Alaska Airlines says no more ’emotional support’ animals in passenger cabin


Enough is apparently enough. Alaska Airlines said Tuesday it will end its liberal policy of allowing emotional support animals in the passenger cabins on its flights.

Beginning Jan. 11, 2021, Alaska will only allow service dogs that have special training and perform tasks for qualified owners with disabilities.

The announcement came after the U.S. Department of Transportation said it is discontinuing its requirement that airlines make the accommodation for the emotional support animals, a policy that is seen as widely abused by dog and cat owners, but also owners of other animals.

Alaska will continue to accept emotional support animals under its current policy for reservations booked prior to Jan. 11, 2021, for flights on or before Feb. 28, 2021. No emotional support animals will be transported in passenger cabins after Feb. 28.


  1. Between getting rid of the little psalm with the meal, (then getting rid of the MEAL) and the woke BLM gear in their online gift shop- not a lot to like about AK Air… but this is one corporate move I can get behind. It was getting way out of hand..

  2. I agree with Lawrence, starting with removal of the Psalm, maybe the personal bottle of Inglenook before that, Alaska Airlines has been leaving a lot to be desired as far as the only airline serving most of Alaska. This is the 1st move by corporate that reflects the opinions and wishes of the majority of us traveling hostages. Thank You

    • What is a shoebill? For that matter, what is or was the “psalm” that others are mentioning here in regards to flying Alaska Airlines? Neither thing makes any sense in the context of passenger flight.

      • Alaska Air used to give you a business card size piece of paper with your coffee with a psalm out of the book of psalms in the bible it was always fun to read. But then the grim reapers came along and ruined that. I’m sure it’s ok to read about Transvestites though. O lord is this country screwed.

  3. I could never figure out how others eating peanuts is banned on a plane because someone’s child is allergic to peanuts but others who are allergic to dogs or cats is not a consideration. I heard about this pig next to a person and that pig was defacating freely and they had no option but to sit next to that stink. If it were myself I would stand in the isle or spend all the time in the bathroom. Why are some allergic reactions considered more caustic than others? I have a solution, if people are too delicate, afraid, to fly without a furry little friend next to them then perhaps some teddy bears can be given out pre plight. If it works for five year olds then it will work for the emotionally challenged individuals who need something fuzzy and furry next to them. Yes, teddy bears all around! The beauty is teddy bears don’t —, they just remain soft and furry.

    • hahahahahahaha! about the pig passenger hahahahahaha

      This pet companion is just another unfortunate consequence people knowing No God when they made their pet their idol. If they could see power and comfort having the bible and just reading it book after book, it will be as their comfort animal, it will never leave their side. Keeping God’s word next to one and publicly reading it would be a better fight than owners fighting to keep an emotional support animal next to its owner just because of they live a life without God feeling alone if they don’t have their companion pet.

  4. I think handing out teddy bears for those who are too sensitive and fragile to take a plane trip alone is the way to go. It works for five year olds.

  5. Finally! Common sense. I have written letters and complained loudly. I am very allergic to cats and dogs and it was obvious people were doing this to not pay for their animals. If you need a support animal, stay home or take a Valium. Good lord, people can’t cope with life anymore and our society has only made it worse!

    • Oh. little snappy does still cost 100 dollars extra to stay inside a travel size 6 sided carrier under the seat. If the ticket counter missed little snappy, the cabin crew ask to see if dog paid its fare. The crew will make sure a Reservation agent meets the passenger first thing at the door to pay for snappy’s fare.

  6. This new policy will substantially impair the ability of many on the Left to travel – lots of these folks need mascots, lapdogs and sycophants of all types. And the more that surround their masters, the more important the entire group feels.

    • Precisely. The wearing of a mask will be the last thing to go away inasmuch as it is the ideal “virtue signal” for so many. Biden will likely refuse to give the State of the Union address unless everyone is wearing a mask and a moon suit. Masks will probably be required for everyone attending the Democrat National Convention in 2024.

  7. Well done Alaska Airlines. However prepare well for lawsuits from the ‘trans-gender’ cat deemed ‘essential’ by its owner.

  8. Too many emotional support dogs needing emotional help themselves. hahahaha. the little snappy barky dog. I wondering if this applies to the small teacup dogs the owner can stuff them under the seat? its size convenient when the owner happened choosing a teacup size dog, so much easier travelling with the dog when they can fit as a carry-on, and the stewards and stewardesses don’t allow these tiny small size animals out of its 6 sided carrier anyway. I wonder if this is a pet exception will still be counted as a carry on as long as it doesn’t leave its case.

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