Anchorage chief DEI officer says Trump isn’t the boss of her and she won’t resign from her job

Kim Waller

Kimberly Waller, the chief equity officer for the Municipality of Anchorage, says that President Donald Trump’s order to end “diversity, equity, inclusion” (discriminatory hiring) practices don’t have the force of law and don’t apply to her.

She’s wrong about the first claim but right about the second one, as long as her salary is not being paid by federal tax dollars.

Executive orders do, indeed, have the force of law for the executive branch of government. Trump’s executive order addressed the preference hiring enacted by President Joe Biden’s administration, which had also been done by executive order. Across all of the federal government, preferences have been giving in hiring people of color and various sexual identities.

Trump put an end to it immediately at the federal level, saying the government must consider only merit, not quotas.

DEI hiring practices under President Biden led to these hires.

Trump wrote: “The Biden Administration forced illegal and immoral discrimination programs, going by the name ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI), into virtually all aspects of the Federal Government, in areas ranging from airline safety to the military. This was a concerted effort stemming from President Biden’s first day in office, when he issued Executive Order 13985, ‘Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.'”

Waller, however, disputes Trump’s order and wrote a long diatribe on her personal Facebook page explaining that she’s not going anywhere and she’s talking to city attorneys about protecting her job.

Here’s her message to President Trump follows:

“I am writing this in response to the below Executive Order coming out of Washington this week and in response to the influx of calls to my office and personal phone. Thank you to the many people, organizations and Anchorage residents who have reached out this week as we digest the flurry of EO’s pushed out by the new administration. These orders have dealt a blow to so many communities and people whom I care deeply about, and that hurts. To put it plainly, we are in troubled times but we will hold each other up.

“I hope to give some clarity here. For starters, an Executive Order is not a law. The new administration sent home everyone working on any initiatives around equity and asked for 60-day plans for their termination. The White House has effectively ended affirmative action and at a federal level, incentivized anyone who knows of that work happening at a federal level to report that work, pending some serious repercussions.

“While these orders haven’t yet been put into effect at the state or local level, I was informed by Municipal Attorneys that we need to be prepared. And we are.

“What’s disheartening to me is that this EO states that we are doing things we’re simply not doing. In my office, and at the Municipality of Anchorage, no one is being hired, promoted or given any rewards based upon the color of their skin. Hard work is hard work, no matter what race or gender. We do not discriminate based on race, sex or class. We do not play into identity politics nor do we engage in any form of race baiting or hate. It is painful to have to type this but I can assure, I would never spend my time or talents engaging in that sort of bafoonery. It is not who I am, it is not how I was raised and it certainly does not reflect my values.

“What we are doing is connecting with communities and organizations who feel they have no voice in local government. We are assuring that those within our diverse Municipality have language access and are able access the services we offer in their respective languages. We are thoughtfully considering the privilege we hold, as the distributor of enormous resources, when making decisions that affect children, families and marginalized communities.

“We are and will continue to show up and care for those who are experiencing hate, discrimination, bullying and violence based upon their identities. We are continuing our efforts to educate municipal workers on tribes and tribal relationships, which are extremely vital. We are working with APD to not only make sure they receive what they need to do the tough work, but to make sure our immigrant and refugee communities feel safe. And we are doing, so much more.

“My concern is that those who follow the president believe what he says – because he says so, they will believe that these efforts are illegal, divisive and hateful. That people like myself and offices like mine are pushing people out and being discriminatory. We know that perception is reality. Affirmative Action and the laws that came to be were put in place because real (not imagined – real) discrimination and persecution has happened over time and corrective measures had to be put into place as a means of protection. That is our history and that cannot be erased. We can only work to correct so that all can have a shred of a shot at the American Dream.

“My office will continue to work within the parameters of what has been set before us and we will do so, fearlessly. This is the work that brought forth civil rights, voting rights, rights for women, veterans, the elderly, Title IX, rights for the LGBTQ community, for indigenous people, Americans with disabilities and so much more. For me, there is no greater work.

There is no executive order that will make us stop caring about our neighbors and fellow Americans. There is no law that will stop us from uplifting the voices of the voiceless, to assure that everyone has fairness and dignity in their lifetime. There is no level of threat that will make us so fearful that we will walk away. I’ve assured Municipal lawyers I will not resign. If you know me you know I do not say things I don’t mean.

“Please feel free to reach out to my office should you have any further questions. We will be going through some changes. We have the support of a Mayor, an Assembly (majority) and local government employees who care deeply about the health, personal safety and well being of not only those within the Municipality of Anchorage, but across our nation.”

Waller is mistaken in thinking that DEI has not been improperly used by bureaucrats like herself. In Los Angeles, the deputy fire chief stated that when there is an emergency, people want someone to help them who looks like them.

Waller also blurs the legal lines by using her personal Facebook page as a professional page for her city business, but also mixing in partisan messaging on that same page, such as her picture showing her support for Kamala Harris for president.

Kimberly Waller posted this image in support of Kamala Harris for president on the same page she uses to conduct city business for Anchorage.

At other times, Waller posts personal messages during work hours, sprinkled in with professional messages about official city business.

Waller is a Democrat and there may be special rules for Democrats in the Suzanne LaFrance Administration. If a Republican did such a thing as use work hours for promoting a specific private business, there would likely be a lawsuit over it.

Waller was hired by Mayor LaFrance and started working for the city in September after serving in a similar role at the nonprofit Foraker Group. She was born in Fairbanks, raised in North Pole and Anchorage, graduated from New York University, and worked in broadcasting in Anchorage and New York City.

She has taken a leave-of-absence from the board of directors for Alaska Public Media, where she has been a board member since 2022 and which gives her an in-road to the largest media outlet in the state.


  1. She’s not going anywhere with LaFrance as Mayor and with our leftist assembly. Sanity is not coming to Anchorage government anytime soon. Hunker down, normies, people like Waller, LaFrance, Constant and more are fully embedded like ticks in our city and will take decades to root out.

    • Winter is long and dark, slick roads and sidewalks, with questionable mentally ill folks freely roaming. It could be rather dangerous for some folks whereby unfortunate circumstances befall upon the less fortunate and unwise?!?!

    • Sounds like maybe there aren’t too many folks in Anchorage who are conservative want to be involved in cleaning up the city government. That is the problem. You all want results, with no personal input. I challenge you to take back your city and make it what it once was!

      • Sally, you are correct. We should all take an active role in fixing the problems we are complaining about. We don’t even have to run for office, but we should show up at every City Assembly meeting and let them know they work for the people.

        This means the people have to speak to them.

  2. Mayor LaFrance, the Assembly and Kimberly Waller have put their head in the sand. The tide in America is turning away from this BS! No longer will we tolerate DEI (AKA incompetent) hiring practices. We are back to hiring the best and brightest to get the job done! And we will!

  3. I wanted to apply for that job because I am a gay, native Alaska who identifies as a black disabled woman. Why didn’t they come to my house and give me the job? sheesh

  4. He will throw a fit. The senate is already investigating him on pulling Boltons secret service protection after he faces a real threat from Iran. If this is how we treat our public officials by throwing them under the bus, perhaps what goes around comedy around. Karma is a bitch!

    • Perhaps Bolton should have considered supporting Trump rather than running him down, if he is so dependent upon government largesse for his protection. As you said, karma is a bitch.

    • Greg
      Yes karma is a b—- and you’re getting some karma.
      It’s great to see you on the loser side now.
      Have a happy day and think trump.

        • your post are a riot, greg.
          keep them coming, the hilarity is fun for all the normal folks, never know what nonsense you will jump on your plastic drink sword will come next!

    • You seem to forget DJT is the head of the executive branch. Secret service is part of Treasury, which both fall under the Executive branch. Bolton and Brennan are not members of the Govt. anymore, thus are not public servants. DJT can pull their he did as well as Fauci. All 3 have grifted in millions as ex employees and should not burden the tax payer for security. They can afford their own. I really do not understand your public service worship. They worked for we the people and are not Honorable or Royals. They are regular citizens now, nothing more.

        • When did we battle Iran exactly? Iran wants Trump, for knocking off Solemani. Bolton and your royalty are just bottom feeders.

          • Google Operation Praying Mantis.
            Iran’s navy was nearly obliterated.
            BTW, I really enjoy these remarks, everyone. Thank you for your time. effort and opinions.

        • Show me the ex-military men and ex-ambassadors who are covered by security forces paid for by the government, please. Stop this silliness. You can continue to make things up and beclown yourself, or you can accept reality, that people reap what they sow. Enough already.

    • Greg, my dear boy, don’t you have something constructive to do? Your prattle is not even entertaining. Well, perhaps, once in a great while it engenders a chortle of some sort…but not in the manner you think!

    • Maybe Suzanne placed this comment on the wrong article or something, but what does Bolton have to do with an Anchorage City DEI hire demonstrating why DEI hires get a bad reputation?
      Or, are you so consumed with your abject hatred of President Trump that you have to post comments on unrelated articles? So much for avoiding sour milk…

    • Bolton should be happy just losing his bodyguards and security clearance. He should be on trial. Then in jail. Follow the list of Biden’s pre-emptive pardons to see who was fighting the Trump Administration and undermining the American agenda here and abroad. This includes Milley. No, Forkner, public officials are not untouchable. Try doing in the private sector what many of them have done “working” for GOV and they would not only be thrown out on their *ss, but there could also be grounds for a civil suit. I used to be a Bolton fan, until he started EFFing around. He found out. Serves as an excellent example for those leftists who want to be a “monkey in the wrench,” as John McClain once said.

  5. DEI is a rapidly dying brand of government coercion, and will soon be replaced with DIE.
    Affirmative Action queens who refuse to recognize that their charades and whining is coming to an end, will soon face the music. Affirmative Action queens received their positions only because of whining about discrimination and lack of quotas. These are fully disingenuous defenses and negate the real issue: MERIT.
    Those who are advanced without merit will receive demerits. DEI and Affirmative Action is destined for the garbage heap. And Trump will be driving the garbage truck to the dump.

    • She’s another unqualified person, given her title because she’s……….. .
      Strong statement, ChrissyB. Trump will soon end all of this crap.

  6. Which proves, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that DEI hires are not qualified in any way.
    Trump’s EO applies to Federal Offices and Employees ONLY. Unless this Didn’t Earn It (DEI) hire is paid through Federal Tax dollars, she is not impacted in any way.
    Is there some kind of contest in Anchorage to see who can say the most moronic thing?

    • She wants everyone to know that she’s relevant and wanted. She thanked all the concerned citizens who called in to make sure she still has her job.

      And good heavens, if she needed to consult the Muni Attorney to figure that one out, she may be as dumb as she looks.

      • Called by what… all three concerned citizens who wanted to know if she still had a job?
        And, I guess there is no end to the cluelessness of some people.

  7. It is fairly simple: Ms. Waller is a racist. She may call it something else and smile while she does so, but she discriminates against people on the basis of race and is proud of it.

      • So, apparently you think that hiring on merit means that “people of color” can’t qualify? Talk about the bigotry of low expectations. Those who rely upon DIE to get hired are those who aren’t sufficiently educated or motivated to be productive members of society. If you think those people are all black or Hispanic, the who is the racists here? Go lay down by your dish already.

  8. DEI is another hoax. It is yet another initiative designed to trade success for failure. Truly a religion of human sacrifice. An honorable person resigns, knowing they no longer enjoy the support of the ruling mob. Yes, ruling mob because, after all, democracy is mob rule. A majority of voters, we will call failure, rule over success given enough time and of course entitlement.

  9. No surprise. skAnchorage has been an evolving cesspool for the last 20 years anyway. I don’t have to live there and I rarely support them with my own money.

  10. Waller sounded pretty happy Party City was going out of business. The “voiceless” employees no longer have jobs and the city will lose revenue, but she will have party decorations for years to come.?

  11. It’s clear she won’t put up with the alleged “bafoonery”. For my part, as a resident of Anchorage, I guess I’ll have to put up with the DEI and related buffoonery foisted on us by the current administration.

  12. Let’s be honest: We’ve hit the bottom, and we’re here to stay until the finale! Look at that montage of fools: you know damn well that none of them could handle a simple, office row; apparently, however, they are were qualified to be on the dole. This whole country is run by crackpots and screwballs–republicans and democrats. If you want change, pray for the Apocalypse.

  13. Costco re-affirmed their DEI goals, Costco stock was up today. Costco is a successful business, the President dismantling DEI had 6 companies that went bankrupt. People living paycheck to paycheck are now being told by President Trump grocery prices are no longer a concern

  14. “In my office, and at the Municipality of Anchorage, no one is being hired, promoted or given any rewards based upon the color of their skin. Hard work is hard work, no matter what race or gender.”
    If that were actually true, then why would thee need to be a tax payer funded Chief Equity Officer working for the MOA in the first place??
    Does she have any idea how stupid she sounds? (rhetorical question, because of course she doesn’t)

  15. The wokesters are starting to wake up to the World of Trump. However, there are few uneducated, racist holdouts who still object,
    at their own peril.

  16. America used to thrive because we hired the best individuals for the jobs. Not because of color, race, sexual preference etc. hopefully we can get back to that. If America isn’t thriving no one is thriving.

  17. If she is doing a good job in a needed position, why is she worried? My advice would be to continue doing your job and quit trying to project your worries. Just remember where you were 4 years ago.

  18. Is Kim Wallace even a Taxpayer, owning property in MOA, paying property taxes?
    Obviously, the country is transitioning to merit basis whereby Merit is in favor. It’s long past time to get on-board the T-Train!

  19. I read this headline, and before going any further, I thought to myself “I bet she’s a black woman”. And sure enough, she’s a black woman. Almost EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    And this woman, being an extreme radical leftist, exemplifies the two defining traits of extreme radical leftists: arrogance and hypocrisy. It is as predictable from them as the sunrise.

  20. Let’s see what happens if federal funding dries up.

    You voted LaFrance in, Anchorage. This is the package you chose.

  21. IMO this article is low on the newsworthiness tree. Even for Suzanne. Is anything important happening today? No? Then this…

  22. Water is wet and fire is hot…of course a federal issue has nothing to do with municipal issues. Today’s headline, France passes a law and man in Fairbanks refuses to obey.

  23. Suzanne, thank you for reporting on this! You’re, without doubt, the only person in town who would.
    But I bet even you are surprised by the response, on different fronts, that it received! I used to skip reading the comments because I’m “livin’ the dream” and didn’t want to get aggravated. However, I find them mostly entertaining now. Thanks!

  24. She obviously just don’t understand lol, I got news for this Lady, every job like this has some form of federal funding when you dig deep enough into these departments, and if one single federal dollar goes to the place she works, she will either be placed in a different position or the door will hit her in the ass on the way out, even if the building she works in is paid for by by federal dollars and is no longer needed. Or one single part of her job has any trace to the federal government she will be looking for a real job or collecting unemployment. Just the lengthy diatribe of wishfull thinking she posted shows any sane person she is swearing bullets , Id say go get a real job before your forced out, because that day is a coming lol, good luck in your future ventures regardless!!

  25. Alaska is going to finally enjoy prosperity, the state has a ocean of oil and gas that those without merit kept it locked up while Texas opened up to oil and gas companies and let them drill baby drill. Good days are ahead so get use to the permanent fund checks double and triple real fast. Hire people with merit is a positive policy that is good for all.

  26. Can someone tell her that her worth isn’t because of her minority status? Unless that’s what she wants…

  27. FAFO, lady. Anchorage surely receives Fed funding for some projects. Take your entitled DEI self on down the road in fulfillment of the will of the people. DEI is a racist agenda, filled by less than the best.

  28. A silly woman doing a silly job. Happily, DEI is now illegal for the feds. It will shortly be illegal for any entity that receives federal $$$, at which time the writer will be looking for other challenges.

    Sadly, she clearly is passionate about what the does. Wrong, but passionate. Stamping your feet while yelling “you’re not the boss of me” as loudly as you can was an argument style that should have ended when you were 4. Cheers –

  29. There is something she needs to consider, however – while her salary is not directly paid with fed dollars, AK can forfeit other fed $$$ as long as they are hiring such people. This could possibly force her out.

  30. She took the opportunity to go on a political rant, but as far as her dept. or job, the EO has no effect. I’m guessing she already knows that.

  31. The first thing that should be on the chopping block is all federal funding for CPB, NPR and PBS.

    Zero them all out

  32. “In my office, and at the Municipality of Anchorage, no one is being hired, promoted or given any rewards based upon the color of their skin.” A patent, provable lie.

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