Alaskans set loose on nation’s capital


Alaskans attending the swearing-in festivities in the nation’s capital this week are sending photos of themselves and their friends at various historic events. We’re posting them throughout the rest of the week, and captioning the photos as names are available:

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Kristie and Tuckerman Babock at the RNC meeting.
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Sen. Lisa Murkowski and constituents.
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Alaska Republican Party Treasurer Julie Tisdale and Sen. Dan Sullivan.
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Becky and former state Sen. Charlie Huggins 
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Rep. Don Young and Sen. Frank Murkowski (ret.)
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Rep. Don Young and former Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell, with George Lamoreaux.
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Rep. Don Young greets constituent.
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Sen. Dan Sullivan and Alaskan.
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Randy Ruedrich, on the left, Rep. Don Young on the right.
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Ryan McKee and Lauren Cusack ready for the Alaska Inaugural Ball.
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Charlie Huggins and daughter Hallie Huggins.
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Protestors vowing to “BRING DC TO A HALT!”