Again? Muni goes after Dustin Darden for showing up at a school board meeting


The Municipality of Anchorage appears to want to make an example of activist Dustin Darden, who is involved in a legal action to recall the acting mayor. They’ve now arrested him twice for trespassing on public property.

On Tuesday, Darden was arrested and removed from an Assembly meeting, after shouting at the Assembly for its actions on emergency orders that have shut down commerce in Anchorage.

But then on Thursday, he was cited again for trespassing for an incident that happened on Monday.

On Dec. 7, Darden showed up at a joint meeting of school board and the Assembly at the Boniface Education Center. When he realized there was no meeting at that location, he left. The meeting had been moved to Zoom. On the ASD website, however, the meeting was noticed for the Boniface location.

It was Thursday when Anchorage police showed up at his workplace and issued him a notice of trespass for the Monday incident. The court file at this point says he remained on the property after being told to leave, but that is not his recollection of the events.

Darden frequently testifies at public meetings in Anchorage and is often passionate and loud in his testimony. His supporters say that he is expressing some of the anger that is felt by Anchorage residents who feel their government is oppressive.

He and David Nees on Thursday had filed a lawsuit to force the City Clerk to give them a recall petition so they can work toward recalling Acting Mayor Quinn-Davidson and Assembly member Kameron Perez-Verdia.

Darden has cited Alaska Statute 11.76.110, which makes it a Class A misdemeanor for someone to interfere with someone else’s constitutional rights.

AS 11.76.110 states: A person commits the crime of interference with constitutional rights if

(1) the person injures, oppresses, threatens, or intimidates another person with intent to deprive that person of a right, privilege, or immunity in fact granted by the constitution or laws of this state;

(2) the person intentionally injures, oppresses, threatens, or intimidates another person because that person has exercised or enjoyed a right, privilege, or immunity in fact granted by the constitution or laws of this state;  or

(3) under color of law, ordinance, or regulation of this state or a municipality or other political subdivision of this state, the person intentionally deprives another of a right, privilege, or immunity in fact granted by the constitution or laws of this state.

(b) In a prosecution under this section, whether the injury, oppression, threat, intimidation, or deprivation concerns a right, privilege, or immunity granted by the constitution or laws of this state is a question of law.

(c) Interference with constitutional rights is a class A misdemeanor.

In a related incident, Must Read Alaska’s coverage of Darden’s initial arrest prompted Assembly member Chris Constant to accuse her of trying to have the Assembly killed.

Constant had been caught on hot mic saying that Darden needed to be thrown out of the meeting, and Assembly member Pete Petersen, also on hot mic, said Darden needs to be “86’d.”


  1. Interesting how cancel culture only works in one direction – when we say cancel, the left thinks murder; when they say cancel, it means the right has to shut up. Both are depriving of rights. While we may have been tempted to think of that which we would never consider doing, the thought stops quickly because we know that is wrong. Having led meetings with a hostile audience participating, I can testify that if the commies on the Anchorage Assembly would simply be patient and let everyone who wants to speak do so, they would not be having folks shouting in their presence. It is simply a matter of respect. Commie club needs to get a life, and respect ours. If Mr. Darden needs help with his legal expenses, I think we can help arrange that. Suzanne, if you want to go after them for libel, I will encourage you any way I can. Somehow we have to put a stop to cancel culture.

  2. At some point we need a good lawsuit against the police there. That policeman who delivered the trespass broke his oath to defend the constitution and the laws. He’s one of the bad ones.

  3. Looks like the “mayor” of Anchorage has a little police army at her beck and call. Police have no duty to the people, they are quasi-corporate municipal employees. They answer only to the person that signs their paycheck, right and wrong be damned. They are nothing more than glorified security guards with the right to forfeit your civil assets for you and with qualified immunity for any harm they cause you.

    Alaska needs a complete overhaul of the system of government. This abuse of power has no redress in the courts and no peaceful mechanism for removing tyrants.

    • The pretend mayor of Anchorage has merely inherited the diminutive dictator’s (TinyE) powers of autocracy.

      I hope Darden gets a good lawyer and sues.

    • Never forget that it was the Police and Fire and Teachers’ unions that put the current crew in office. They are merely taking care of their investment. Cheers –

      • Exactly I am glad there are some of us out there that have this figured out. Public unions should be outlawed. They are just like the mob and Bonnie is running the scam.

  4. The Assembly does not understand the meaning of Public Servant. For that matter they don’t understand the word Public places or meeting. Time for a class action lawsuit against the Assembly members who refuse to listen to the Citizens of Anchorage whether they agree with them or not.

  5. Along with constitutional rights comes the responsibility to not abuse them, such as not behaving in a manner that threatens others with a reasonable expectation of physical violence (Darden at Dec8 Assembly meeting).

    And then there’s court interpretations of constitutional rights establishing rules of decorum and order for conducting public business, and enforcing them, no matter how angry or upset an aggrieved person gets.

    Lapses of protocol at previous meetings are not particularly relevant at a later (Dec8) meeting, particularly if behavior rules were recently restated.

  6. Michael Dukes, while an Assemblyman with the Fairbanks NS Borough, used to wear his 9mm Glock to Assembly meetings. Open carry. Extra magazine belt too. He was always ready for war with the Left.

    • I remember. Actually, it looked more like a holstered Uzi. Spits out about 700 rounds a minute. FNSB Mayor Luke Hopkins always looked severely threatened, as if he was about to be shot during the meeting. Eyes always popping out of their sockets. Luke Hopkins tried to start a civil war in Fairbanks with his wood stove mandates. His son in law is Scott Kendall, former chief of staff of disgraced Bill Walker. How does Alaska attract all of these Marxists who seek political power over regular folks?

    • Your hen party is severely ignorant. Guys carry for protection, not to attract vain persons who think we’re signalling.

  7. Not all the police officers but police departments do have kkk supervising officers infiltrating their employment with their wrong confused thinking.

    They are either for something or someone or against whichever fits or goes agianst their agenda. If police departments was 100% legit, they tell democrat and even rhino elect-leaders do their own fighting since police departments aren’t set up to be anyone’s fighting dog.

  8. Petersen can say that someone needs to be 86’d and nothing is done.
    So where the law enforcement on that?

    • I was surprised that Pete Petersen said anything at all. If you watch him during assembly meetings, he votes and says anything only after what appears to be somebody texting him with instructions. In generally terms, he is a whole lot of nothing but the assembly majority keep him around because he always takes their orders without complaint.

  9. How do any of these assembly members think this is going to serve them in the long run? Does Forrest Dunbar really think he will be Mayor? Do any of these members ever think they will be reelected? Do they think they will have 24/7 police protection when they are not in office anymore as if they will be will be ex-presidents? Do they think the police really support them? The police know what these morons are doing to the city, but they are just afraid of losing their jobs. It comes down to fear. And we are not afraid of the assembly. We are screaming mad at them and they should take heed.

  10. I think we should stage a mass camp-in in the yards of some of these assembly members. You know, because illegal squatting is obviously OK. And be sure to eat a high-fiber diet the day before the camp-in as well — you know, because public defecation is apparently not a crime any longer, either.

  11. This is why we need a professional police agency rather than a chief appointed by the current Mayor. I can remember many times the police department has been used for political purposes. Mayor Begich appointed the union chief as police chief. Lt. Honeman arrested a political operative and caused the person injury to send a political message. I like the current Chief but he should be made chief because of his qualifications, not his political affiliations.

  12. We’re out there – lots of us. We just don’t garner headlines because we can’t be made out to look like fools and we have no shock value for holding an audience for the media – so we don’t fit their narrative… Suzanne being the exception 🙂

  13. That’s your poster child? Dustin Darden? Haw! No wonder most people with IQs in the triple digits laugh at you & yours.
    And hey- that cute graphic? Looks just like ya’! LOL. The graphic is a 9 and you’re a 3! LOL!
    I read the same comments from the same people for article after article. You all deserve the marginalization that you receive. Prepare to be ignored.

  14. I haven’t met DD, and whether he’s a nut case or not is not for me to judge – but he’s sure garnered a lot of attention. Open Meetings Act violations are serious, as are the cancel culture’s attempts to silence free speech. As for you PS, are you really kissing up to AQD? Are you so troglodytic that you’re rating by your judgment of looks? Have some respect for Suzanne – she’s good people.

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