Alaska Republican Party endorses Eagle River’s Jerod Goecker for Senate, Jamie Allard for House


The Alaska Republican Party on Saturday endorsed Jerod Goecker for Senate, to represent Eagle River. This was a big statement, as there was no endorsement made for Republican Sen. Kelly Merrick, the incumbent. Goecker was also endorsed previously by District 23 and District 24 Republicans. He has the endorsement of Gov. Mike Dunleavy as well.

Merrick, although she is a Democrat, is considered in poor standing with Republicans because she has helped put Democrats in charge in the Senate. She has won in the past with the help of Democrats. It’s going to be a challenge for her to win, since Democrat Lee Hammermeister is in the race to take votes from Merrick’s liberal voters.

Rep. Jamie Allard was also endorsed for House District 23, by the entire party and has the endorsement of her district and five Republican women’s clubs.

Also endorsed on Saturday was Nick Begich for Congress. Nick Begich also hails from Eagle River.


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