AFN won’t invite Nick Begich to annual convention, will endorse Peltola for Congress without candidate forum


In a departure from prior years, the Alaska Federation of Natives will not invite candidate Nick Begich to the annual convention, where congressional candidates typically are invited to speak and answer questions during congressional election years. Congressman Don Young was always invited to take questions, as were his challengers. In 2022, the Native organization invited Peltola, Sarah Palin, Nick Begich, and Chris Bye to the convention for a candidate forum, although it was apparent that Peltola would get the endorsement.

But now, the group is sticking with its Native incumbent Peltola. It will not even hear from Begich or John Wayne Howe, the third-party candidate. The fourth candidate on the November ballot is a Democrat serving time in a federal prison out of state.

Nick Begich offered a statement in response to the group’s snub of any and all challengers to Peltola:

“The opportunity to debate ideas and direction for our communities is a bedrock of our Republic. In my view, it is a disservice to the Alaska Native community to deprive AFN members of the opportunity to make an informed decision after comparing both congressional candidates’ ideas and records,” Begich said.

“My grandfather worked tirelessly to pass the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) out of the House. My father worked as a tribal administrator and village planner for Chickaloon Village and was even ceremonially adopted by Clan Grandmother Katie Wade. Our family has a long history of working to address the needs of all Alaskans, including Alaska’s first people,” Begich said.

“To all Alaska Natives across the state: I hear you, and I want to talk to you. My door is always open and nothing will stop my commitment to listen to you and to work with you to solve the challenges that we face as Alaskans,” he said.

The 2024 Convention theme is “Our Children – Our Future Ancestors,” and is planned for Oct. 17-19 at the Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center in Anchorage.


  1. It’s obvious to see this isn’t the consensus of the people in general. The top brass of the Federation have been bought out and will do as instructed.

  2. AFN has been a D entity for years. They are going to back Peltola for whatever reason they are told to, as she has done nothing for the state. Begich will win, despite their tactic.

  3. Attention all AFN convention attendees:
    If you want true democracy, contact the federation and let them know either allow all voices be heard, or you will not attend the convention. And follow thru.

    Your voices deserve to be heard and your choices should be clear.

    We live in America, we are a democratic republic. We deserve to hear from all our candidates.

  4. What a bunch of Losers.
    These folks are well too embroiled with the far left they can’t see what’s best for their people.
    The decision makers are screwing the majority

  5. AFN is a RACIST organization. Can you imagine the Chamber of Commerce disallowing Mary Peltola to a debate because she is a Native?
    These people a sick. I’m going all out for Nick Begich III, not because he’s White, but because he truly is fair, impartial, and honest…
    …….unlike the afn. And after Begich wins, the AFN will be riding NB3 for federal money.

    • I’ll have to agree there with your statement of it being racist. A few years ago I applied for a construction job through them. I was told that they have a native preference for hiring. Can you imagine the backlash if any other corporation did that, hired by white preference? S&*% would hit the fan……

    • I was working in services around at
      this convention. As they were having smaller breakout meetings and breaks, the content of the individual conversations were alarmingly racist against ‘The Whites’. I was naively shocked at the level of vitriol.

      • The only people the Alaska Natives hate more than Whites are…………
        other Alaska Native groups who are trying to secure more resources for themselves, at the exclusion if other Natives. They will fight each other for more.
        Greed, …….pure and simple. Natives are not exempt from hate and racial discrimination.
        It’s real and practiced here in Alaska.

        • Throughout history, some of the bloodiest and outrageous behaviors were in battles between various Indian tribes. They unite when they need something from the Whites. Otherwise, they will fight each other to the death over $$$, wild animals, and land ownership. It’s in their blood.

        • Yep. When you go to the villages it’s better to let them believe you are Hispanic rather than Outside Native. Especially in a Yupik community.

    • And…. what I personally learned from Nick is he ignore this snub. He absolutely will listen to, and defend the interests of, every Alaska Native to the best of his ability … without reservation. He will never hold the slightest grudge over something as silly as this.

  6. AFN may regret this decision. Not only is it rude, it is plain stupid. I am
    Glad that Begich is a bigger man than me. I would hold a grudge. AFN is lucky because Begich has a big heart and truly wants the best for AFN members. No matter their stupid snub!

  7. In taking on this partisan stance, AFN will no doubt become even more irrelevant to the broader Alaskan community of people and businesses. Indeed, the Alaska business community that has supported AFN in years past should now halt its monetary contributions and convention participation with the AFN. The Soros family, perchance, will pick up the slack.

  8. Doesn’t it seem racist that natives get free healthcare while all other races have to fend for themselves? The time has come to end this racist grift.

    No-bid government contracts to the native corporations need to go as well.

  9. The AFN leadership is just like the union leadership. They base their decisions on poor information and who scratches my back. Many native corporations are the same way. Most alaskan’s are don’t agree with their poor choices. I am one.

  10. The super virtuous woke corporations that also banish the most vulnerable people from their villages and force them to live on the streets in Anchorage. Who cares what those jerks have to say anyways.

  11. If Nick wants so badly to attend, he could. There is no registration fee. Alternately, he could buy exhibition space like other Republican politicians, e.g. Murkowski and Sullivan. That way, he would be available for convention attendees to interact with him if they want to.

    • Why on earth would someone PAY for space when they’ve been publicly snubbed by a bunch of Dems?! No way! Nick should stay far away from that trap and let Peltola think she has the upper hand. There will be more of us who show up to the polls than any amount of illegal ballots which are turned in. Conservatives have faith, brains, and the vast majority of the undeclared and independents.

  12. This is a very sad decision by the leadership of this group. I hope that many Alaska Natives will rebel against the curtailing of free speech and the top-down decision to try to influence what they think, and who they support. I would love to see a grassroots effort spring up: “Alaska Natives For Nick!” I am certain Nick would honor a request for a meeting with AFN attendees who wish to meet him at another location. I know Nick to be the real deal—a genuine Alaskan who cares for ALL Alaskans!

  13. Another example of not living up to the ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ mantra that is relentlessly pushed by liberal groups. Trump was recently invited by the Black journalist association and bravely faced a hostile questioning period. Not inviting Nick Begich indicates a lack of good faith on the part of AFN. They might have heard how poorly Mary Peltola has represented their interests in her time in Congress. Despite AFN’s shunning of Nick Begich, he gave a great response to them.

  14. Native Pride! Lol

    They will come around and be all about Nick when they want the hand out.

    Low information voters. High BAC. Wonder if they will ever figure out AFN and PFD distribution happen at the same time? Come blow your money and go back to the village.

  15. I am skeptical of Nick. I think he’s a fraud, and if it weren’t for him Palin would be our representative today. Unfortunately, I will vote for him because what other choice do I have? That aside, what we’re witnessing here is flat out racism towards Nick. It’s “this is our Native sister and we’ll pick her over the white guy, no questions asked!” It’s disgusting!

  16. AFN has Changed..many AFN members of “well-known developing their resource” groups have dropped out of the AFN org, due to the change of their theory of non-developing resources atitudes.

  17. Summary:
    Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
    For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.

    The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.

    TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242

    Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

    Updated May 31, 2021

  18. They canceled the debate, and per their own statement, its due to a time crunch and other items on their agenda that they feel are more critical. They didn’t uninvite Nick Begich, and he can in fact attend the convention if he would like to hear from the AFN community. Disingenuous reporting at best. But really eye opening about who your fans are–a bunch of white folks decrying racism. No wonder it was determined there would be little to gain from holding the debate and AFN should focus on real priorities.

      • TrulyLoved, but isn’t accusing someone of being a racist a type of projection within itself?
        I say this because the concept of holding irrational prejudice is one of those traits that is found universally across all races and cultures, turns out that “white” people don’t hold a franchise on ignorance and hatred and other distasteful qualities. Don’t believe me? Bone up on Japan or China for starters! Cheers!

    • Baloney. There’s always been time for candidate debates before previous congressional elections. ‘Time crunch’ is a lame excuse, and AFN’s directors are not immune to criticisms from any and all Alaskans.

  19. The only real priority that the activist leadership of the AFN has is maintaining their peoples in poverty, and as long as the “leadership” is in charge of the rewards, the leadership families remain in power.

    I’m Outside Native, and this story is the same in most tribes. Their interest is solely their own benefit, not the people’s.

    • Repealthe17th, gosh the power structure of an organization wanting to maintain their power is a Native American problem too? Who knew, because that sounds a lot like human nature and is practiced by every society I’ve ever studied. The beauty of our U.S. Constitution is that our Founders understood this problem and put checks and balances in place to give us all a fighting chance at justice.
      BTW, I agree that the 17th needs to go bye bye.

      • Yes, absolutely. Human nature. No doubt. However, in less exclusive structures, at least there is a facade of public or client service required to sustain the powers that be in office, whether public or private.

        Not all tribal organizations are corrupt, there are a few that do credit to both of their nations. That there ARE good ones, and that they exist make the corrupt ones more detestable.

  20. My letter to AFN:Julie Kitka, AFN President
    Alaska Federation of Natives
    3000 A Street, Suite 210
    Anchorage, AK 99503
    Date: September 26, 2024
    Dear Julia Kitka:
    I note that the theme of your 2024 Convention theme is “Our Children – Our Future Ancestors.” And yet you are showing support for an individual who is in favor of killing unborn native babies from all the tribes and people groups of AFN. You are also showing support for an individual who is in favor of the unbiblical lifestyles of the LBGTQI+ agenda which is for taking native youth and making them unable to produce a future generation. I am of course talking about Rep. Mary Peltola.
    The fact that you have not invited Nick Begich to speak at the 2024 convention is very telling – the AFN does not support “Our Children – Our Future Ancestors.”
    Please change your mind about this.
    Thank you,
    Franklin N. Blodgett
    18124 Harbor Point Loop
    Eagle River, AK 99577
    An 81-year-old man of God.

  21. AFN you disgust me!! As an Alaskan native woman I am embarrassed by your decision not to invite Nick Begich! The board members at AFN do not tell me who to vote for!! Mary Peltola does NOT represent me!! Tired of native groups waiting for the next big hand out! That is not who we are! AFN is acting racist at a time they should be bringing the people together!


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