Anchorage: Logan campaign off and running


Anchorage mayoral candidate Rebecca Logan opened her campaign office this weekend.

On Saturday, Logan welcomed more than 75 Anchorage citizens to her open house, located inside a vast building at 329 East Fifth Avenue, near the corner of Fifth and Cordova.

During the three-hour event, visitors dined on fried chicken from the Lucky Wishbone, and picked up her blue and white yard signs, buttons, bumper stickers, and t-shirts.

“Thank you to everyone who turned out on Saturday,” Logan said. “Now let’s roll up our sleeves and get this city back on track. Logan for Mayor is ready for volunteers!”

The media was covering the women’s march elsewhere in downtown and did not attend the grand opening. But the municipal election starts March 13, when all registered voters in Anchorage will be sent their mail-in ballots.

The Logan campaign office is set up to accommodate community forums — events where subject matter experts will give presentations and answer questions for voters who want to learn more about key issues. The sprawling space can easily accommodate such events, with classroom-style seating and a microphone.

Anchorage’s record-breaking crime streak, which has citizens nervous and on edge, is certain to be one such topic.

In fact, Logan reports that several crime victims whom she had never met visited her campaign office out of frustration with what they perceive as an unserious and lackadaisical attitude about crime from the current mayor, who infamously told Anchorage citizens that as long as they aren’t involved with drugs or leave the house after midnight, they have nothing to fear. He uttered those words the day after a beloved family man was gunned down inside his small business in broad daylight.

The incumbent mayor may want to change his story for a couple who visited Logan’s campaign office on Saturday. They told Logan that their car had been stolen three separate times in the course of the year.

Logan reported several people unknown to her walked into the campaign office, told her they were fed up with crime, made a donation, and walked out.

Logan’s campaign office will be open Monday through Friday from 1-5 p.m. beginning Feb. 5. The space will also be used for campaign activities like phone banking. Volunteers are needed and welcome. People interested in helping elect a fiscally responsible candidate for Anchorage mayor can visit and fill out the volunteer form.


  1. Why don’t you write about how Sullivan disbanded the gang unit, or how he turned a blind eye to APD’s handling of the National Guard situation ?

    Is that because those people are your friends, and your agenda doesn’t include telling the whole story ?

    I’m no fan of Berkowitz, believe me, but you’re only telling half the story here Suzanne.

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