Quote of the Week: Tarr hates on Pebble


“Let’s stop Pebble Mine! You can comment today at the link below!”

– Rep. Geran Tarr on social media.

Tarr could be the most anti-resource development co-chair that the House Natural Resources committee has ever had.

The Pebble mine project, in its scaled down form, is proposed for State land set aside decades ago in Western Alaska for mining, and her committee has oversight for the Department of Natural Resources.

And yet, she has prejudged a proposal that will need permitting from that department.

Is Tarr saying that Pebble should not be allowed to go through the State permitting process? Will she be using her official capacity as a lawmaker to stop the project?

Gov. Bill Walker made similar anti-Pebble comments earlier this month, saying he had not been convinced the Pebble project would be safe for salmon. It was widely interpreted by the media as being opposed to the project.

[Read: Pebble, EPA come to terms over lawsuit]


  1. All I can say is if she is against Pebble Mine then someone finally did something right putting her in her co-chair position. Once the salmon streams are destroyed by the mine it’s just wishful thinking believing you can put it all back like it was. I love taking advantage of our natural resources but not at the cost of even more unrelated resources just to line the pockets of greedy people.

  2. Apparently, the only resource Representative Tarr wants to mine is people’s wealth and piggy banks. If Alaska does not develop its resources, then it is doomed to be a welfare state, which Rep Tarr supports. Alaska will soon be on its way to becoming Venezuela 2.0.

    • Yep.

      It is inconceivable that a huge state with vast natural resources and a low population, would leave the resources untouched and tax the citizens instead.

      It takes a twisted mindset to think we shouldn’t extract our resources, but can instead tax our way to prosperity…..

  3. Disgusting

    They talk about science all day long and yet they are afraid to let scientists (army corps of engineering) do their job.

    Someone like her doesnt deserve to have a job in politics.

    Go Pebble!!

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