Alaska Air, Dick’s Sporting, Disney, and others emphasize they provide abortion travel to employees


Major corporations are reacting to the U.S. Supreme Court decision that reversed Roe v. Wade last week and sent the laws about abortion back to the states.

Alaska Airlines issued a memo to employees saying it will continue to reimburse employee travel expenses for some medical procedures if they are not available where employees live.

Alaska Airlines said, “Today’s Supreme Court decision does not change that.” Employees and their family members already fly for free on Alaska Airlines, so it’s unclear what the purpose of the statement is. The airline is best known for its woke policies, including pushing Black Lives Matter and transgender pronouns.

Dick’s Sporting Goods announced the company will give employees as much as $4,000 in abortion-related travel reimbursements if they live in a state that restricts access to the procedure. In 2020, Dick’s Sporting Goods stopped selling many types of guns, including pistols, at most of its stores, as the company gets out of the gun business due to gun-related violence. It now sells just certain long guns in limited locations and online. Its handguns are BB guns.

Disney, Netflix, Comcast, and JP Morgan also issued statements saying they will pay for abortion-related travel.

Disney said a “family planning” benefit will be granted to any worker who cannot access care where they live, to cover “pregnancy-related decisions.” Disney employs 195,000 people worldwide.

The memo from Disney said:


We recognize the impact that today’s Supreme Court ruling could have on many Americans and understand that some of you may have concerns about what that might mean for you and your families, as medical and family planning decisions are deeply personal.

Please know that our company remains committed to removing barriers and providing comprehensive access to quality and affordable care for all of our employees, cast members and their families, including family planning and reproductive care, no matter where they live. In fact, we have processes in place so that an employee who may be unable to access care in one location has affordable coverage for receiving similar levels of care in another location. This travel benefit covers medical situations related to cancer treatments, transplants, rare disease treatment and family planning (including pregnancy-related decisions).

Lastly, we would like to remind you of the range of medical coverage options you have as an eligible employee of The Walt Disney Company, as well as the options for your covered dependents. As medical coverage needs are unique to each of us, we encourage you to contact your medical carrier should you have specific questions about your coverage. You can also learn more about the company’s benefit offerings at, consult the Contacts | Disney Benefits Portal ( or reach out to your HR representative.

Disney will continue to prioritize the health, safety and well-being of our team members and their families.


  1. Alaska Airlines and Disney are advocating terminating the lives of those who would be future customers? I would rather see the advocacy of safe flying and family fun.

  2. Can’t wait for the lawsuits to come. I have x issue and want to go to Vegas for treatment.

    After all, if Susie can go to Vegas for and abortion, I can go to Vegas for whatever. Equal treatment, equal pay, all that fun stuff.

    It’s common for leftists to overreact emotionally and set in motion evens they can’t control later. Just ask friends of Harry Reid.

  3. Just as company officials are within their rights to use or mis-use their shareholders money as they see fit it is within the rights of shareholders to vote those officials out of office – or to move their money elsewhere.

  4. My wife and I have flown Alaska Airlines for many years as well as having an Alaska Airlines credit card.

    While I don’t personally have any issues with the employees or crew members I do have concerns with the management and their decisions to support the wine agenda.

    I am paying a lot of money to get from one place to another so that they can provide free transportation to people that want to dispose their child in a most cruel manner.

    As an Alaskan, I wanted to support Alaskan Airlines but it is coming to a point that I may have to change my decision to support their company, after all they are based out of Seattle and not even Alaska!

    When I was Mayor of Soldotna, I had the privilege of being on the inaugural flight to Prudhoe Bay.

    Come on guys, get out of politics and just provide service for your paying customers.

  5. I wonder if those companies have a program to aid or benefit for new parents or do they only want to assist in the death of an unborn human

    • I was wondering that too!
      Seems like pre-natal care, and hospital delivery rooms should be included at the very least, just to keep everything “fair and equal”. Well, not to worry; the tyrannical socialization of the entire medical system and industry is well under way.

  6. This can also be a financial decision for companies. Just think. They save a ton of money by giving incentives to abort by not paying for the medical for child birth, pediatrics, disability, sick leave.

  7. Cheaper for these companies to pay airfare for an abortion than to have to pay 12-weeks for maternity leave. You can guarantee the lawyers have the dollars and cents all figured out already!!

  8. They are just showing their greedy profit motives, even if it means killing a baby. Much easier to pay for an abortion then healthcare premiums for many years. Kind of like the corporate version of a scum of the Earth deadbeat dad.

  9. Well I’m done with Disney and I’ve been done with Alaska air for years. it’s not their position that irks me as much as it’s that they weighed in at all.

  10. Swingin Dicks Sporting Goods pays to fly the Sporting Girls to get the little sucker vacuumed out at government expense, what could be better? Their body, ryeeeet? I’m off to go flirting with the cute cashier I saw the other day at Dick’s. We can break the 60’s/70’s Soviet rate of 4 to 5 abortions per chickee babe of reproductive age if we try harder. This choice thing is GREAT!!!

  11. Other companies that have made similar promises include Dick’s Sporting Goods, JP Morgan Chase, Paramount, Lyft, Yelp, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Tesla, Alaska Airlines, Bumble, Uber, Kroger, Adidas, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Starbucks, Amazon, Salesforce, DoorDash, Zillow and HP…..Apple is the only one of this bunch i’m still doing business with as ive already invested in a bunch of their overpriced hardware….next time around i’ll go elsewhere.

  12. One way to look at abortion. Which side is God on? Which side is Satan on?

    Another way to look at abortion is to evaluate what the major religions of the world say. Some very considered views, there. Judaism has condemned abortion since the first century. Hindus, Baptists, Catholics, Mormons all agree its wrong. So do Muslims. For them, they believe abortion is a special sin after 120 days- where the soul enters the baby.

    Compare this considered opinion to what is offered by the woke morons that run Alaska Airlines, and Dicks. They want to be all woke. Okay, be woke, go broke. I’ll take my business away from you.

  13. First it’s specially decorated planes for gay pride month

    Now its infanticide month.

    Not sure what planes’ll look like for that one.

    Maybe Alaska Air could have like an art contest, airplane logos to celebrate dead babies?

    Sure they’re celebrating, the more babies they help kill, the less they pay in medical plan premiums.

    Staffing problem’s solved, no kids competing for attention, employees can focus on what matters most… the company.

    Wage problem’s solved, childless, child-limited employees don’t need that much money, do they?

    Hard to blame Alaska Air corporate, jet fuel’s really expensive, they gotta save money somewhere, plus keep their ESG score up, no?

  14. When the fertility rate plummets amongst the mRNA zealots the same abortionist zealots will be clamoring for fertility treatment………….

  15. From a cynical business standpoint, it would appear that the businesses doing this have determined that it is cheaper to encourage employees to abort than to be on the hook for pre natal care, birth, post birth, child care, and other related expenses and time away from work by parents. Cynical, but hardly surprising. Couple that with expected virtue signaling and you have a reasonable though ugly explanation. Cheers –

    • It appears these companies/corporations are just echoing the mind set of their expectant employees……more convenient to abort than be financially and emotionally responsible for their child.

      On a more specific solution , have ANY of them considered the multitude of options available preventing pregnancy in the first place??!

  16. It’s good they publicly recognize those companies that are accomplices to baby killing. Kind of helps you decide if you really want your dollars going into their coffers.

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