Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Yearly Archives: 2020

Rural TV contract has only one bidder, and it’s not the one who’s managing it now

After decades of operating ARCS -- Alaska Rural Communications Services -- Alaska Public Broadcasting Inc. has thrown in the towel. The nonprofit operator did...

Alaska Airlines says no more ’emotional support’ animals in passenger cabin

Enough is apparently enough. Alaska Airlines said Tuesday it will end its liberal policy of allowing emotional support animals in the passenger cabins on...

Acting Anchorage mayor decrees restaurants, bars may open at 25% on Jan. 1

Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson announced today that she has signed a new emergency order, EO-17, to slightly ease up restrictions on businesses in Anchorage....

Judge agrees Division of Elections messed up in District 27 but not enough time for a special election

Anchorage Superior Court Judge Josie Garton heard part of Rep. Lance Pruitt's complaint against the Division of Elections, which was argued last week before...

A doctor’s open letter

By JOHN MORRIS, MD Do no harm, the foundation of modern medicine since Hippocrates, the creed that taught physicians treatments better than shamans, witch doctors,...

A really bad idea

We note with more than a little interest that the Legislature, in its vast wisdom, has decided to bar the news media from the...

2021 prediction: The panic party is over

Vaccines are now rolling out to every corner in every state, a remarkable feat of science, ingenuity, and gritty supply chain management. The panic-purveyors,...

Rules of the road set for legislators, staff heading to Juneau for 32nd Legislature

As legislators and their staff make plans to head to Juneau in January, they are going to be paying attention to strict rules about...

How to reduce sickness, death: Public comments on who gets vaccine next

Critical infrastructure workers, such as power, gas, and waste water workers; pilots; school workers; domestic violence shelter staff; court system staff; senior citizens; those...

Paper thin: Muni spends $50K on paper-trail website to explain how it’s burning through CARES Act funds

The Anchorage Assembly budgeted $50,000 of CARES Act funds for a website to explain where the $156 million in CARES Act money went, but...

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