Moving day: New office for Must Read Alaska


Dear Readers and Friends,

It’s moving day.

Must Read Alaska has a new office, and it’s in the same building as the Division of Elections, conveniently. No more swanky midtown oil patch offices, but down into the gritty heart of Fairview, Anchorage. One could say, with a wink, I’ll be providing oversight to the Division of Elections from four floors above.

For those who are regular donors to this endeavor to “Keep the Conservative Voice in Alaska Standing,” you’ll want to put this new address on your next envelope — and thank you so much for supporting Must Read Alaska. It helps pay the rent and keeps this publication standing:

Must Read Alaska
2525 Gambell Street Suite 404
Anchorage, AK 99503

That’s also where you can send me news tips through the mail.

I’ll be unpacking there on Monday morning, after the newsletter goes out.


Suzanne Downing