Anchorage early results: Allard wins for Eagle River



With half of the votes counted in the Anchorage Municipal election, it appears that while some races are close, Eagle River has voted for Jamie Allard for the Anchorage Assembly. She will replace Fred Dyson, who chose not to run for reelection.

Here are the very-preliminary results from the 45,183 ballots counted so far, of the over 90,000 ballots cast:

Assembly 1B, Downtown: Incumbent and hard Democrat Christopher Constant was unchallenged, and won 2,009 votes so far.

Assembly 2C, Eagle River: Republican Jamie Allard won in a three-way race where Republican Roger Branson was the would-be spoiler for the conservative seat, and Stephany Jeffers stuck to an undeclared affiliation. The vote so far is Allard- 3,943, Jeffers-2,179, and Branson-495. More ballots were cast today and will trickle in this week, but this race is certain to be a win for Allard.

Assembly 3E, West Anchorage: Incumbent nonpartisan Austin Quinn-Davidson found herself in a three-way with Republican Nick Danger and nonpartisan MoHagani Magnetek. Quinn-Davidson walked away with 4,756 votes, Danger received 2,270, and Magnetek got 472. With over 62 percent of the votes so far, Quinn-Davidson is safe.

Assembly 4G, South Anchorage: Republican Christine Hill, challenging Democrat incumbent Felix Rivera, may be able to pull ahead when all the remaining votes come in. She is just 91 votes behind, with 3,346 to Rivera’s 3,437. This race is a dead heat. Will her ballot-chase efforts succeed or will the labor unions’ ballot-harvesting keep Rivera in office?

Assembly 5I, East Anchorage: Incumbent Democrat Pete Petersen looks safe from the challenge by Republican Monty Dyson, 3,765-2,435. Petersen has 55 percent of the vote, so far.

Assembly 6K, South Hillside: Incumbent Democrat Suzanne LaFrance is leading strongly, with 5,329 votes, to Republican challenger Rick Castillo, who pulled in 4,949 votes. It looks doubtful that Castillo can make up the difference with the outstanding ballots, but he gave LaFrance a scare, taking over 48 percent of the vote, so far.

School Board Seat C: Incumbent Republican Dave Donley was the far-and-away winner with 21,800 votes to Democrat James Smallwood, who received 16,992 votes.

School Board Seat D: Incumbent Andy Holleman won with 20,497 votes in a three-way race, where Phil Isley received 8,076 votes, and JC Cates got 8,685. Holleman has no party affiliation.

Proposition 1, Areawide life/safety access roads improvement bonds.
This proposition is too close to call, the difference between yes and no votes is less than 1 percent.

  • Yes – 50.07%
  • No- 49.93%

Proposition 2, Capital improvements for the Anchorage School District bonds

  • Yes – 57.89%
  • No – 42.11%

Proposition 3, Roads and drainage service area bonds

  • Yes – 58.04%
  • No – 41.96%

Proposition 4, Fire service area protection bonds

  • Yes – 66.41%
  • No – 33.59%

Proposition 5: Parks and Rec improvement bonds

  • Yes – 53.34%
  • No – 46.66%

Proposition 6, Police facilities bonds

  • Yes – 55.33%
  • No – 44.67%

Proposition 7, Capital improvement project bonds

  • Yes – 55.22%
  • No – 44.78%

Proposition 8, Public safety and transit bonds

  • Yes – 59.03%
  • No – 40.97%

Proposition 9, Emergency medical supplies and reduction of voter indebtedness bonds

  • Yes – 65.39%
  • No – 34.61%

Proposition 10, Girdwood faciliites bonds

  • Yes – 46.42%
  • No – 53.58%

Proposition 11, Onsite consumption of marijuana

  • Yes – 35.72%
  • No – 64.28%

Proposition 12, adding another seat to the Assembly

  • Yes – 59.14%
  • No – 40.86%

Proposition 13, 5 percent tax on alcoholic beverages

  • Yes – 51.76%
  • No – 48.24%


  1. Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?

    Listen up sheep! The wolf is not your friend! Change the way you vote!

    • …voting has consequences.

      Do you see the pandemic raging across our country?

      We could have stayed prepared for the regular and expected occurrence of pandemics, we could hav\ heeded all the warnings and prepared.

      Voting is how to change that stark and horrific reality.

  2. Looks like the Democrats are going to continue their climb towards self destruction of Anchorage. The property taxes just keep climbing up with every vote… climbing towards that tipping point where high producers vacate the city, the middle class citizens fears of losing their homes becomes probable and those at the lower ends hopes of owning their home slip even further away from possibility. Democrats never seem to understand why their generosity with everyone else’s hard earned income, always leads to total demise of everything they touch. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions and removing all incentives leads to people who just don’t try anymore.

    • People should make up their minds about taxes, one day they are clamoring for new taxes, we need a statewide income tax, we need a statewide sales tax, tax us they say, we want to pay our way,

      …and the next breath, the same cohorts say they shouldn’t be paying any tax, paying taxes will be the death of them.

  3. Your votes don’t count. The count is corrupt. The city is broke. Anchorage is reaping what the corrupt politicians are allowed to get away with.

  4. Staggering the amount of spending and apparently big government solutions the people of Anchorage are asking for..Seems like quite shift from the Sullivan days not so long ago..could this have anything to do with mail in voting?

  5. I’m so happy that onsite consumption lost in such a liberal area. Really shows that deep down there is some common sense going on. There wasn’t even a campaign that I saw against it.

    • That campaign against sensible marijuana laws started 80 some odd years ago and has been held up on false and faulty premises ever since.

  6. If you don’t pay property taxes, you should not be allowed to vote for anything because you don’t have skin in the game. We need to go back to voting the way it use to be. Alcohol tax stands. I guess I will travel out to the Valley to buy beer. Sorry, Odd Man Rush, my business will go elsewhere, even though I like their beer.

    • You may have to drink your valley beer there, because buying outside the tax area you live in, and importing untaxed beer could be tax evasion.

    • The Valley should not have to pay the price for Anchorage electing a Communist mayor and assembly. You have been told to shelter in place and stay the hell home. Please do so. I work at an essential business in Wasilla, one that has been forced to close in Anchorage. I can assure you that a vast majority of Valley residents don’t want you out here. You all made your bed, you backed it up last night, now lie in it. Dozens upon dozens of Covid-19 cases in Anchorage, 1 in Wasilla…keep yourself and your families where they’ve been told to stay…in Anchorage.

      • I live closer to the Valley then I do Anchorage. Essential business? As far as the communist mayor, I have not voted for him either time and he continues to be ignorant in managing a city budget. There are many things that need to be removed from the budget but the city council does not understand how to budget with only the resources available. It is about as stupid as a 30 year bond for a vehicle that last only 10 years (Ambulance). EAGLEXIT Now.

    • Everyone who lives in a residential structure pays property taxes. It’s included in the rent.

  7. Not very many people voted, once again. The Republican Party, or somebody, needs to lead the effort.

  8. Bond issues #2 through #9 are what would cost low earners nothing, and gain them something. Maybe they figure that since most of the high earners are all for reducing the PFD, that this would sort of even things out a little?
    The PFD issue has long been a class war, one which the low earners can’t win. However, maybe they can take the high earners down a few notches here and there?

  9. Whatever conservative person or persons agreed to mail-in voting should be taken out and _____. All kinds of folks on the Left are likely collecting ballots from the weak- minded and “helping” them fill them out. The current election results pattern will continue until someone shows up to request that you turn over your firearms and bank accounts. Kinda like Venezuela today or Russia in 1919.

  10. I say let’s tax everybody and thing we can so the unions will make us go broke sooner than later. If the majority cannot get off the couch to vote then tax us all to the max and maybe they will wake up when the cost to live in this city is unsubstainable.

    • No we need to cut the Unions off at the knees. Had this back and forth banter with the Beltrami and he could not counter any of the arguments I made other then say the Union is supported by the people in polls, which I countered I can make a poll say whatever I want just by polling the people who will vote the way I want. That shut him up quick and no further response after.

  11. Steve I am just being sarcastic because the lazy non voter will complain about this and that but doesn’t vote. I think public unions should not be allowed and we should fire them all and sub out their work to non union shops or the cheapest labor force as this is our money not the unions.

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