Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2018

Rob Edwardson files for House – Juneau’s Valley seat

QUITS WORKING FOR REP. PARISH, FILES AGAINST HIM? (Update: Rep. Justin Parish has endorsed Rob Edwardson for his seat for District 34.) Robert Edwardson, a Juneau...

Thieves emboldened: Shooting at citizens

BE CAREFUL OUT THERE -- CAR THIEVES HAVE UPPED THE ANTE Since Thursday night, car thieves have been shooting at citizens. These were not just any...

Wait, wha-a-a-t? There’s already a military museum in Alaska?

GOVERNOR WALKER SIGNS ORDER TO START NEW ONE Gov. Bill Walker signed an administrative order on Saturday to create a task force to study the...

‘Hot seat’ forum pairs candidates for tough questions

The Kenai Peninsula Republican Women of Alaska hosted six candidates for the state's two highest offices on Saturday night -- and put them on the...

Israel pulls jets from Alaska ‘Red Flag’ exercises

MID-EAST TENSIONS TOO HIGH TO LET F-15s OUT OF COUNTRY Israel's Air Force is not sending F-15s to participate in the Red Flag exercise due...

Is this a military ‘me too’ costume?

A TIME TO OUTRANK ACTUAL VETERANS OR MERELY COSPLAY?  Gov. Bill Walker signed an administrative order, piggy backing it as a ceremony during the return...

State crisis? Lost languages to join opioids ’emergency’ declaration

Gov. Walker declared a state disaster in February. The disaster is opioids, and his act made anti-overdose drugs widely available. It is the first such...

Palm Tree, Part III: Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s

THIS IS A SPENARD STORY. THAT MEANS A BLUE TARP IS INVOLVED. And just like that, it was gone. If possession is nine-tenths of the...

Alaska Republicans assert rule: No Seaton, Stutes or LeDoux allowed on primary ballot

LETTER TO DIVISION OF ELECTIONS OUTLINES EXPECTATIONS Alaska Republican Party Chairman Tuckerman Babcock sent a letter to the Division of Elections last week, informing Director...

Governor’s trade mission to China roster announced

Gov. Bill Walker on Wednesday announced his choices for those who will go to China with him on his trade mission in May.  They...

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