Obama calling: ‘Indivisible’ dials Alaska homes



The left wing group known as “Indivisible” has put out the word to people in “Blue States” like California and Massachusetts, to call into homes in “Red States” like Alaska to fight Obamacare reforms.

Some 2,233 Indivisible volunteers called 320,522 homes in Alaska, Arizona, Maine and Colorado with a tool they’ve developed called “TrumpCare” to encourage people to call their Republican senators and oppose Obamacare reforms. The group claims victory for the defeat of reforms this fall.

The call-in campaign is again targeting Alaska because Sen. Lisa Murkowski is seen as a key vote:

“The Senate could vote on a motion to proceed (the pre-vote vote) as soon as Monday, November 27 and bring the bill to a full floor vote as early as Thursday, November 30. This means we have to make a ton of noise between now and when the Senate comes back in session on November 27,” the group’s web site says.

“We’re bringing back a super effective peer-to-peer calling tool from the TrumpCare fight so those from red states, blue states, and purple states alike can take action to stop this bill by reaching out to progressive constituents in three target states: Alaska, Arizona, and West Virginia. The calling tool will connect you to a constituent in a target state and give you a script to emphasize the devastating impact of this bill. Then, you’ll ask them to call their Senator on the spot.

“We . We can win this time, too, with your help…” the group says.