Anchorage: Brisk breeze, and warm turnout for (yet another) Trump rally


Over 200 vehicles and their merry drivers took part in an impromptu, *possibly final* Trump rally in Anchorage today.

One observer said, “This is as grassroots as it gets,” as most of the people who turned out for the event were not regular political activists, a theme that has held true at other rallies around the state this weekend.

The vehicles and their drivers gathered in the parking lot in front of Carrs, at the corner of New Seward Highway and Northern Lights Blvd. Inside the building, voters were lined up to cast their ballots in early voting at the Midtown Mall location, which has been hopping all week.

After 45 minutes or so of sign-waving along New Seward Highway, the breeze picked up and the sign-wavers headed for their vehicles and roamed around midtown, with a few of them ending up downtown. This particular parade did not head to Wasilla, as most of the others did this fall.

Numerous vehicle rallies for Trump have taken place over recent weeks in Anchorage — six by our count here at Must Read Alaska. Most were blessed by good weather and great turnouts.

The organizer of the most recent one is a server at a local restaurant, and is an undeclared voter. In all of the events around the state, the organizers were not affiliated with the Alaska Republican Party, but were part of an unorganized grassroots groundswell across the state.

On Saturday, an 11-vehicle convoy for Alyse Galvin for Congress, complete with flags with an “A” on them, tried to replicate the enthusiasm of the Trump convoys, which have had hundreds participating across the state. The Galvin convoy ended up awkwardly appearing like an event for anarchists, who have a similar flag with an A on it.

Were you at the Anchorage rally? Add your comments below.


  1. It looked quite a bit larger than last Saturday’s. Good choice of gathering place. I normally pay little attention to politics, but the globalist commie agenda needs to be put down hard. MAGA! 4 more years!

  2. My husband enthusiastically honked our horn as we passed the Trump Parade on Dimond! What a treat! I was also happy to see a Vote No on Judge Carney truck.

  3. A friend asked me why am I, a Native, rallying for a racist president, with a bunch of racist rednecks?
    He didn’t like my answer, which was “The Dems have turned pinko commie, which is borderline treason against our Constitution. The Repubs are loyal to America and it’s founding principles.”
    To me, that’s more important than whether a few of them would object to me dating their grandmothers.
    So, to the some of you redneck racist cowboys and cowgirls, you’re loyalty, and Trump’s loyalty to America makes up for a multitude of sins.

      • He is that indeed, and proud of it. Thankfully he’s in the minority.
        Some lady in Venatie wrote in the Tanana newsletter (back in the 90’s) that “Just because one of your parents is Native, doesn’t make you Native”.
        If an Alaska Native goes to college, they often have a hard time when they come back to the village, because they’ve become “Too White”.

  4. Thanks for writing these. I love the way this keeps happening everywhere.

    The spontenaity, the grass roots, and messages like ‘We Love Trump’ really demonstrates that this is not some political tactic or something that can be easily duplicated… Instead, its an organic movement of individuals, touched or moved inside by what the president stands for and does that is so good despite all the attack and abuse

  5. Those A’s weren’t for Alyce, they were from Antifa showing their support for her and thanking her peeps for the bail money. No thanks.

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