Alan Gross skips out on debate on resource jobs, economy



Al Gross, the candidate trying to bump off Sen. Dan Sullivan, couldn’t make the economy-jobs debate on Thursday. He was busy.

Scheduled a month in advance, the debate was sponsored by the major private job creators of the Alaska economy: Alaska Forest Association, Alaska Chamber, Alaska Miners Association, Alaska Oil & Gas Association, Alaska Support Industry Alliance, Alaska Trucking Association, Associated General Contractors of Alaska, At-Sea Processors Association, Council of Alaska Producers, Cruise Lines International Association Alaska, Pacific Seafood Processors Association and the Resource Development Council for Alaska.

While it was surprising that such a large group of job creators would get the cold shoulder from Gross, he is one of the signatories to the Ballot Measure 1 tax hike on oil flowing through the Trans Alaska Pipeline. It was not going to be a receptive audience. The debate was broadcast on the internet via Zoom.

The debate circuit has been hard for Gross so far. Last week at the Kodiak “fish debate,” the gentleman fisherman stumbled badly when he criticized the United Fishermen of Alaska, calling them a group that represents Outside interests.

That prompted the UFA to send out an immediate notice correcting the record, batting down Gross for bad-mouthing the group that represents 39 separate commercial fishing groups, only 7 of which are based in Seattle.

“UFA is not a corporate Seattle-based interest group. We are Alaskan fishermen supporting Senator Dan Sullivan for US Senate,” the group wrote on Facebook in response to Gross’ comments. Gross has done commercial fishing in the past, but UFA supports his opponent.

Because Gross didn’t show up at the debate, the resource and jobs groups gave Sullivan 10 minutes to talk about his record of support for Alaska jobs, economy, including the opening of ANWR. After that, the debate became a congressional debate between Congressman Don Young and Alyse Galvin.

The next debate between Sullivan and Gross will be on KSRM, Soldotna radio on Oct. 21, from noon to 1. On Friday, Oct. 23, the two will be at the KTUU/APRN debate.

Check out the debate between Young and Galvin:


  1. Generally, Alaskans can’t really identify with a Left-wing, privileged Democrat doctor, unless of course, they need more opiates. And Gross is from from SE Alaska, where no one north of there really identifies with as “true Alaskan.” And finally, Gross is a condescending, lecturing, truth-hiding gasbag, which Alaskans will easily use as a reason to vote for Dan Sullivan. Money and plenty of votes coming your way, Senator Sullivan.

    • Naomi,
      As an Alaskan from birth in the territory , who is supporting Sullivan, I take exception to your statement regarding Southeast not really being Alaska. Alaska is a huge land with many different climatic regions inhabited by a people with one common denominator, they cherish their land and they love their State! I invite you to perhaps travel a bit further and discover our Great Land and people.

      • Robert, my apologies. I did not mean to insult the Alaskans from SE. I used to live in Juneau. Yes, SE is beautiful. BUT, most Alaskans throughout the remainder of the state have always considered SE to be more akin to Seattle-type climate and values. Sorry to disappoint. It is heavily Democrat in SE, and of course, you don’t receive below zero temperatures.

        • Naomi, no apologies required. Regarding cold, the late John Butrovich, born in Fairbanks in 1911 often told me the coldest weather he ever experienced was during his morning walk from the Baranof Hotel to the Senate floor during Juneau’s Taku Winds.
          The irony about Gross skipping the debate is that Southeast is currently an economic powerhouse for Alaska. World class mines in operation and several more prospects in the future. Gross’s backers are opposed to these projects. How Independent of Allen to skip the debate!

  2. Gross is too afraid to debate because of all the BS he has put out in his ads that he would have to defend. Just one of which would be his ability to “stand up” to the democrats. Where did he get the money to flood the airways of AK? Hmm, maybe the democrats?

  3. I spent my youth in Asia killing communists. I’m certainly not going to vote for one at home.

    Go Dan Sullivan !

  4. Sorry… too busy screwing my signs into buildings I don’t own. No time for objective debate. Any democrats need caucused?

    – Gross Malpractice

  5. Say what you will but Mark Begich would have been there and said some good things. And that may highlight what has happened to the Democrats in Alaska.

    • Your sentence works even without the last two words. The Democrats of old no longer exist.

      The tough part is getting normal Americans who still reflexively vote D to realize it.

  6. Maybe he was attacked by a bear and couldn’t make it? Or, he couldn’t bear the thought of a debate where he would get roasted (probably the same fate of the killed cub). This guy just wants to join the political elite and be like Obama (dreams of multi million dollar mansions all over the country).

  7. If Al says what he will actually do, his opponent will quote him in campaign ads and Alaskans will vote against him…
    If Al lies about what he will actually do, his supporters will dump him…
    So what’s a sleazy fake lying politician supposed to do??

    Answer: Not show up..

  8. Naomi, as a former resident of SE Alaska, I resent your comment regarding SE Alaskans, “Where no one North of there really identifies as ‘true Alaskan’.” Pray tell me, what makes one person more Alaskan than another? Do you become more Alaskan the further north you go? Your comment was truly ignorant and smug. As a fairly new transplant from SE to the Mat-su Valley, I have run across this ridiculous attitude before, often coming from someone who has only lived in Alaska for a few years. And Gross is not from Alaska. He only lived in Juneau for a few years, attending elementary school.

  9. Gross and Galvin are nothing more than progressive liberals bent on a total lock up of Alaskan resources and jobs and Alaskans civil liberty’s. Go back to Californication Gross and take Galvin with you!!

  10. I’ve never seen a woman more bought and paid for than Antifa Alyse. Can we bring the democrats up on pandering charges?

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