Anchorage gun shops remain open for business


Although Mayor Ethan Berkowitz did not exempt gun shops from his Emergency Order 03 business closure list in last week’s emergency order, they remain open for business on Monday throughout the city.

Must Read Alaska scouted several gun shops and all were doing normal business. Cabela’s is open, with workers stationed near the entry to direct people to where they need to go, and is limiting the number of people allowed in the store at once. The only portion of the store closed is the cafe and the sunglasses counter.

One independent store owner said the emergency order was unclear, because it listed several types of necessary businesses that did not include firearms, but that he intends to stay open regardless.

“I don’t think this mayor wants to come and deal with closing us down,” he said, asking to remain anonymous.

Target, Walmart, Fred Meyer, Carrs, and other chain stores remain open in Anchorage, while mom-and-pop stores are generally closed unless they are on the list issued by the Mayor’s Office.

According to Mayor Ethan Berkowitz’ emergency order, the following businesses may remain open, but all others must close in Anchorage:

  1. “Healthcare Operations” including hospitals, clinics, dentists, pharmacies, other healthcare facilities, home healthcare services providers, mental health providers, companies and institutions involved in the research and development, manufacture, distribution, warehousing, and supplying ofpharmaceuticals, biotechnology therapies, consumer health products, medical devices, diagnostics, equipment, services, or any related and/or ancillary healthcare services. “Healthcare Operations” also includes veterinary care and healthcare services provided to animals. “Healthcare Operations” does not include fitness and exercise gyms and similar facilities. Healthcare operations remain subject to the restrictions in the Mayor’s Emergency Order EO-02. To expand the capacity and supply of Healthcare Operations necessary for th~ response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all Healthcare Operators shall postpone appointments that are non-urgent or non-emergency whenever possible, and consider alternatives to face-to-face visits, in accordance with CDC guidance for Healthcare Facilities.
  2. Businesses providing any services or performing any work necessary to the operations and maintenance of”Critical Infrastructure,” including, but not limited to, the Port of Alaska, public works construction, construction of housing, airport operations, water, sewer, gas, electrical, oil production, roads and highways, trucking and shipping companies, public transportation, solid waste collection and removal, internet, and telecommunications systems;
  3. First responders, emergency management personnel, emergency dispatchers, court personnel, and law enforcement personnel;
  4. Critical Government Functions, meaning all services needed to ensure the continuing operation ofthe government agencies and provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the public. Federal and State of Alaska employees should follow direction of their employer regarding whether and where to report to work;
  5. Defense and national security-related operations supporting the U.S. Government or a contractor to the U.S. government;
  6. Grocery stores, supermarkets, food banks, marijuana dispensaries, convenience stores, and other establishments engaged in the retail sale of food, beverages, or other household consumer products (such as cleaning and personal care products, pet food and pet supplies). This includes stores that sell groceries and also sell other non-grocery products, as well as stores that sell products necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and operation of residences;
  7. Food cultivation, including fishing, hunting, farming, and livestock;
  8. Businesses that provide food, shelter, and social services, and other necessities of life foreconomically disadvantaged, unsheltered, or otherwise vulnerable individuals;
  9. Newspapers, television, radio, and other media services;
  10. Gas stations and auto-supply, auto-repair, towing companies, and related facilities;
  11. Banks, mortgage companies, insurance companies, and related financial institutions;
  12. Hardware stores;
  13. Plumbers, electricians, exterminators, and other service providers who provide services that are necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and operation ofresidences and critical businesses;
  14. Businesses providing mailing and shipping services;
  15. Educational institutions for purposes o f facilitating distance learning;
  16. Laundromats, dry cleaners, and laundry service providers;
  17. Restaurants, bars, and breweries and other facilities that prepare and serve food and beverages, but only for delivery or carry out under the restrictions laid out in the Mayor’s Emergency Order E0-01;
  18. Businesses that supply products needed for people to work from home;
  19. Businesses that supply other critical businesses with the support or supplies necessary to operate; l
  20. Businesses that ship or deliver groceries, food, goods or services directly to residences;
  21. Businesses that provide transportation services of passengers or goods, including the Alaska Railroad;
  22. Home-based care for seniors, adults, or children;
  23. Hotels, residential facilities and shelters for seniors, adults, and children;
  24. Professional services, such as legal or accounting services, when necessary to assist in compliance with legally mandated activities;
  25. Childcare facilities, subject to new recommendations for increased hygiene and social distancing. Childcare facilities should be used only by those who need childcare to work at a critical job.


  1. Closing the Mom and Pop stores and leaving the Chain Stores open is a way to drive the Mom and Pops out of business. Seymour Marvin Mills Jr. sui juris

  2. Paragraph 6 states that business’s that provide”, safety, sanitation and operation of residences” are not subject to the Mayor’s edict. Clearly, many people rely upon a firearm to protect defend and to keep their family safe from riff- raff…

  3. Fred Meyer is a chain which also sells guns. Walmart is a chain which also sells guns. Cabela’s is a chain Sporting Goods specialist which also sells guns. Sportsman’s Warehouse is a chain which also sells guns. The headline Anchorage gun shops remains open is politically charged misleading and disreputable. You don’t deserve your first amendment rights.

  4. For the first time we’ve had to deal with a virus like this, there’s going to be a less than practiced response by government. There’s no attack on any rights, just some politicians trying to act like they know what to do.
    Politicians usually have a good skill-set for getting themselves elected to public office. Once there though, too many of them lack enough relevant skill-sets as to how to actually do the job.
    This is a case against term limits. Takes too much trial and error to get up to speed. Can’t do that in two or so terms.

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