Alaska settles with Blackbaud over nonprofit organizations’ data release


Alaska Attorney General Taylor said today that he and 49 other attorneys general have reached a settlement with software company Blackbaud for its sloppy data security practices and laggardly response to a 2020 ransomware event that exposed the personal information of millions of Americans.

Under the settlement, Blackbaud has agreed to overhaul its data security and breach notification practices and make a $49.5 million payment to states. Alaska’s portion of the settlement is $358,925.

Blackbaud provides software to various nonprofit organizations, including charities, higher education institutions, K-12 schools, healthcare organizations, religious organizations, and cultural organizations.

Blackbaud’s customers use Blackbaud’s software to connect with donors and manage data about their constituents, including contact and demographic information, Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, financial information, employment and wealth information, donation history, and protected health information.

This type of highly sensitive information was exposed during the 2020 data breach, which impacted over 13,000 Blackbaud customers and their consumer constituents.

“Business need to think carefully about what data they collect about people and how they will protect it” said Attorney General Taylor. “Every business that collects Alaskans’ personal information must comply with Alaska’s data breach notification laws.”

Today’s settlement resolves allegations of the attorneys general that Blackbaud violated state consumer protection laws, breach notification laws, and health confidentiality law by failing to implement reasonable data security and remediate known security gaps, which allowed unauthorized persons to gain access to Blackbaud’s network. Then, the company didn’t tell its customers what was going on. As a result of Blackbaud’s actions, notification to the consumers whose personal information was exposed was significantly delayed or in some cases never occurred at all.

Indiana and Vermont co-led the multistate investigation, assisted by the Executive Committee consisting of Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Illinois, and New York, and joined by Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.


  1. Our Attorney General, the top lawyer in the State makes 170K a year and is forbidden a 2nd job because that position requires all of ones time.
    Meg Zalatel makes 230K a year to run the ANC Coalition to End Homelessness (as homelessness gets worse & worse) AND she has a 2nd job (60K as assemblyman/woman) for a total of 290K a year.
    Apologies Suzanne, I had to vent.

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