and distress. Nice job Anchorage!
I’ve never felt safe downtown….especially at night . I stopped going there many years ago. Stepping over drunks is not my thing.
Voters getting what they voted for.
Everything the Liberals touch is aimed at destroying, dismantling and being expensive. Prove me wrong.
That’s the truth, Penny
The Anchorage Assembly has turned Anchorage into a homeless camp toilet.
The bike lane was a terrible idea. Nobody used it.
I saw more people biking on the sidewalks, and the opposite side of the street than in the bike lane.
But, why let reality enter into the minds of leftists. They think it is a good idea, and they will insist on spending your money to make it happen.
You can thank the Muni Traffic Engineer who was hired in 1991 because of his bike advocacy, and the two hires he’s made who are involved with Bike Anchorage.
Downtown has become a cess pool. Going downtown to a nice restaurant or to a play at the PAC may result in your car being broken into, or stolen. You often run into panhandlers, or worse, someone hiding behind it sticking a needle in their arm. On the way downtown, you might have to stop at a gas station for fuel, meaning you run into the same thing or worse: you are boxed in by others who want to steal from you. Attorneys going to the courthouse have been attacked in broad daylight, being hurt by someone strung out on meth. Stop after dark at any store and you see thugs roaming the aisles wanting to steal–clerks and security say it’s a nightly thing. No matter how much AEDC tries to attract businesses to locate here once the potential employee looks up the fact that the city throws out all cases against criminals that person turns down the job. Offers to bring people here at salaries of more than $200,000 go unfilled once the prospect looks up information on our school results. Thank you liberal assembly for making my once wonderful city into a cess pool.
And, our current mayor wants to spread this throughout the city. No neighborhood (well, except for her’s) will be spared this diversity and inclusion…
I grew up in Anchorage. Downtown was ok, but kind of a funky place. In the 80’s & 90’s everyone worked really hard…and I mean REALLY hard to get a handle on the bars, the strip clubs and the vagrants. They had a vision for what could be! We had flowers and “City of Lights” and a beautiful fountain in town square. Classy places with great food and great atmosphere (Marx Bros etc.). Food carts lined the street. Egan Center events. Downtown was hopping! It was vibrant and thriving. But gradually, (I’m thinking after 2010), things began to reverse course. Anchorage in general was changing again, but with people at the helm who were incompetent and further, didn’t care. And now, downtown is dying.
Yes, I remember those days as well. I was always working downtown as most lawyers were based there, as were oil companies. Even as a kid in the 80s, we’d bike-ride all the way downtown, and we didn’t need a bike lane. I think the biggest problem back in those days was 4th Avenue and the hookers. My mom started a legal secretarial service on that street and used that history in her business name, calling it “Brief Encounters.” ;^)
Correct with 2010 timeline. Beginning of court battles to get gerrymandered political maps through two court battles by 2014.
South Carolina “expert” used, results speak for themselves.
Facts and history is what it is, not what you hope or think. Reality is tough in low IQ ‘merica
Anchorage in the 80s was one of the best places in America.
ANC had a total collapse in the 1980’s
Every single construction worker lost their job
MOA laid off ALL their building inspectors
Over 40,000 people left ANC in 1 year
The vacancy rate went up to 27% (50% in Mt View)
Thousands of us lost our properties
The banks had SO many foreclosed properties they started to just tear them down
What town were you living in? Where you even here then?
OH ….. one more thing ….. Brother Francis House to help the homeless was started then
Beautiful Fountain?
That thing was pretty ugly …… imo.
And a typical waste of $ by big government people.
The fountain was financed by the family of Dick Silberer in his memory. Silberer graduated from Anchorage High School in 1952, then went to work for Wally Hickel. He went on to start his own car dealership, was chairman of the board of Alaska Mutual Bank and served on the Anchorage City Council. The public expense was projected at $50,000 for its demolition, which became necessary because Parks and Rec failed to properly maintain it. None of the contemporary “journalism” could say when the fountain became inoperable; the Town Square Park Master Plan says “around 2010”.
Anyway, people like Wally Hickel and Dick Silberer did well enough for themselves to where they could make large-scale philanthropy possible. I wonder if all the people who have only worked for a paycheck their entire lives understand that economic opportunities on a large scale, and opportunities to give back to your community on an equally large scale, really don’t exist anymore. When you work for a wage or salary, dutifully pay your taxes and leave decisions on things which benefit the community as a whole to big corporations and big government, you shouldn’t complain when “you get what you pay for”.
Thanks for that correction.
Speaking of wages …. a lot of union carpenters made good checks building that fountain.
I remember it going up & it was chock full of intricate concrete form work, that took quite a bit of labor to achieve.
Probably bout the time Bill Popp became president of the Downtown Partnership….
The electing of Tony Knowles is what really started Anchorage’s downward spiral. He turned revenue properties into “parks” that nobody used. There were a few good mayors in between but by then there was no turning back. Dumb Anchorage voters kept electing dumb assembly members. Berkowitz and his assemblies then accelerated Anchorage to being the sh_thole it is today.
You skipped about 30 years there. But thanks for that super informative lecture. You’re so on it. Lol
If the Mayor and Assembly continue to focus their efforts on keeping the public unions happy, a “woke” agenda and the homeless/vagrants, fairly soon ALL private business will flee downtown. Except for the pot shops and low-end bars, of course.
Downtown assemblymen, Chris Constant and Daniel Volland seem perfectly content with the deterioration of their home district. We’re well on our way to becoming San Francisco.
Constant just loooves San Francisco, its full of degenerates of his particular ilk.
What an incredible ecosystem you have here of GOP talking points patting each other on the back.
I’d like to see any sort of real analytical evidence to suggest that making cycling safe in our community hurts businesses.
I am an engineer in the cycling industry. I moved to and work in Anchorage because it is an epicenter of cycling innovation and community.
During multiple downturns in the industry, Anchorage’s cycling scene has remained strong, vibrant, and economically resilient.
You can spew whatever your heart desires but it doesn’t make it true. Data strongly suggests downtown revitalization projects that support a robust diversity of safe transportation policies grows economies.
Time for another Covid booster.
What are your pronouns?
How many months of the year do you ride your bicycle?
Put your crack pipe down, why don’t you?
How do you know this?
A “vibrant” cycling scene, taking you at your word, is no proof of business viability.
Businesses need foot traffic. And the ability to safely move people and goods in and out of said businesses.
Bicycles provide little proof of either just by their existence.
“Data strongly suggests downtown revitalization projects that support a robust diversity of safe transportation policies grows economies.”
I am always skeptical when data “suggests”. Fact based data either supports the claim or it does not!
So considering your claim, one wonders how come this viable cycling community did NOT support this business or any of the other businesses, which closed?
Anchorage is a car city, simply by the fact that its area is larger than Rhode Island and almost as as large as Delaware. Bicycling doesn’t get goods to Girdwood or Eklutna. If you want to build a bypass for the Glenn/Seward Hwy that avoids downtown and midtown, so you can cycle in safety, you have my vote.
“…epicenter of cycling innovation…”
It’s cold, dark & icy 6 months a year, our plowed “sidewalks” are sheets of ice right now.
How many cyclists locked up & supported this restaurant?
It was the best deal near our courthouses.
And you guys let it fail?
Ask anyone who works downtown how many cyclists they saw on that temporary bike lane on a daily basis. The answer will likely be almost zero.
That makes it a waste of time and money.
Sad, these people that respond to well informed sources that don’t agree with their narrative. Keyboard warriors with no critical thinking skills? Paid trolls? Bored retired angry single men in a rented basement (mom kicked them out)? Who knows.
Where are all MRAK’s leftists? No one showing up to tell us all how we are heartless, and the homeless should be taken care of. it is what Jesus would have wanted.
Leftists… where did you go?
I don’t think Jesus knows you.
Of course he does.
He cuts my grass every summer.
Does he have a green card ?
Why do you assume Jesus is not a natural born US citizen? Are you a racist?
Is the savior and immigrant?
Mayor Bronson was working on this very issue and with a Leftist Assembly that thwarted every effort, that plan was never fulfilled.
This is the path, under The Liberal Jack Boot!
Larger cities are realizing that it leads to chaos.
The Red Wave needs to hit Alaska in a big way!
No one is seriously doing anything anywhere. It’s all a big show. Talk, talk, talk, most of the money, Billions from the Feds, gets sucked up by phony baloney charities and government employees. Plenty of money, plenty of housing… it just somehow never goes where it’s supposed to go. The system is super corrupt. Republican and Democrats alike. A red wave won’t do anything but change the subject. Politics is a money making industry. People go to school to make money in this industry, people who want to get rich. Red wave? Lol. Whatever, man.
I agree. Red Wave time Anchorage. Watch out the Liberals have already announced their candidates for Assembly. Only one Conservative and he is running in Eagle River. Wake up time Anchorage.
Elections have consequences, where have I heard that? Well, Anchorage voted for a democrat city. They will soon be the Detroit of the far north, I hope you all are happy. Especially you folks that didn’t get involved in your election. I know voting in Anchorage can be a hit and miss type thing with mail in ballots, which you voted for also. My bet is a recession is coming to Anchorage with more raxes and insane regulations. Enjoy!
How do you -know- what “Anchorage” voted for?
You and everyone else were -told- what “Anchorage” voted for.
Big difference, no?
No one, you nor we, knows how Anchorage’s special combination of corrupted voter rolls, proprietary hardware, proprietary software, undetectable software errors, mail-in voting, arbitrary rejection of mail-in ballots, stolen ballots, amateur city handwriting analysts, secretive elections officials, unknown people sticking thumb drives in vote-counting machinery, election observers who aren’t allowed to observe, and elections employees working for the very Assemblymen running for re-election …may have affected election outcomes.
Remember, two and a half years later and still no answer? “Election observers had questions, Mayor Bronson wants answers for irregularities in municipal election process”, “Must Read Alaska”, April, 2022.
Nothing personal against you, Andrew. So bloody annoying, the growing herd of savants who justifiably challenge everything elected and unelected government officials do, but blindly accept whatever they say about election outcomes… then blame everyone else because elections turned out the way they did.
Coming to Anchorage? Yes, a recession, a 1980’s-style exodus of businesses and taxpayers, Eaglexit, dry-up of state revenue sharing, bond defaults, mortgage defaults, statewide class-action lawsuit over the Port tax, all adding up to taxes which the few productive residents left behind simply can’t be taxed enough to pay
The Anchorage Economic Development Corp parasites know this just like you know it, which is why they’re so desperate for a sales tax to keep themselves employed.
But we digress… just have a think about the facts of the matter, what we know versus what we’re told can be a mind bender, especially if any part says “government-made” on the label.
Keep voting Democrat, morons.
Having gone and supported shopping, lodging and eating establishments downtown since the early 1970s, that was always the place where there was the best stuff, the best fun and best times. Today, you can’t walk half a block without getting verbally accosted or sometimes physically jostled for money or a smoke or “buy me some beer.” Worse is when someone drops their trousers and a deuce on the sidewalk across from Humpy’s while a drunk couple is doing the beast with two backs on the grass in town hall park. And no one in an official capacity there to deal with it. Downtown will continue to go downhill with the rest of the sewage until something is done and the miscreants who “own” the place, and they learn that it is not theirs and that they do not make the rules.
Great society we have here folks. Play more video games, watch more youtube, get your kids a smart phone at 2 years old, and invest more of your intellectual energy into trans stuff, anything trans. Oh, and remember that money and status are the most important things in life. Good luck!
This is what the voters of Anchorage want. No one else has any say in the matter, nor should they. I go to Costco every 3 months. That’s it. And while in that filthy city I am very cautious. I get in, I get out.
I picked up my son from work at a well established restaurant across from the PAC around 10:30 last night. Just after the PAC crowd dispersed two whacked out individuals wandered by on separate occasions. One was cussing out the world while air punching and weaving back and forth on the street and the other was a happier bit no less threatening type going between dancing and spacing out.
Also, take a look at the piss poor job they did on the town square holiday lighting. One colored tree and several with some white LEDs. Guess they’re saving up for Project Anchorage.
It’s amazing these lefties still allow a Christmas Tree.
You keep electing these people Anchorage. This is the government you deserve.
Can you be trained to say interesting things, too?
Lighten up, Scrumptious.
Hush child. Adults are talking here.
We’ve always hurt indigents more than helped them by giving free handouts. They have come to expect it without contributing anything in return. Sociologist learned a long time ago that people feel much better about themselves & are happier if they contribute something to society. Even people with low IQs can stuff envelopes, mop floors, cut lawns, etc. We expect absolutely nothing of them though.
My comparison is using animals in the game management system. What do you do if you want more moose or caribou in a certain area? You improve the habitat! So we improve the habitat for homeless people and surprise, surprise–we get more homeless people. Why is that so hard for people to grasp?
I like that.
Habitat can also be improved by culling out pedators, parasites, invasive and deletrious species.
Recent history indicates that public discomfort gets to a certain point and then that kettle boils over. When you were a kid you rooted for Charles Bronson’s vigilante justice but now you’re too much of a nancyboy to admit it (thouigh it’s still the way you think and you still approve). In times more recent we’ve seen gentlemen callers like Timothy McVeigh ring the IRS’ doorbell hard, and more recently yet an example of an apparent regular Joe deciding that United Healthcare’s CEO needed the messages recently delivered on the shell casings found near his carcass on the sidewalk. The three casings each had one word etched onto them; deny, defend, depose.
I’d never suggest that anyone decide to take our town back from those that are purposefully turning it toxic however, were such a catastrophe to become reality each of you would understand the reasoning behind the solution and more than one Alaskan has been known to hold politicians accountable. Remember Joe Vogler’s disappearance in 1993?
One guy confessed, then recanted, then was convicted. Sure he was the right guy?
The real guy may still be out there.
Maybe there’s a healthcare link here as well. It wasn’t that long ago that states were suing big pharma for the opioid issue that some say is a foundational element of behavioral bummery. Why not have those companies on the hook for the rehab? Maybe make them better than ever w/ a better living through chemistry approach?
What we’ve proven does not work are the things that have come from the current crop of Anchorage Assemblymen (and Constant and Felix, too). Somebody needs to try waking Tom Fink.
I worked at the Conoco Phillips Towers for just over a year. Walking from the parking on the park strip to the tower was a game of “Drunk or Dead” guessing if the dude on the sidewalk behind the First United Methodist was drunk or dead every morning. The drunk native guys in there underwear sunbathing on the park benches at the park strip was always interesting to see at the end of the day. The mini village of tents and just people in sleeping bags grew alot in the 14 months I worked down there.
Mix that in with the meth guy who stripped naked and wagged his meat at passing cars on the corner of H & 8th while APD drove right by was interesting to say the least. It seemed like they didn’t even try to stop any of it at all. Conoco Phillips lets the homeless in the morning to have coffee at the coffee shop if they panhandled enough I guess.
It’s just a matter of time before someone who is “important enough: gets killed or assaulted there. I mean city hall is RIGHT THERE, I mean they have to see this stuff. Also the lack of any LEO disability in the area during conventions and shows just makes it a target rich environment for pick pockets and street people. Downtown Anchorage has taken to the ranks of cities with modern urban blight. Sad thing is I don’t think Alaskans want it to change. This is what Anchorage apparently wants and votes for, what I find interesting is no less than 4 tax exempt big churches (Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, & Baptist) and in 14 months never saw any outreach to the homeless.
The Archdiocese has Catholic Social Services under its umbrella. CSS spent years failing people at the Brother Francis Shelter, only to use the pandemic as an excuse to kick them out and repurpose the shelter as a vehicle to financially exploit the most vulnerable homeless. Presbyterian Church (USA) and the United Methodist Church have struggled with congregations leaving those denominations by the hundreds. Rev. Matt Schultz answered the question of outreach by his church with “We let the Muni handle it”, which would later reveal itself when the church received a hotel contract. Judging by the amount of time Rev. Matt spends being snarky on social media, it’s probably for the better that he doesn’t those undertake additional duties by his lonesome.
If those 4 churches did on site outreach everything would get worse Mr. D
There would be more of all the bad things you mention
The Catholic & Presbyterian churches do help, but, wisely, not at those buildings
Sacrifice the INDIVIDUAL for the good of the whole
Anchorage is a sewer dump of a social experiment
Homeless killing homeless and a real crap hole
There’s no hope when failure is the precedent
Defend, Deny, Depose
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Were way beyond where the French were..
Some say it’s Guillotine time
Moved to Anchorage from the lower 48 in1979. It was a wonderful town and fun to spend weekend nights with friends downtown. Now I try to avoid going north of Dimond Boulevard unless it is absolutely necessary! Democrats ruin everything they touch.
Only the Democrats know how to take an All-American City which once thrived and was the true gateway to Alaska and turn it into a sh*thole, full of homeless, drug addicts, alcoholics, destitutes and derelicts. Only the Democrats.
Socialists and communists turning cities, states, and nations into crapholes for the last 6 thousand years.
Liberalism is a plague. It spreads like locust and killing and destroying everything it touches. Anyone who supports or votes for these progressive ideals are lost souls hell bent on death on decay of functioning society, morals and values. I look at liberals these days as the true Nazis of the 21st century. Everything they stand for is the same disgusting policies and views that the Nazis Germans did. They sad part is these people are so dumb they don’t see that they are the Nazis of today’s society. The socialists that almost destroyed the world. And now they are doing it again. So sad.
Turning Anchorage into a “15 minute” city…. in this case… the life expectancy.
My family is from a small village.
That village, & the one next to it, went for Trump in 2024 (according to the list provided here by S. Downing)
When I drive friends & relatives around ANC, most of them are stoners and/or drink too much.
But they are disgusted by what they see on our streets & have no desire to live in this dystopia.
Although most of them like a good party, after a few days, they are ready to get out of here.
Is the business closing because their clientele has fallen off and they’re losing money, or is it from a lack of security? Or is business falling off because of lack of security and the distaste to wade through the homeless to get in the front door? I used to frequent a really nice steakhouse down by the Army navy store when I would visit anchorage, I hope it’s still open.
It closed because office people do not go to the office anymore.
Keep voting for Marxist trash to run your city and become Portland North.
I like that.
Habitat can also be improved by culling out pedators, parasites, invasive and deletrious species.
Not to worry.. Our brilliant, enlightened rulers are having a “mushing district”arch sign put up.. That will fixeverything, certainly!!whose pockets were lined with the graft money from that project?, courtesy of the taxpayers who were forced to pony up, on pain of losing their properties
White Spot continues to impress me with all menu items.
Alaskan Family Own
Wherever you have Democrats running a city, it’s bound to fail. Their priority will be costly programs and homeless, not businesses. Republican mayors might have seemed tough, but that’s how you run a city. Now with the woman mayor in control, I’m afraid it’s downward spiral.
The real issue is that the vast majority of Anchorage residents do not have the time nor the wherewithal to challenge the shenanigans of the assembly. Filing suits and complaints takes time and money, so the “laid on the table” middle of the night, not on the agenda stuff continues unchallenged. When you do have a group fighting back like the 3rd Street Radicals or Save Anchorage, all forces are mobilized to malign and denigrate those individuals. A sensible discussion is not to be had under these circumstance.
Until we get rid of the mail-in-ballot and move the election back to November nothing is going to change.
Homelessness needs to be illegal , we do not allow dogs to live on the street why do we allow humans . Provide mental health with rehab Housing in an abandoned apt or build one , have a gift shop , restaurant , where skills can be taught , offer jobs and other services to ensure their survival in society . Lower rent in the downtown area especially for much loved business’s ( Nordstroms ) there is no more elegance or class left for women . That’s like taking away the only fishing hunting shop in town , Do you like women because they are leaving in droves . Do not forget to keep women here you.need to treat them better and offer some luxuries . Way back when , they had to offer incentives for women to come to Alaska now that is all gone ! Can children walk safely downtown ?? Changes. Need to be made . Downtown Anchorage can be saved but only with hard work, new laws and changes and investments . I love ❤️ Alaska
Keep voting Democrat, this is what you get. Unsafe cities, crime in the streets, woke and the rest of the Marxist BS, and businesses that close. Prop 1 will also do a lot of damage to small business and force more to close. Sorry, Anchorage, you voted in your misery. Now live with it.
Another example of how “blue” policies are a FAILURE.
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