Alaska Life Hack: What’s a hundred dollars worth in Alaska?


There was a time when Alaska had the highest cost of living in the nation. No more.

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis released a report comparing the purchasing power of metro and non metro areas around the country in 2017 to answer this question: How much will $100 buy in different areas of the country?

Regions where $100 buys the least are the usual suspects — cities like New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. In the South, $100 will go a lot further in purchasing power; same in the middle of the country.

In Anchorage, $100 only has $92.68 worth of buying power, while in Fairbanks, it has $93.55.

Anchorage and Fairbanks’ purchasing power compares with East Los Angeles communities of Riverside and San Bernadino, and San Louis Obispo County.

As for personal income growth, Alaska was not the worst, but didn’t perform well, with only 1 percent income growth between 2016 and 2017. The U.S. growth rate was 2.6 that year.



  1. Yeah not much growth when school districts freeze raises, while indulging in some cases wasteful spending.then you got Bruce freaking edgemond stealing PFD money from alaskans to pay for his socialist programs. At least some Alaskan legislators Saw the light and he barely made it back into the speaker’s chair. Alaska is changing from a pink state back to a solid red can I expect Bryce will reap the rewards of all his foolishness come next election time.

  2. Follow the PFD money…the legislators and elected officials who voted to steal it have ties to non-profits, for example Matt Claman and Berkowitz’ wives, Natasha Von Imphoff, etc. Organize by district to get rid of these people.

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