Town hall meetings


Town hall meetings with legislators are scheduled around Alaska:


Saturday, Feb. 23, 10 am-12:30 pm

ASD Education Center

5530 Northern Lights Blvd


Saturday, Feb. 23, 2-4:30 pm

Chugiak-ER Senior Center

22424 Birchwood Loop Rd, Chugiak


Saturday, Feb. 23, 10 am-noon

Fronteras Charter School

2315 N Seward Meridian Pkwy, Wasilla


Saturday, Feb. 23, 12-2 pm

KPB Assembly Chambers

144 N Binkley St, Soldotna


Sunday, Feb. 24, 2:30 – 4:00 pm

Blue Loon

2999 Parks Hwy


  1. Venue for the first meeting suggests it’ll be a Delphi get-together, structured so mainstream media can report loud, passionate public support for income and sales taxes
    (which will be offset, of course, by pay raises for the public-sector union-management team in return for their loud, passionate public support).
    The Republican Establishment is conducting these meetings because they’re worried about fallout from the Knopp debacle, and because they want fellow travelers to help undermine Governor Dunleavy’s budget.
    It seems reasonable to ask whether this parody of public participation would be happening if Governor Dunleavy were Democrat, or if his budget included everything donors and buyers want.

  2. I was at the Wool/Hopkins town hall, which was more an opportunity for Adam Wool to sell beverages! Didn’t,tstay long as Hopkins, my rep., took a long time mentioning every liberal idea under the sun. Likely I was the only private sector person there. Appeared everyone there was wanting a chance to blast Dunleavy and listen to the two reps talk about the sky falling. Hopkins mentioned this years medicaid bill for the state is 9 mil. And next years will be……….around 30 some mill. He didn’t see that as a problem with the large millions accompanying that number from the Feds!

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