Acting Anchorage mayor decrees restaurants, bars may open at 25% on Jan. 1


Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson announced today that she has signed a new emergency order, EO-17, to slightly ease up restrictions on businesses in Anchorage. Still, gatherings are limited to 6 people.

Anchorage businesses have suffered greatly since Quinn-Davidson shut many of them down in early December.

The order takes effect Jan. 1, 2021. Restaurants and bars may open for 25 percent seating, as the city “carefully eases up restrictions from the modified hunker down status in December while keeping certain limits in place to prevent the virus from reaching the extremely high-risk levels experienced in November.”

Quinn-Davidson points to her previous order, EO-16, as having reduced the number of COVID-19 cases in Anchorage due to the “collective sacrifices required by the modified hunker down emergency order and the individual actions of residents. “

Following each of the mayor’s attacks on businesses, the municipality saw a 35 percent or greater reduction in COVID-19 cases, she said in her order.

“We came perilously close to overwhelming our health care system before the holidays, but thanks to the personal sacrifices Anchorage residents made, we’re ready to transition to EO-17, which gently loosens limitations, while remaining focused on public health measures,” Quinn-Davidson said.

Unfortunately, the policies of the mayor and previous mayor overwhelmed many businesses, which died this year as a result.

Alaskans for Open Meetings has built a map directory of the businesses that closed in Anchorage due to the city’s public policy, what one observer called “civilizational suicide.”

EO-17 allows businesses to expand operations gradually:

  • Individuals limit outings and physical contact to those within their household.
  • Indoor gatherings remain limited to six people, and outdoor gatherings are limited to 10 people. Specific exceptions are defined in the emergency order, including for drive-in events, classrooms, and political and religious gatherings. Criteria for some of these exceptions may be found in Attachment A (day camps), Attachment B (child care), and Attachment C (indoor shopping special events).
  • Bars and restaurants may operate indoor seated table service only up to 25% capacity. All alcohol service must stop by 11:00 p.m. each day. Additional requirements for the hospitality industry are provided in Attachment D.
  • Organized sports are closed to indoor competition between different teams, with additional requirements included in Attachment E.
  • Indoor gyms and fitness centers are limited to 50% capacity, with additional requirements included in Attachment F.
  • Salons and personal care service providers are limited to 50% capacity, with additional requirements included in Attachment G.
  • Entertainment facilities are limited to 25% capacity, with additional restrictions for food and beverage service included in Attachment H.
  • All retail and other public-facing businesses are limited to 50% building occupancy and must maintain physical distancing.
  • Employers must require employees to work from home when remote work does not significantly impede business operations.

EO-17, industry-specific attachments, and FAQs may be found on the Emergency Orders page of the Municipality’s COVID-19 website


  1. 25% is worthless and she knows it. A restaurant can’t even cover staff costs at 25%. Try again, Democrat mayor! She’s failing badly.

  2. The woman is certifiable, anyone that acquiesces to this tyrants orders has failed to read the State of Alaska disaster Act and is complicit in their own imprisonment by fiat. There exists no “hospital emergency”. Elective surgeries are happening every day, as many as possible, which is what happens every year at year’s end. The “spike” was not effected by the decimation of local business and there exists no “witching hour” for the covid virus. A cocktail is no more dangerous at 2 AM than it is at 11 PM, so their exists no basis in fact to have such an incredibly stupid restriction built in to this continuing idiocy.

    • Robert Rubey, RIGHT ON! If anything the covid virus would be greatly weakened inhabiting an environment flooded with alcohol.

  3. The only way to stop this centralized top down power and control by the government unions, the education industry and the healthcare industry which controls the Mayor and the Anchorage Assembly which than controls the lives of a constituency of almost 300,000 is to break up and decentralize Anchorage. This is the example of Eaglexit to the remainder of the MOA. When Assembly Districts 2, 4 and 6 detach from the MOA and incorporate as their own municipality entities than small local government can be better controlled by their respective constituencies and not a cabal of communists intent upon destroying liberty, Alaska, and the United States.

    Come on, man!

  4. So the numbers are decreasing.. why? Because it’s seasonal. It hit the vulnerable hard when it first got here, last late winter, early spring, then subsided as we all got out more as it got warmer. The masks, the lockdowns, did nothing but create misery. It waned in the summer- except in hot climates where people come INSIDE more, for the AC, just like every other seasonal coronovirus. It spiked again in the fall as we all
    Came back indoors. Now, It’s hit as many people as it can hit and it’s petering out and it will continue this cycle, basically forever, with varying degrees of infection as more and more people get exposed and develop antibodies- thus behaving- like every other coronovirus and thus following a predictable pattern that we could have used to make sensible decisions instead of hysterical or politically motivated ones.

    This will go down as the year where the craven and corrupt took the greatest period of wealth and prosperity and purposely destroyed it, and very few cool heads in leadership prevailed, our governor being one of them, and this lady and her ilk being in the former group. Madness.

    • They’ve finally figured-out that cycle testing over 35 is worthless, unless you want false positives. The conspiratorial side of my nature thinks they’ve been fudging the numbers intentionally by cycling the tests up to 40 times.

      • Fudging the numbers is only the beginning. What we should be noting is the number of hospitalizations and any subsequent deaths. Those are the stats that provide meaningful information.

      • FINALLY someone who speaks truth! There is no such thing as an asymptomatic COVID patient, because 70-90% of PCR tests are false positives. You have to look at the cyclic threshold (Ct) on the PCR to understand how infectious a patient is. Most states don’t report this on their COVID tests. Florida is the only state that does. A Ct less than 20 is infectious and contagious, however these tests are being run up to 45 cycles, and if it finds amplification of the virus at the 44th cycle, it is considered a positive COVID “cases”. Even though the patient isn’t contagious or symptomatic. This is why we have so many “asymptomatic” positives running around. They probably have a Ct of 40! Not the ones in the ICU with a Ct of 18.

  5. No. Not good enough.
    The gigs up little Miss un-elected mayor and recklessly incompetent Anchorage Assembly….Things will be changing soon in addition to an independent audit with Cares Act funds recieved…Just a little more patience will be required.

    Do your own due diligence everyone.
    Many doctors around the globe are being silenced while trying to disclose critical facts: There have been significant increases in pneumonia and respiratory illnesses being caused by wearing these masks long-term and is much more detrimental.

    Best Rule of Thumb:
    Stop listening to the CDC and Zink.
    Every ounce of their credibility has been dismantled. Just like our unfortunate local Anchorage restaurants one at a time.

    99.9% of those having symptoms will survive. That is not debatable any longer. Certainly no justification to close a person’s business for 30+ days during Christmas.

    The real virus is the local ADN, KTUU AK NEWS SOURCE & national MSM paralyzing everyone with irrational, unnecessary fear DAILY for this long, along with Godless, incompetent members of the Anchorage Assembly
    & a clueless, weak, liberal un-elected Mayor.

    They all are destroying the state I’ve lived in since 1976 and numerous businesses and lives. We will be having an independent audit soon regarding every dime of the Cares Act funds. I’ll pay for it myself if necessary.

    God bless the struggling restaurant and businesses owners.

  6. According to a Homer News article dated 12/26/20, on the southern Kenai Peninsula (from Ninilchik south) there were 74 new cases of COVID-19 identified in the last 14 days. That is down from the previous week’s count of 92 cases over a 14 day period. During that time there were no mass government-ordered restrictions on how businesses, restaurants, bars, etc. could operate. Shocking, I know. AQD needs to back off in crediting her draconian EO-16 for having reduced the number of cases in Anchorage.

    Also, she needs to stop using the phrase “collective sacrifices” – the vast majority of the sacrifices were made by small business owners and their employees.

  7. It is high time to practice civil disobedience! We must openly defy these damaging emergency orders! The Assembly was not elected to rule over us and the so called mayor was not elected at all! Felix Recall Rivera demands complete obedience to his whims at Assembly meetings, while disrespecting anyone who dares disagree with him, including another Assembly member.
    Those speaking at Assembly meetings must stop thanking this cabal of petty tyrants for allowing them to speak. It is our First Amendment right! We must name those who are on the Assembly specifically, despite Rivera’s admonition not to do so. His rules of decorum versus our First Amendment right! Speaking of rules, the Assembly does not follow any rules in the way the meetings are conducted. Apparently there is no one on the Assembly familiar with parliamentary procedure, least of all Rivera.
    It is time to remind these overlords of who they work for. If need be, disrupt every Assembly meeting!

  8. Put everyone out of business then use co vid relief funds to only help minority’s start businesses. How many people allowed in a Wal Mart or Costco?

  9. Call any restaurant in the valley. Tell them you’d like to have dinner and want to know if there’s anything special you need to be prepared for.

    You might be told you need to smoke outside if you’re so inclined but beyond that you’re all good. Now, I’m not intending to take any wind out of Anchorage’s leading lesbian but it is interesting to note that they haven’t done anything in the Valley yet Wasillans and Palmeranians walk among us daily, and to their credit they haven’t had to invent any statistics or voodoo science to support repetitively botched COVID-19 restrictions. Here in the big city though where criminals are coddled and the recreationally homeless are provided hotels in formerly attractive neighborhoods, the lifeblood of our restaurant industry drains while bureaucrats with zero business or science experience are responsible for the killing.

    This is absolutely shameful and knowing that the internet never sleeps provides insufficient comfort. Much like how Berkowitz’s doxy will haunt him for the rest of his career, the memory of the current assembly’s reckless incompetence will follow them through their job application process until such time that they either move or perhaps apply for a spot on the soon to be urine soaked carpeting of the Golden Lion.

    Alaska’s shrinking economy will dictate change and a thick layer of Alaska’a parasitic underbelly will be leaving for richer hunting ground. It is imperative that during this transition Alaska’s working core do their best to elect far more competent people than those currently on the Assembly. This has been a travesty.

    Oh, and we should make sure the next batch sells these homeless hotels. If you get good at coddling the drug addled and besotted recreationally homeless criminal element your reward will be more of them.

  10. I did not comply with the orders limiting my actions, nor will I. I have held large gatherings in my home, and outside in the summer. The mayor does NOT control what goes on in my home or in my yard and property. None, I repeat, none have gotten sick. All of us are healthy and everyone attending any of our events are healthy and have not gotten Covid. The lockdowns are bull. I have not worn a mask while shopping or eating out when restaurants were open. I refuse to breath my own hot breath, it is debilitating. I will carry on with my life as usual as much as possible during this horrible time of politicians’ overreach and simply eliminating the bill of rights for a non-emergency.
    Whenever we get intelligent people in office again, I hope this stupid EO’s will be amended so as to delineate what politicians can and cannot do, and what constitutes an emergency.

    • I have lost my father, my sister, and my brother-in-law in six months. My sister and brother-in-law, weeks apart. I also need work like everyone else (im a server) I’m also so gutted I can barely function. I just want people to know there are actual people here. I don’t know what to do now or how to move forward but whatever you believe try to remember that there is more than enough heartbreak happening to go around. Seeing that you proudly hold large gatherings is hard to read. I shouldn’t even be on here but usually I read some opinions that make so much sense. I’m rambling and I’m sorry. I just needed someone to hear this.

  11. How many more days before this “Acting Mayor” is illegally holding the office? There hasn’t been a special election and on 23 January 2021 it will be time for the citizens of this city to forcibly remove this tyrant.

  12. So when is the next election for Mayor? I thought there was supposed to be one by now. I will crawl, walk, creep, swim, hijack a car to get to the polling place, if it’s by mail, and they always get it wrong and I won’t be able to vote. Someone got my ballot, but I didn’t. Let’s not do this mail in crap again, besides I’m so disgusted that my vote didn’t count in the last election that I’m seriously not wanting to waste my time and expense to ever vote again. What is the use?

  13. Wow, 25% and she waited until AFTER the holidays. I have two questions about this mayor??? How old is she and what’s her experience? I’m willing to bet she has zero time or experience in the private sector, especially when it comes to running a business.

  14. Yet, data from NYC, perhaps one of the most population dense areas in the USA, indicates that less than 2% of the infections were from restaurants and bars.
    And, the politicians ignore this data.
    If you allow politicians to break the law because of a crisis, the politicians will create a crisis in order to break the law.

  15. The Kenai Peninsula has seen a decrease in cases as well with no mandates in place. 3 cases Monday and 7 yesterday. That’s for the entire Peninsula!

  16. Let’s be honest. There are few things more annoying than those who try to appear progressive by demanding others refer to them by an extended, hyphenated name. Regardless of gender, it is so narcissistic. Those who engage in this nonsense seem clueless to how foolish they appear by imposing this ridiculous inconvenience upon others. It brings to mind banana republic dictators whose listed names are outnumbered only by the number of medals pinned to their ridiculous uniforms. Its 4th-wave feminism political-correctness run amuck.

    • Wayne, thinking over your comment I have to disagree with you. A person can change their name to whatever they want it to be. However in the opinion of many, this “selected” mayor is a train wreck. Let’s focus upon her honors actions or the lack thereof. And smile at the name jumble “mandate”.

  17. One way to stop these illegal mandates and other actions by our mayor and assembly members is to require them to wear body cameras when they are conducting any municipal business. A majority of the members are all about APD wearing body cameras to enforce the law; I think it prudent that those who create the law be watched just as closely. If there is someone out there who can write the ballot measure to make this happen I will gladly start collecting signatures. BTW there would be criminal charges for any elected member to remove/turn-off or otherwise attempt to disable the camera.


  18. Hey Dunleavy why don’t you come down here to Anchorage and sue the assembly and the mayor for violating the constitution, just like the governor of Texas is about to do to the mayor of Austin. Please for the love of God enough is enough. We voted for a republican governor for a reason. Start acting like it. Get your head out of the sand and fight.

  19. If the restaurant is a church serving food they can have 100 percent capacity. Emergency order EO-16 and EO-17 does not cover churches. Example Kriner’s Community Church and Diner. Have a 5 minute encouraging scripture once an hour.

  20. These liberal politicians seem to think they can get away with anything as long as they aren’t caught with their pants down…

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