Ross Perot, 89, has passed: He placed 3rd in Alaska presidential election in 1992


H. Ross Perot, who ran as an independent for president in 1992 and placed third in Alaska, has died. He was 89.

Alaska was won by President George H.W. Bush of Texas, who took 39.4 percent of the Alaska vote in the November General Election. Arkansan Bill Clinton won 30.2 percent of Alaska’s vote and Perot, another Texan, won 28.4 percent of the Alaska vote.

Clinton won the election on the national level, but Alaska gave Perot his second-strongest state after Maine, and Alaska was also one of seven locations where Perot won a “county,” which was the Denali Borough.

Alaska has historically voted for Republican presidential candidates, but the 1992 race was unique in that Bush Sr. only won Alaska by single digits because of the “spoiler” effect of Perot, coming at his voters from the right.

After the Great Alaska Earthquake in 1964, Perot flew a plane full of supplies to Alaska to help out, and came north with the plane to meet Alaskans during the earthquake recovery.


  1. Perot. Stopped 41 dead in his tracks. “Let me git out my charts and show ya’all.” Loved this guy.

    • Yeah…..and the United States of America was rewarded with 8 (or 27) years of Bill and Hillary Clinton. RIP, Ross.

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