629 days since the dead voted



While Republicrat Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux awaits her June 25 hearing on voter misconduct charges, it should be noted that it has been 629 days since dead folks lined up to get ballots in her House District 15 GOP primary election in 2018.

LeDoux, the House District 15 incumbent, says she was absolutely mystified after election officials discovered seven absentee ballot applications — seven — from dead people, not to mention absentee votes cast in the names of at least two very much alive people who said they had not voted.

In all, officials disqualified 26 ballots in that District 15 election because of residency or legitimacy questions. All the ballots with residency or legitimacy questions, we note, were for LeDoux. She went on to win the primary against a political unknown, and then won the general election.

All the election weirdness triggered a two-year investigation that culminated with 18 charges against LeDoux, her former chief of staff Lisa Simpson, and Simpson’s son, Caden Vaught. Those charges include five felonies and 13 misdemeanors. None of them are related to the questioned ballots.

The Republican Party has withdrawn its support of LeDoux, and she will face David Nelson in the Aug. 18 GOP primary this year. He is a former staff member of U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and works for a military contractor with the Missile Defense Agency.

With luck, maybe the district’s dead voters will stay home this year.


  1. If it’s a Murkowski staffer then chances are it’s going to be another RINO…can we not get an actual true GOP candidate?

  2. What about supposedly finding her fingerprint’s on some of the dead person’s ballots? What ever came of that?

  3. If it is an individual running for the seat and it comes out of the Lisa Murkowski swamp, we don’t need another RINO.

  4. Voted for LeDoux once. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Never voted for RINO Murkowski either, just a Polosi lakey. Someone with credibility need to run against her.

  5. Hopefully, Mr, Nelson did not catch a case of RINO-ITIS contagion from his stint as a Senator Murkowski staffer.

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