Saturday, August 31, 2024

Monthly Archives: May, 2018

Republican chairman asks Election Division to reconsider decision

THE PARTY SETS RULES, AND IT WANTS TO ENFORCE THEM The chairman of the Alaska Republican Party has asked the Division of Elections to reconsider...

Mail-in election was spendy for Anchorage taxpayers

Mail-in elections are expensive. How expensive? A brief look at recent Anchorage mayoral election turnouts and how much they cost the taxpayers: 2012 - 71,099...

Assimilation is complete: Walker to run in Dems primary

IS WALKER NOW EFFECTIVELY A DEMOCRAT? The man who first ran for governor as a pro-life Republican, then switched to "undeclared" and ran with the...

Unemployment still sticking it to Alaska economy

U.S. unemployment dropped to 3.9 percent last month, well within the range considered to be full employment by federal agencies that monitor such data. But...

Quote of the day: Neo-Nazi was like ‘a jovial Santa … at an Iron Maiden concert’?

"It was his most famous on-camera appearance, which kind of made him look like a jovial Santa Claus who fell out of a porta...

Outdoor groups ask board of fish to slow pink salmon hatcheries

PINKS MAY BE CANNIBALIZING KINGS In 2016, some 740 million pink salmon eggs were scooped from the bellies of fish, and raised in hatcheries...

Hawkins undergoing cancer treatment; to continue campaign for governor

Gubernatorial candidate Scott Hawkins is undergoing treatment for early stage pancreatic cancer, and calls his prospects for recovery good. Hawkins, an Anchorage businessman who filed...

Two Chugach Electric board members ineligible?

A former board member of Chugach Electric Association is alleging that two of the seven current board members of the electric cooperative are ineligible...

Legislature gets closer to solving fiscal gap

The Senate and House Conference Committee today is considering a new version of Senate Bill 26 that is a potential compromise to resolving the...

Work requirement for some Medicaid enrollees?

WALKER ADMINISTRATION SAYS THAT WILL BE ANOTHER $79 MILLION The Walker Administration testified it needs up to 53 new employees at the Departments of Health...

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