Amy Demboski leaves Assembly for Dunleavy post



Anchorage Assembly member Amy Demboski, who represents 40,000 Alaskans from the Eagle River district, is not running for re-election this spring and, in fact, will also end her radio talk show after today.

She’s taking a post in the new Dunleavy Administration as deputy chief of staff, focusing on budgets, operations, and contracts.

When her last Assembly meeting will be is something she hasn’t decided yet, but she will step down from the elected position and the seat will need to be filled on an interim basis, she said.

Demboski is nearing the end of her second term on the Assembly and is the the most conservative member on a local governing body that has taken a decided turn to the left.

A graduate of Chugiak High School in 1994, she went on to earn bachelor’s degrees in criminal justice and history from University of Alaska Anchorage, and a master’s degree in finance from Columbia Southern University.

She worked for many years in the health care industry with a focus on business development and management. She is also the former president of the Chugiak Community Council, the chair of the Municipal Budget Advisory Commission, and was the Mayor’s appointment to the Chugiak-Eagle River Parks & Recreation Board of Supervisors. She ran for mayor in 2015, losing to Ethan Berkowitz.

In recent years Demboski has been a vocal advocate for repealing Senate Bill 91, the controversial criminal justice reform bill, and she has advocated for a full funding of the Alaska Permanent Fund dividend.

Over the past several weeks, she’s volunteered on the Dunleavy transition team as a policy leader.

Last week, Must Read Alaska reported that Jeremy Price was named deputy chief of staff as well.

[Read: Price to join Dunleavy administration]

Demboski started her career in radio on KVNT, a talk show in the Mat-Su Valley. No replacement has been named for her show, which airs from 4-6 pm Monday through Friday.

She announced her decision today on Facebook and on her radio show.

“Serving as your Assembly member representing Chugiak, Eagle River, and JBER has truly been the honor of a lifetime. I fought tirelessly to protect your wallet, your property rights, and ensure critical services, such as public safety, were the top priorities. As I near the end of my 2nd term as your Assembly member, an opportunity has materialized to serve all Alaskans and our next Governor as he works to make our residents safer, bring jobs and economic prosperity back to Alaska, and protect Alaskans’ full PFD,” she wrote.

“I believe in Governor-Elect Dunleavy’s vision for Alaska, his unwavering fight to restore law & order, and his mission to protect your PFD. Not only do I believe in his policies, I truly believe he will do what he promised, and I will do everything in my power to help him achieve those objectives. That is why, I will not be running for a third term to the Anchorage Assembly; instead, I have accepted a position with Governor Dunleavy’s administration.

“I am humbled and honored to have represented you for the past 5 1/2 years. Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers. I will never be able to adequately express what you all mean to me and how grateful I am for the privilege to serve you on the Assembly. 

“This is not goodbye, it’s just time to roll up my sleeves, get to work in a new capacity, and help make Alaska great again!”


  1. Not surprised by this news as Governor Dunleavy has shown consistency in choosing quality people for his Administration. And though I am saddened to lose this truly consistent conservative voice on the Anchorage Assembly and the airwaves our household wishes Amy Godspeed and “sic ’em girl!:”

  2. It’s about time we have some pitbulls in office. I am getting very tired of a bunch of feckless, populist poodles that talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk.

    You go girl. I am sure you are being groomed for the bigdog job. Stay focused and sniff out the corruption and overpaid Walker sycophants. The State needs some junkyard dogs that protect the interest of the citizens.

    Good pick Big D !

    • You got that right Andy. The sycophants are everywhere! Go get em’ Amy! So sad for Anchorage but maybe with more ‘might’ in the Governor’s office, the citizens of Anchorage will wake up and smell the coffee next time at the voting booth for assembly….oh wait…it’s the mailbox for assembly…puke…

  3. Sad to see her leave the Assembly but she can not fight the liberal agenda by her self on the assembly.
    Maybe she will be able to make some waves with the Governor, She has some great ideas.
    Exciting news for all of us.

  4. Our assembly could possibly lean so far left when Amy leaves it might just fall off of the bench!!! All the very best to Amy.

  5. Maybe she can control some of Muni of Anchorage budget by keeping an eye on funding requests from Mayor Berkowitz and draining his swamp of needless and reckless spending!

  6. Great news! This cabinet, and admin appointments have and are showing a great picture of how great a Dunleavy administration will be! Make Alaska Great Again (MAKGA)

  7. Another addition to Dunleavy’s government of yokels. Conservative is now defined as “ignorant hillbilly.”

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