AIDEA, Alaska’s development agency, brings on Randy Ruaro as executive director


The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Board of Directors announced the appointment of Randy Ruaro as the new AIDEA executive director, effective Jan. 3, 2023.

“We are pleased to announce that Randy Ruaro has accepted the position of Executive Director,“ said AIDEA Board Chairman, Dana Pruhs. “Randy has extensive experience leading departments for the State of Alaska and we look forward to working with him and
AIDEA’s talented executive team as we advance economic growth and diversification for Alaskans.”

Ruaro was recently Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s chief of staff and special assistant for statehood defense. in his role as chief of staff, he managed the Office of the Governor and provided administrative oversight to state agencies, agency leaders, and implemented policies supporting resource development, infrastructure, and job growth.

Ruaro served as chief of staff in both the Senate and House Finance Committees as well as numerous other legislative roles such as legislative Budget and Audit Committee aide. He has extensive executive leadership experience with state agencies and has worked in leadership roles for Govs. Palin, Parnell, and Murkowski.

Ruaro holds a law degree from Willamette University College of Law and is an attorney with 28 years of experience working on access issues, permitting, and state land rights for Alaska. He has supported and advanced AIDEA projects including the Ketchikan Shipyard, Skagway Ore Terminal, the Ambler Access Project, and 1002 leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

”I would like to acknowledge AlDEA’s Chief Investment Officer and Interim Executive Director, Morgan Nefi’, for his leadership during this transition and look forward to Randy working closely with the entire team to advance AIDEA’s mission,” said Pruhs.

The Alaska industrial Development and Export Authority is a public corporation of the State of Alaska. AIDEA’s purpose is to promote, develop, and advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of Alaska.


  1. Shut AIDEA down. It has hemorrhaged millions of dollars, if not billions, over the years. Also, follow the money.

  2. What this article failed to mention is that Randy was the “chief of staff” for Bert Stedman for close to a decade if I remember correctly. During that time Randy acted with an iron fist to hammer through Bert’s special pork projects in the legislature.

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