Alaska’s electors cast votes


John Binkley, Judy Eledge, and Randy Ruedrich cast their votes in Juneau today as Alaska’s three electors, in the next step in the presidential election. All three Alaska electoral votes went for Donald Trump.

Lieutenant Gov. Kevin Meyer spoke briefly and introduced the three electors, who then signed their votes and then got up and left.

There was no color guard, no reception, and no ceremony with the Alaska Flag Song, but at least the restaurants were open in Juneau. It was the COVID-19 version of the Electoral College in Alaska.

Binkley is a former state senator and is an Alaska businessman who bought the Anchorage Daily News; Judy Eledge is president of the Anchorage Republican Women’s Club; and Randy Ruedrich is past chairman of the Alaska Republican Party.

The Electoral College nationally has now formally elected Joe Biden as the nation’s next president, with 306 votes. He needed 270 to win.

The Electoral College results will be tallied by Congress in a joint session on Jan. 6. Vice President Mike Pence will preside. Inauguration Day is Wednesday, Jan. 20.


    • I agree- Biden has been selected for you by the CCP and rigged computer election. No way did he get a record vote over Trump.
      It was Trump by a landslide!!!!

  1. U.S. Senator Kamala Harris needs to resign as Senator, Why has she still not resigned herself? Is she planning on serving as Vice President and U.S. Senator at the same time! what’s the matter with her, she still not confident Joe Biden is really going to be sworn into the presidency? She needs to step down Now! Harris dragged her feet long enough!

  2. President Trump is going to remain President.

    While he has given those responsible for ensuring this election process was carried out legally the opportunity to make that happen , the time is nearing that he will be forced to take a hard approach to stop this globalist and communist coup d’état against our nation.
    Make no mistake, we are in a cyber war at this time with the global elite, and communist China. They are controlling the mass media and organizing the information flow against America. If you are getting your information from the mass media and formulating your opinion from that mental poison, you are part of the problem.
    This is an extremely serious situation for the survival of our Constitutional Republic, and we need to “Keep it.” Expect extreme measures from the Trump administration in the coming days and weeks which will expose the situation, and he will be be forced to restore order.
    We are at war people. Get informed. This country will not allow this fraud of an election to stand. Help solve it peacefully before things go bad.

      • Did you hear that on CNN, or was it on MSNBC?
        Berv, do you blindly accept and believe everything that you hear and read in the corporate-controlled media? If so, do you realize how misinformed, uninformed and propagandized you are? No, surely you do not.

    • You are correct Alan! This is far from over and the statement above is incorrect. This is officially a contested election and Biden is not President. The election fraud is massive and the evidence is overwhelming. There was indeed foreign interference in the election from China and our great President Trump will use his Executive Order from 2018 to go after those who knowingly are responsible for the fraud. Hold on to your haunches because the next few weeks are going to be crazy. Full censorship will happen soon to prevent more of the truth from getting out. The corrupt Deep State is desperate to get Sleepy Joe into office because their time is short. This is our modern day 1776 and we need to stand with the President who won by a landslide!

  3. You should be encouraging all to cast a letter to the congressional delegation in support of a congressional hearing contesting the electors from the key swing states that did unlawful voting. The alternate electors that five or six states have voted for are an important step for a hearing and contesting those electors. This election was stacked with illegal voting, @joethecheat may cheat his way in but it’s not over yet. Let’s confirm where are congressional delegation stands with Alaska or not. Almost certain that there will be congressional challenges. It ain’t quite over yet. Write letters…

  4. Just remember, “it’s not over til the fat lady sings”. On Jan 6, When the Electoral college opens up the votes, the surprise to many will be, by following Our constitutional laws and the precedence of the Law.. It will be in the hands of Vice President Mike Pence and most likely later when the House and the Senate meet and votes according to the constitutional laws and makes the final decision.

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