Beltrami’s war on women



For liberal Democrat men in Alaska, this is their war on women.

A whole posse of leftist men — Bill Walker, Vince Beltrami, Robin Brena, Jim Lottsfeldt, and Tom Wescott — have declared a war on strong women.

They’re going after Senator Cathy Giessel in Anchorage. They’re trying to take out Rep. Shelley Hughes in Palmer. They’re going after DeLena Johnson in Palmer.

The so-called liberal-minded men hunting down Rep. Lora Reinbold of Eagle River. They’ve targeted Alaska Native Rep. Charisse Millett of Anchorage, and Gabrielle LeDoux of Anchorage. They’re opposing an African-American woman in Marilyn Stewart. They’re trying to beat Natasha Von Imhof.

They’ve got the union money and they’re on the warpath. If they have their way, Alaska will be run by Beltrami’s Boys.

Right now, Beltrami’s Boys are going after Rep. Liz Vazquez with a vengeance.

Rep. Liz Vazquez

Vazquez is the American story: Born into dire poverty in Puerto Rico, she learned English as a second language. She put herself through Cornell University, earned her law degree, became a lawyer, a prosecutor, and finally ran for elected office for District 22.

“My parents never finished high school and I was the first in my family to graduate from college. After eating a lot of macaroni and cheese, I obtained my law degree and later, my two master’s degrees,” she says on her campaign web site.

Vazquez, the Hispanic woman legislator, is the target of the Liars Club of Together for Alaska, which has the backing of union bosses who just can’t stand strong women.

Their Walker-supporting independent expenditure group, Together for Alaska, has chosen their weapon of choice against Vazquez: With a lot of union funds at their disposal, they are using large-caliber lies to take out Vazquez.

As the above mailer shows, Together for Alaska claims that Vazquez’s new official-side legislative aide, David Nees, is going door-to-door in the district, while being paid by State of Alaska funds. It’s a lie.

Nees is ready to testify that he has done no such thing. While he is an aide and has worked after-hours on some campaign related computer tasks, he has not gone door-to-door for Vazquez.


Candidate Jason Grenn, who has challenged Vazquez for her seat, is part of this lie, unless he disavows the group. The same people funding Together for Alaska are funding him — unions.

But she is a fighter and they can expect her to come back at them.


Who is Together for Alaska? They’re a band of bullies, mostly associated with Big Labor, that include these supporters:

Vince Beltrami, Robin Brena, Jim Lottsfeldt, and Tom Wescott, Brian Wilson, Gerard Asselin, Mike Hodsdon, Christopher Pace, Charles Stewart. Some of the usual suspects are below, including their favored boy candidates, Harry Crawford, Vince Beltrami, Luke Hopkins, and Jason Grenn.



Grenn is at a crossroads with the truth. His campaign earlier claimed that Dan Fauske was a host of a fundraiser. He was not. Now, his friends at Together for Alaska are claiming that Liz Vazquez has broken the law. She has not.

How long will it take Grenn to put on his big-boy pants and disavow Together for Alaska?

Because if he let’s this one rest, it will tell everyone in District 22 all they need to know about his character. Or lack thereof.

Is Grenn an independent candidate, as he states, or is he one of Beltrami’s Boys?