6.1 earthquake rattles Southcentral


A magnitude 6.1 earthquake that hit just before 11 pm on Sunday, May 30 in the Talkeetna Mountains was felt around the region and as far away as Homer.

The quake was centered north of Chickaloon and was at a depth of 58.2 kilometers. Some described it as about 30 seconds of shaking and a couple of good jolts. Some people in Seward felt it, although others did not, while buildings in downtown and midtown Anchorage shook noticeably.

On April 8, Alaskans from the Kenai Peninsula to Fairbanks felt the magnitude 5.5 earthquake hit 16 miles southeast of Cantwell. Before that, Alaska had a 7.0 earthquake quake on Nov 30, 2018, which caused significant damage. Alaska experiences hundreds of earthquakes a year, but those above 5.0 are the ones that get Alaskans’ attention. There were several other earthquakes across the state today, mostly not noticed by anything but instrumentation. In fact, several small earthquakes registered near Sutton after the 6.1 earthquake, including:

  • M1.9   at 11:40 PM, 54 mi N of Sutton
  • M1.5   at 11:36 PM, 56 mi N of Sutton
  • M2.9   at 11:31 PM, 56 mi N of Sutton
  • M1.8   at 11:29 PM, 22 mi S of Skwentna
  • M1.7   at 11:27 PM, 59 mi NE of Sutton

As usual after an earthquake, the website hosting the the Alaska Earthquake Center website went down, due to the number of queries it received from curious Alaskans.


  1. I was able to feel a bit of that in North Pole. Just a feeling like someone was pushing on the side of the bed for a few seconds.

  2. It shook our cabin steady near Moose Pass down toward Seward for at least 30 seconds. It was more than just noticeable. We almost ran outside. I bet it was a real scary shaker up North. Hope they didn’t have any damage.

  3. A hard jolt, then swaying, then another hard jolt, followed by rolling waves that lasted for a long time, gradually getting further and further apart. Meadow Lakes area.

  4. I thought it was an aftershock of Nov 2018. I am glad to have been reading about Jesus at this time. I wasn’t even scared to stand up so I could look out the window at the trees to see how they moved.

    I am sorry I was hiding under the bed in Nov 2018 not to see how the earth outside looked.

    My takeaway lesson makes me understand more about Paul’s lesson about not being caught off guard just in case it’s your turn to die. I don’t want my heart to be beating too fast when my turn comes, which it still did. At least I wasn’t running scared under the bed.

  5. For immediate info following a shaker, look at the Tsunami warning center in Palmer. They post nearly immediate info on quakes and are not slammed by requests. OTOH, initial magnitudes are generally estimated a bit low. Last night’s report 10 min after the quake was M 5.8. It ended up as a M 6.1.

  6. My house in Fairbanks sits on a concrete pad. Noticeably felt it here. Watching TV sitting in the easy chair, chair wobbled and Flowers in pots on the front porch were shaking.
    Felt almost exactly the same shaking in Fairbanks in 1987 or 88. That time I was sleeping on a water bed.

  7. Epicenter was about 40 kms from the most recently proposed Susitna Dam site.

    Never mind, looks a baby musk ox

  8. Fairview area – about three seconds of preliminary, then a couple good jolts, nothing falling.

  9. Felt the big jolt on Ester dome. Shook the house for about 3 seconds, a couple things rattled in the kitchen and the well pump kicked on for about 5 minutes.

  10. Yes I Felt it, rock and roll things swaying back and forth.
    Did you know, there were five other earthquakes that same day 30th May 2021
    Valdez, Ak 10: 52 pm mag 3.2, Fishhook, Ak 5:12 pm mag 3.4, Unalaska, Ak 10:07 am mag 4.3,
    Unalaska, Ak 2:56 am mag 4.2,
    Homer Ak 12:55 am mag 3.7.
    Then the bigger one talkeetna Ak 10:59 pm mag 6.1
    You just have to love ❤️ it here. Remember to love thy neighbors when things go bad.

  11. Had a good few jolts here in Eagle River and a sustained shaking for about 30 seconds. It shook a few things off the shelves. My go-to site for earthquakes is earthquakes.usgs.gov. They had it initially at 5.9 then upgraded it to 6.1 this morning.

  12. This probably has something to do with systemic racism or global warming, or both. Third option would be Russia collusion.

  13. Was watching the “Godzilla vs Kong” trailer (in ANC) when the shaking commenced … for the first few seconds of the unsteady-wobbling I thought, “Whoa, I’m glad I didn’t get the most expensive sound-system!”

  14. I was at the late night bingo session in Wasilla.. Where we all felt it.. It started out mild then a jolt and back to mild… But the signs hanging from the ceiling were shaking and swaying.. A couple of us thought we were getting dizzy.. Then realized we were having an Earthquake and held on… The one natural disaster we never know is coming…

  15. It didn’t feel that strong, but it did last for a while. It was a do I get up or wait moment.

  16. Here in Anchorage,, shaking and some of my bookshelves started to shake.. just wondering how long or if it was a beginner for a harder shake. I keep thinking whenever it shakes, I need to get better bookshelves. ha..ha

  17. It wa pretty strong in the Fishhook – Hatcher pass area and when it started it felt just like how the 2018 quake started with initial rolling then progressed to strong shaking but fortunately this quake was much shorter! And not nearly as strong, or noisy. Supposedly about 32 seconds total.

  18. You can follow the progression of seismic movement across the plates of the entire world and know when and where to expect the next. Check out Dutchsinse channel.

  19. I’m late to this discussion but I’m in Valdez and we had a good shake from this. The scary thing is there were a series in a line as mentioned above in a short period of time. I hope this isn’t a bad omen for the future. Stay frosty everyone!

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