Saturday, August 31, 2024

Monthly Archives: May, 2018

Trump rolls back pay requirements for guides on federal lands

SMALL GUIDE COMPANIES AND OUTFITTERS BENEFIT President Donald Trump has rolled back an Obama-mandated minimum wage requirement for outfitters and guides who operate on federal...

Facebook’s systematic viewpoint suppression begins

CONSERVATIVE NEWS SITES WILL FEEL THE PINCH It's been coming since January, when Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that new rules for political...

Memorial Day isn’t just another holiday

BY WIN GRUENING SENIOR CONTRIBUTOR Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the military.  It should not...

Monday’s Memorial Day services in Alaska

The National Moment of Remembrance Act asks Americans to pause whatever they are doing at 3 pm, local time to remember those who gave...

Candidates face deadlines

Some important deadlines for candidates and campaigns are coming up quickly: JUNE 1: Deadline for party and no-party candidates to file for primary and general elections, Division...

Pretrial release regs comment period ending June 4

The Department of Corrections is preparing to enact regulations for the pretrial risk assessment tool it uses when deciding whether to recommend release of...

Walker’s stealth fish meetings disenfranchise Board of Fisheries

BACKROOM POLITICS, PAID FACILITATOR, NO AUTHORITY BY CRAIG MEDRED CRAIGMEDRED.NEWS With the fishing season beginning in the 49th state, Alaska Gov. Bill Walker has been holding private...

Dan Saddler jumps into Senate Seat G race

Rep. Dan Saddler bumped into Lora Reinbold in the lobby of the Division of Elections on Thursday, as he filed for Senate Seat G,...

Rep. Reinbold files for Eagle River Senate seat

JAMIE ALLARD HAS FILED FOR DISTRICT 14 EAGLE RIVER Rep. Lora Reinbold has filed for the Eagle River District G Senate seat being vacated by...

Who’s filed? Costello, Talerico, Lincoln, Fields…

Sen. Mia Costello (Senate District K), Reps. Dave Talerico (District 6), John Lincoln (District 40),  have all filed to run for the offices they...

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