State Senate committee to hold COVID vaccine hearing


The Senate Health & Social Services Committee will hear a presentation by the Department of Health and Social Services on the state’s COVID-19 vaccination plan on Monday, Dec, 7, at 10 a.m. in the Anchorage Legislative Information Office.

“Monday’s meeting will be an opportunity for the public to hear factual information about the state’s COVID-19 vaccination plan, which will help Alaskans decide what’s best for themselves and their families,” said Senator David Wilson, chair of the Senate Health & Social Services Committee. “I would like to thank the department for preparing for the distribution of vaccines and for disseminating reliable information about them to the public. Their hard work is critical to re-opening our economy and putting this pandemic behind us.”

DHSS’ draft vaccination plan can be viewed at this link.

The hearing can be heard on the Alaska Legislature’s Livestream:


  1. I don’t think I have seen or heard about something that has bothered me with this whole corona virus mess. There is one group that is being forgotten. There maybe aren’t that many but this one group that is still hurting…Seniors that take part in craft bazaars. Most Seniors make a bit of extra for holidays and fuel and groceries to get through a long winter. But working families that have lost their jobs and businesses and even LGBT(or whatever in Juneau for an example) are taken care of by the Federal, State and local governments. And now we understand that there are no Senior Benefit checks this month. We know people that are too proud to ask for help but would like to and need to be remembered.

  2. Look for these (experimental) vaccines to become increasingly mandatory over the coming year. After all the scientifically-invalid but fear-driven campaigns regarding masks, social distancing and lockdowns, I can see this program a mile away.

    Welcome, finally, to “1984”. Winston Smith says “I told you so!”

      • Greg, I know of several people that have died. Some from 4 wheeler / boating accidents, others from car wrecks and aircraft crashes. Still more from over medication of legal and illegal substances. Sadly far too many have taken their own lives. Furthermore, I know of people who have died from smoking in bed.
        People perish Greg, it is a sad fact of life. Should we lock down society with draconian mandates to save lives from the above too?
        Just wondering Greg, where is your sense of perspective?

      • Greg, whether I personally know or do not know anyone who has died from the Wuhan Flu is utterly irrelevant. The fact that you even snarkily suggest that it is relevant only demonstrates that you are innumerate and that your thinking (sic) relies more on emotions than on facts and reason.

        It is simply a fact, and the statistics bear this out, that this Wuhan Virus is not nearly virulent enough, with a 99+% survival rate, to justify the extreme kneejerk official reactions to it, and the radical destruction of our economy and our society.

        Where were all you hair-on-fire, corporate-media-fear-driven lemmings during every past flu season? Yes, some people die of the flu every year. This virus is worse than the normal flu, that is true, but it is certainly not the Black Death (30-40% death rate) or even the Spanish Flu (2-5% death rate). And notably, most of the economy was NOT shut down during the Spanish Flu. Nor was it during the Asian Flu of the 1950s, which had a similar death rate to the Wuhan Flu.

        Greg, you and so many others are simply falling for the fallacy and idiocy of “safetyism”, the irrational focus on one (relatively minor) risk, to the exclusion of both other much more serious risks, as well as to the exclusion of any consideration of the costs, consequences and secondary effects of all the kneejerk and overreaching measures being instituted by politicians and policy makers suffering from safetyism as well. All these lockdowns and mandates are akin to chopping off one’s arm in order to avoid being stung by a bee.

        • The media continues to act as though Joe Biden has won the election and that any and all lawsuits launched by the Trump administration have been defeated. Truly amazing.

          Ultimately the ONLY lawsuit that decides how this election turns out will be the one/ones that are presented before the Supreme Court.

          The media is willfully pretending this is not the case. But remember, this is the same media that told us:

          1) President Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election (we know from declassified documents that this was a lie and that the media KNEW it was a lie from 2017 onward).
          *** That is willful deception. Do we need any further evidence that the (local) and national MSM cannot be trusted ever again. That of course includes the unequivocally controlled ADN and KTUU.

          2) The same MSM wants you to believe that activists burning and looting cities in America DO NOT spread COVID-19 but that everyone else is forbidden from attending church or meeting with family and friends because they WILL spread COVID-19.

          Put simply, the media has a clear and apparent agenda here. And they’ve proven REPEATEDLY & CONSISTENTLY they will lie to our faces about everything.

          People who have died with “symptoms” are wrongfully being classified as Covid deaths. No longer debatable.

          Things will be changing soon in a big way when Trump prevails.

          God bless America , our military members and the great State of Alaska.

  3. Is my understanding correct that Dave Stieren will attend the hearing to represent those who believe the vaccine is unneeded?

    • I already believe — no, strike that, know — that the vaccination is not needed FOR ME.
      Will I have the right to chose here, Kayak? Do you think that I should have that right?
      You know, to be “pro-choice”? Or does ‘choice’ only come into play while killing a fetus?

  4. New research says the ‘wuhan’ v vaccine can/will cause irreversible genetic damage. Also, looking at the state of Alaska’s vaccine plan, looks like multiple doses are required. Just like the flu ‘vaccine’ or more so. The state plan seems ready to inoculate Alaskans with unproven, expensive propaganda and submission to leftist rule. The ‘pandemic’ is no pandemic. It is a scam. Johns Hopkins just released their study and it was quickly ‘censored’ by democrats and removed from msm. The J. Hopkins study said that, even with wuhan v ‘fatalities’, the U.S. death rate did not rise, as the scaremongers are claiming. The only thing rising is the amount of BS the leftist control freaks want to impose on Americans/Alaskans, using the “scamdemic” as the ‘super carrier’.

    • I agree Ben.

      The media continues to act as though Joe Biden has won the election and that any and all lawsuits launched by the Trump administration have been defeated. Truly amazing.

      Ultimately the ONLY lawsuit that decides how this election turns out will be the one/ones that are presented before the Supreme Court.

      The media is willfully pretending this is not the case. But remember, this is the same media that told us:

      1) President Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election (we know from declassified documents that this was a lie and that the media KNEW it was a lie from 2017 onward).
      *** That is willful deception. Do we need any further evidence that the (local) and national MSM cannot be trusted ever again. That of course includes the unequivocally controlled ADN and KTUU.

      2) The same MSM wants you to believe that activists burning and looting cities in America DO NOT spread COVID-19 but that everyone else is forbidden from attending church or meeting with family and friends because they WILL spread COVID-19.

      Put simply, the media has a clear and apparent agenda here. And they’ve proven REPEATEDLY & CONSISTENTLY they will lie to our faces about everything.

      People who have died with “symptoms” are wrongfully being classified as Covid deaths. No longer debatable.

      Things will be changing soon in a big way when Trump prevails.

      God bless America , our military members and the great State of Alaska.

  5. “which will help Alaskans decide what’s best for themselves and their families”
    I like the way Mr. Wilson phrased that sentence.
    Medical freedom was protected under the Geneva conventions and should not be infringed upon.

    • “Show me ze vaccination paperz! Schnell!”
      Coming to an airport, concert venue, public building, grocery store, internal checkpoint, etc. very soon.

    • Medical freedom is essential. My concern is how soon will it remain optional until one needs to fly or enter a Building to shop? Once that starts, and it will, that’s tyranny.
      This vaccine is much more different than other vaccinations and the public need to be totally aware of what they are consenting to. You can’t undo the jab.

      • I will never, EVER take this experimental and unproven vaccine! Most if not almost all mRNA vaccines proved to have disastrous and long-term side effects in both animal and human trials in the past, particularly triggering various forms of autoimmune reactions. Now they want and expect us to blindly believe that THIS one is safe? Never! I will go live in the woods before I ever take this experimental vaccine!

        • It’s kind of ironic that you and others won’t take an experimental vaccine but you are apparently perfectly fine with catching a brand new virus with unknown long term effects.
          For myself, I won’t be taking an unproven vaccine for the same reason I don’t want to catch covid.

          • You posit a fallacious and strawman argument, Steve-O, in assuming or claiming that I or anyone else would be “fine with catching a brand new virus with unknown long term effects”.

            For one thing, this virus is NOT ‘brand new’, in the sense that it is just another in a very long line of coronaviruses that have afflicted mankind probably since he came down from the trees.
            Second, there is no evidence, none at all, of any significant degree of longterm effects from this virus. Yes, there have been some such case, as there are for almost any disease. But the significant risks of long-term effects from an mRNA vaccine ARE documented and well known. So if I had to choose, I would indeed chose the virus. However, I don’t recall any viruses in the past ever asking me to “choose” to be infected by them or not, so the matter is academic anyway.

  6. World Freedom Alliance-My body, my choice. Vaccines must be safe. Vaccines should not be more dangerous than the disease. Why take a risky vaccine when COVID has a 99.7% recovery rate. Where is the science?

    • Let’s not confuse mortality with recovery, and even a 99.7% mortality rate of confirmed cases is a bit high at this point.

  7. I hope I am not the only one who will NOT take this vaccine, even if the control freaks in Juneau (and Washington) scribble out a mandate. Those narcissistic people, and We the People (!), need to remember that they have no actual power. They are our EMPLOYEES, not our rulers, not our ‘leaders’. I need no leader, and I’m not owned. I will not take that, or any other, vaccine!

  8. I think all those afraid people that are buying into all the BS should be the ones that get the vaccine, then they will be protected and leave me the hell alone. The action the government should have made is to tell everyone that is afraid to stay home and let the rest of us live our lives. Killing businesses is doing nothing to contain a virus.

  9. Great picture of the legislative candidate who was the pick of about 1 out of 5 people in his district, and ended up winning the seat.

    Thanks to prop 2 and a corrupt process-This is the new normal.

  10. I’m afraid of the impending SCREAMING arguments with my wife concerning our two children when the vaccine comes out….

  11. Just know this the vaccine contains animal RNA they are going to splice into your DNA, and Pfizer was just given a congressional waiver so they are 100% not directly accountable for “ANY” and all side effects related to the vaccine, think about that when you inject your child. Hydroxychloroquine 100% effective with no side effects and they refuse to use it because there is no money in it for the big pharmaceutical giants that bought off the politicians!!!

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